Chapter 36: Elijah Will Be Sent – Why Was It 🗑️ Deleted?

By LearningLark -, CC BY 2.0,

The World Mission Society Church of God deleted three chapters from The Mystery of God and the Spring of the Water of Life (1980), written by Ahn Sahng Hong, a man the WMSCOG’s claims was God (All 3 chapters are available here). In this article we will examine the likely reasons why the WMSCOG chose to delete Chapter 36: Elijah Will Be Sent.

Who was Elijah according to the WMSCOG?

According to the WMSCOG, Ahn Sahng Hong came as Elijah’s to testify about Zahng Gil Jah being “god the mother.” There is no proof of this claim, except for a few written notes from the preface of a book alleged to have been written by Ahn Sahng Hong, that the WMSCOG does not make available for even their members to read.

What was Elijah’s mission according to Ahn Sahng Hong?

However, the last prophet Elijah was the one to convey the last truth of preparing the way for the Second Coming of Jesus. – Chapter 36: Elijah Will Be Sent

Ahn Sahng Hong

According to Ahn Sahng Hong, the last Elijah was to prepare the way for the Second Coming of Jesus, not a “god the mother.” In fact, there is no mention of a female god anywhere in the above referenced book, though Ahn Sahng Hong did write a book denouncing the idea of a “mother god” in 1983.

Was Ahn Sahng Hong Elijah, the Second Coming of Jesus or Both?

The World Mission Society Church of God teaches that Ahn Sahng Hong was Elijah and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Yet, Ahn Sahng Hong wrote that Elijah was to prepare the way for the Second Coming of Jesus, so could he be both? Would God need to return to prepare the way for Himself? The concept of God preparing the way for Himself would nullify the purpose of John the Baptist preparing the way for Jesus at His first coming.

Therefore, when the day of the Second Coming of Jesus nears, He will first send Elijah the Prophet and who would testify fully as if one is seeing the First Coming of Jesus, and He will thereafter return. – Chapter 36: Elijah Will Be Sent

Ahn Sahng Hong

Ahn Sahng Hong very clearly wrote that Elijah would be sent first to testify about the Second Coming of Jesus, and not until after, would Jesus return. Therefore, if Ahn Sahng Hong was Elijah, then who was Jesus that came after? In the alternative, if Ahn Sahng Hong was the Second Coming of Jesus, then who was Elijah that prepared the way for him?

Because the first, actual Elijah had ascended when he was alive (2 Kings 2:11), the last Elijah’s mission is to transform and ascend while he is alive. The last Elijah’s mission is to transform and ascend along with the live 144,000 saints. – Chapter 36: Elijah Will Be Sent

Ahn Sahng Hong

Even if you were to believe that Ahn Sahng Hong was Elijah and Jesus, the last mission that Ahn Sahng Hong wrote about did not materialize. According to Ahn Sahng Hong, Elijah is to transform and ascend while alive, meaning that the last Elijah is not supposed to die. Despite this, Ahn Sahng Hong died in 1985 of a stroke and is buried alongside his real wife Hwang Won Soon.

Ahn Sahng Hong also wrote that Elijah is to transform and ascend alive along with the 144,000 saints. Ahn Sahng Hong did not ascend with 144,000 saints, and remains buried six feet underground in South Korea. In contradiction, The World Mission Society Church of God teaches that Zahng Gil Jah will not die and she will ascend with the 144,000 saints when the world ends. We will have to wait and see if that happens.

Why would “God” cite an SDA “prophetess” as a source for credibility?

Ellen G. White had also written about the last Elijah as follows: “Elijah was the symbol of saints who would be alive at the time of the return of Christ.” (God of Prophecy P•K227) – Chapter 36: Elijah Will Be Sent

Ahn Sahng Hong

Ahn Sahng Hong relies on writings by Ellen G. White, considered a prophetess by the Seventh Day Adventist Church, in order to support his exhortation on the matter of Elijah. Jesus, or God, would not need to rely on the writings of a so-called “prophetess” to support the claim that Elijah would be alive at the time of Jesus’ return.

Did Ahn Sahng Hong believe he was living in the end times?

What does the history at that time of John the Baptist tell us today? The past is not all gone, but the fulfillment of the prophecy of the past now lies before us. All that history must manifest today, the end of mankind. – Chapter 36: Elijah Will Be Sent

Ahn Sahng Hong

It has been documented by a South Korean Court and elsewhere, that Ahn Sahng Hong made numerous false doomsday predictions. This is supported by his writings not only in Chapter 36 of the above referenced book, but in Chapter 1 as well (more on Chapter 1 and why it was deleted coming soon). It is obvious that Ahn Sahng Hong believed that the end of the world was imminent when he wrote his book in 1980, but it has been 40 years since then and the world has not ended.

But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name that I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that same prophet shall die.’ And if you say in your heart, ‘How may we know the word that the Lord has not spoken?’— when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously. You need not be afraid of him.

Deuteronomy 18:20-22

The final Elijah would come to an end by finding and testifying all the truth that had been trampled during the dark ages. That Elijah (God Jehovah), as the final judge, along with the 144,000 saints will be transformed into angels and ascended. Malachi the prophet said that Elijah the prophet will be sent last. – Chapter 36: Elijah Will Be Sent

Ahn Sahng Hong

When discussing the last Elijah, Ahn Sahng Hong describes events referenced in Revelation 7 that ultimately did not take place. If you are to believe that Ahn Sahng Hong was God and Elijah, then Ahn Sahng Hong should have ascended alive along with the 144,000 saints instead of dying in 1985.

Ahn Sahng Hong’s Grave

What is the meaning of the name Elijah according to Ahn Sahng Hong?

When the name “Elijah” is translated, it means “Jehovah is my God”…Thereby, “Eli” means “God” and “Jah” has its root in Hebrew “Yahweh” – that is, Jehovah.
It symbolizes God in flesh and blood. – Chapter 36: Elijah Will Be Sent

Ahn Sahng Hong

Elijah, from the Hebrew name אֱלִיָּהוּ (‘Eliyyahu) meaning “my God is YAHWEH“, is derived from the elements אֵל (‘el) and יָה (yah), both referring to the Hebrew God. Ahn Sahng Hong’s claim that this translation ultimately “symbolizes God in flesh and blood” is a non sequitur and grossly misleading. There is nothing in the translation to suggest that the name Elijah has anything to do with God’s flesh and blood.

On the other hand, it is reasonable to conclude that Jesus represented God’s (Jehovah) flesh and blood because he was God’s Son who was born in the flesh, not because of the simple translation of a name. (Jesus’ Hebrew name was Yeshua. The Hebrew name Yeshua, which is based on the Semitic root y-š-ʕ (Hebrew: ישע‎), means “to deliver” or “to rescue.”)

Elijah AND Melchizedek without genealogy?

Historically, Elijah does not have a father, mother, genealogy, beginning of days, nor end of life then ascends to heaven; similar to the ancient Melchizedek…Elijah’s situation is similar to the one of Melchizedek’s. Most of the people recorded in the
Bible have their parents’ names or genealogy identified, but Elijah and Melchizedek’s parental names, genealogy, and their day of their beginning and end are not identified.
The final Elijah would come to an end by finding and testifying all the truth that had been trampled during the dark ages. That Elijah (God Jehovah), as the final judge, along with the 144,000 saints will be transformed into angels and ascended. Malachi the prophet said that Elijah the prophet will be sent last. – Chapter 36: Elijah Will Be Sent

Ahn Sahng Hong

In the above quote, which are the last lines of Chapter 36, Ahn Sahng Hong seems to suggest that Elijah would come as a prophet to reveal God in the flesh, the Second Coming of Jesus specifically. Instead, the World Mission Society Church of God teaches that Ahn Sahng Hong was Elijah but does not emphasize that Elijah was also without genealogy. The WMSCOG chooses to teach that Ahn Sahng Hong “fulfilled the prophecy of Melchizedek,” because Ahn Sahng Hong draws a clear connection between Melchizedek and Jesus in Chapter 17 of the redacted version of The Mystery of God and the Spring of the Water of Life (Hebrews 5:8-10). Ahn Sahng Hong also implies a connection between Melchizedek, Jesus and the Old Testament law of tithing (citing Genesis 14:20). This serves to reinforce the WMSCOG’s claim that tithing is required for salvation. It is also important to note that tithing is a measure of faith and is required in order to move up within the organization.

Was Ahn Sahng Hong Elijah, Melchizedek, Jesus and Jehovah?

It would appear that Ahn Sahng Hong suggests a connection between Elijah, Melchizedek, Jesus and Jehovah throughout his book. But there are important points to consider here:

  1. Ahn Sahng Hong believed that the last Elijah was to prepare the way for the Second Coming of Jesus;
  2. If Ahn Sahng Hong was Elijah, he did not fulfill his own prophecy about Elijah ascending and transforming alive along with the 144,000 saints;
  3. The world did not end during Ahn Sahng Hong’s lifetime, as he believed it would; and most importantly
  4. Ahn Sahng Hong did not claim that Elijah was to prepare the way for a “mother god.” Ahn Sahng Hong rejected Um Soo In’s claim that he was Isaac (and therefore Jesus). Ahn Sahng Hong also rejected the idea that the New Jerusalem in Galations 4:26 represented “a mother god” because that would mean that Isaac, or Jesus, would be married to his mother.

Therefore, not only are Ahn Sahng Hongs teachings unreliable because his predictions did not come true, taken within the context of his other books, the idea that Ahn Sahng Hong in any way believed in a “god the mother” simply does not fit. If this deleted chapter supported the World Mission Society Church of God’s argument that Ahn Sahng Hong prepared the way for Zahng Gil Jah, why did they delete it from his book?

Why does the WMSCOG hide this chapter from its members?

Chapter 36 of Ahn Sahng Hong’s book would have cause major problems for the World Mission Society Church of God if they had not deleted it from future editions. This chapter would expose the following key contradictions:

Ahn Sahng HongThe WMSCOG
The last Elijah’s mission was to prepare the way for the Second Coming of Jesus.Elijah’s mission was to prepare the way for Zahng Gil Jah and reveal her as “god the mother.”
Elijah was to come before the Second Coming of Jesus.Ahn Sahng Hong was Elijah and the Second Coming of Jesus.
The last Elijah will not die.Ahn Sahng Hong was Elijah. Ahn Sahng Hong died but Zahng Gil Jah will not die.
Elijah will ascend and transform alive, along with the 144,000 saints.Zahng Gil Jah will ascend along with 144,000 saints who she will save from the last disaster.

The amount of discrepancies between Ahn Sahng Hong’s teachings and the teachings of the World Mission Society Church of God, continue to increase exponentially as we discover more of Ahn Sahng Hong’s original books. The amount of control that the WMSCOG must have over members who become aware of their numerous lies by omission, but do not decide to leave this cult immediately, is incomprehensible.

Chapter 36: Elijah Will Be Sent, by Ahn Sahng Hong


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  1. John says

    Soo, you’re saying even Ahnsahnghong didn’t fulfill his own requirements of Elijah (technically Ahnsahnghong said it…)

  2. Josh says

    This group will surely get exposed,not only have they butcher the holy scriptures but this propaganda movement is leading many separated from the most high,what a shame, just like the jehova false witnesses, if you have to fill out all this information like a job interview you better run and run far away…red flag 🚩 at its finest

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