WMSCOG members is welcomed to deny this.

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  • #6966

    Any members of wmscog is welcomed to deny any of this, if you are a member and still dont know about this, go ask your branch jibsanim 

    1. The end of the world would come in the form of a atomic bomb.

    ** im soooooo in lost of words about this

    2.  If you dont pay your tithes then omoni will curse you since you wont return what hers and bad things will happens to you.

    ** the basic of EVERYTHING is this, this is all mwscog is all about behind all that "faith" charade. 

    3.  having a loved one is bad for faith, omoni says its the form of idol worship.

    ** the truth is wmscog knows that love and loved ones CAN bring back some sense to the person brainwashed by them.

    4. You are always "suggested" that you cant pray in (or even mention) the name of Jesus, Since jesus already changed his name into anh sang hong and in the old days  people pray in the name of jehova but after jesus comes people pray in the name of jesus, so now anh sang hong have comes (and go) you should also only pray ONLY in the name of anh sang hong and the teaching of jesus is already passed and not useable anymore.

    ** this is how wmscog will alienate you away from other people, this is actually a brainwashing step, logically if ASH is jesus how come jesus now told people not to recite the lords prayer which supposedly being teached to people BY HIMSELF?? 

  • #48002


    only if the gospel exists yet



    Simon wrote:

    rejected God not the gospel

    I understood what you meant.  🙂

    But who gets the second chance to accept after death, according to the wmscog?

    (Or maybe we should say third chance?  1st chance in heaven, 2nd chance on earth, 3rd chance after death?)



    umm those who never had the opportunity (like if you ignore knocking on the door too bad so sad you had an opportunity) to hear or those who never heard depending on the day you ask them.



    This comment was originally posted in response to "The Church That Celebrates the Birth of Christ is Heretic"–Chief Pastor Joo Cheol Kim on 2/27/13.


    fromphil says:


    this year, the birth of Christ Ahnsahnghong, was last January. we use the sacred calendar, unfortunately, there was a time it came the exact date as Christmas. those who celebrate december25 as Jesus’s birth on these days, they don’t know what it stands for. but in history, it was celebrated for the birth of the “invincible Sun”. even before Jesus’s was born. the cross too, if you study history, it was a sign of Tammuz, it originated in babylon. used by Chaldeans, Persians, Semirians, Egyptians and other ancient people, even before the birth of Christ. it is Pagan worshipping.



    i have to agree on this one point but an occasional bad argument doesn’t invalidate the entire thing. unless the one arguing is claiming to be God

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