WMSCOG members is welcomed to deny this.

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  • #6966

    Any members of wmscog is welcomed to deny any of this, if you are a member and still dont know about this, go ask your branch jibsanim 

    1. The end of the world would come in the form of a atomic bomb.

    ** im soooooo in lost of words about this

    2.  If you dont pay your tithes then omoni will curse you since you wont return what hers and bad things will happens to you.

    ** the basic of EVERYTHING is this, this is all mwscog is all about behind all that "faith" charade. 

    3.  having a loved one is bad for faith, omoni says its the form of idol worship.

    ** the truth is wmscog knows that love and loved ones CAN bring back some sense to the person brainwashed by them.

    4. You are always "suggested" that you cant pray in (or even mention) the name of Jesus, Since jesus already changed his name into anh sang hong and in the old days  people pray in the name of jehova but after jesus comes people pray in the name of jesus, so now anh sang hong have comes (and go) you should also only pray ONLY in the name of anh sang hong and the teaching of jesus is already passed and not useable anymore.

    ** this is how wmscog will alienate you away from other people, this is actually a brainwashing step, logically if ASH is jesus how come jesus now told people not to recite the lords prayer which supposedly being teached to people BY HIMSELF?? 

  • #47962


    @Simon I understand that certain Holidays fall on certain dates, but if someone is born on the 25th, the 25th day of whatever month you would celebrate their birthday. The date would never change. The day of the week may change ex. Mon. Tues. Wed. but it would still be the 25th. A birthday is not like ex. Thanksgiving celebrated on the fourth Thursday of Nov. in this situation yes the date would change.



    Prtyeyes, it's because Korea has a traditional lunar calendar which is different from our Gregorian calendar.  Think of Chinese New Year–it follows the same lunar calendar, and each year when it's 'translated' to our Gregorian calendar it falls on a different date.  You can also think of how the new moon (which is the first day of the month on the lunar calendar) falls on a different day each month.  I've got some links to calendars and converters in my article about Ahn's birthday: http://encountering-ahnsahnghong.blogspot.com/2011/12/ahnsahnghongs-birthday-baptism-and.html



    Thanks Genny for the clarification. I read that Koreans adopted the Gregorian calendar so I thought other than their traditional holidays, that they used the Gregorian calendar for birthdays.



    You're right, they did switch to the Gregorian calendar, but I hear they still like the traditional calendar for special days like birthdays.



    I believe it’s 1 day 12 month of their traditional lunar calendar



    Hal wrote:

    Physical birthdays are a horrible thing according to WMSCOG doctrine.

     Hal, don't doubt you but I was wondering if you might site specifically [for our fans] what doctrine you are referring to.  Thank you.



    physical birthday is bad since they think its the time where that person started his or her conviction times



    was never told that


    Love'n Honey

    Physical birthdays are how you choose to view them. I looked at it as a second chance from god because he could have put us to death right away. That’s always how I preached about why we’re here. Because god wants us to go home a changed spirit.



    the concept is like this, almost everybody probably knows how wmscog doctrine about the origiu of us, we started out as angels, decieved by the east star also known as the devil, we go against the god father and mother, failed and thrown to earth as our punishment.

    so birth day is like the start of your punishment on earth, the spiritual jail.



    Love'n Honey

    Or you can view it as the start of your repentance. The punishment for our sin in death. We are on death row. People do time in jail and then get out. That’s not what the cog teaches. They teach that we are on death row basically living just to die. But because we have a loving god, he will spare our lives as long as we change.

    You can view life as a punishment or as a second chance or as both.





    Love'n Honey

    Were you drooling?



    renita.payno wrote:

    Or you can view it as the start of your repentance. The punishment for our sin in death. We are on death row. People do time in jail and then get out. That's not what the cog teaches. They teach that we are on death row basically living just to die. But because we have a loving god, he will spare our lives as long as we change.

    You can view life as a punishment or as a second chance or as both.

    My problem with living like "the life you were given is a punishment" is that it would seriously demotivate people, I would not want to walk around feeling like I need to constantly repent for my sins (that I don't even consiously know I commited).  That concept does not make me want to live my life because I'd feel too distracted by constantly repenting.  Also, I believe that when a child is born, that life given is a gift… Seeing it as punishment because we all eventually die is very morbid, in my opinion.



    thats how they "planted" the feeling of need in you, the need for you to grasp mama zhang since she is the only way out

    but like so many things, even salvations is not free 🙂



    I was always given the impression it is the start of Parole/Probation not the start of punishment.


    Cephas' Brother

    I can't believe this is even a thing. Perhaps I should consider Judaism, because I feel the concept of original sin just isn't a very godly thing for a god to do. I'm circumcised already, so that's taken care of. What else does it take to convert? As far as the "angels kicked out of heaven" thing goes, WMSCOG says we tried to kill god, correct? What's the scripture they use to support this? Does it talk about humans, or angels specifically? What does scripture say happened to the offenders afterwards? 


    Love'n Honey

    I’ve never bowed or prayed to a picture of mother. I’ve also never seen someone else do it. But I did question why having a picture of mother wasn’t considered idolatry. Isn’t that in volation of the 2nd commandment?


    Love'n Honey

    Not even as far worshipping. The cog teaches that simply having anything that is an image of god is considered idolatry. All of these things came to my mind when I transfered to seattle zion. I wonder why all these became so apparent there..



    Hal wrote:

     They do have a teaching of why they do not celebrate physical birthdays. This is the way it was taught to me. At the time of conception, G-d places you under arrest (so to speak). While the child is in the womb, G-d is having a trial and judgement which ends in birth. If you're found guilty, then you are born and your time on earth is the prison, so why would you want to be celebrating your aniversary in jail.

    Either this is new or another thing that varies between locations.  My sister has not had any problem celebrating birthdays, but I expected her to object because of supposed pagan roots.

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