This article was submitted by a former deacon of the WMSCOG.
The World Mission Society Church of God claims that the truth of the early church has been lost and needs to be restored in the last days through their church. The WMSCOG defends their theory in a study called Weeds and Wheat. The WMSCOG claims that the parable discussed in this sermon provides a way to “distinguish the true church from false churches” (Sermon Preaching III, page 43).
24 Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. 25 But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. 26 When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.
27 “The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’
28 “‘An enemy did this,’ he replied.
“The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’
29 “‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’”
According to the above verses, weeds were planted by an enemy to harm the work of the farmer. In the Weeds and Wheat study, the WMSCOG teaches that weeds look like wheat, and not even the farm workers can distinguish between them. The WMSCOG also claims that weeds have strong vitality and will spread throughout the field. In the above passages, the farmer ultimately wants to keep the wheat not the weeds, but will allow the weeds to remain until the harvest when the weeds will be burned and the wheat brought to the barn. The WMSCOG then proceeds to show Jesus’ words about the parable:
36 Then he left the crowd and went into the house. His disciples came to him and said, “Explain to us the parable of the weeds in the field.”
37 He answered, “The one who sowed the good seed is the Son of Man.
38 The field is the world, and the good seed stands for the people of the kingdom. The weeds are the people of the evil one, 39 and the enemy who sows them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels.40 “As the weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of the age. 41 The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil. 42 They will throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
They then reference the NASB version to show that “doing evil” in verse 41 is translated as “lawlessness.”
By referencing another translation that is more conducive to their doctrine, the WMSCOG argues that weeds represent the churches that disobey the “law.” The WMSCOG then claims that since they follow the “law” they are the wheat, and therefore are the only way by which to gain entry into the heavenly barn. The WMSCOG goes as far as to say that “[t]hose who practice lawlessness will never enter the kingdom of heaven” (Sermon Preaching III, page 44, emphasis added) – which they argue is only defined by the laws that the WMSCOG regulates.
The problem with the WMSCOGs interpretation is that this parable contradicts their story. In addition to the sermon referenced in this article, the WMSCOG claims that the early Christian laws were lost for 1,600 years in sermons such as True Meaning of the Passover and God Who Built Zion.
In the parable of the weeds and wheat, was there ever a time when the wheat was removed? From the moment the farmer (Jesus) sowed the wheat (the true believers), they were never uprooted – they were constantly there. The wheat was sown first and existed in the field (the world) the entire time. Has the “truth” of the WMSCOG existed from the time of Jesus until the end of the harvest (end of the age)? No. The WMSCOGs message is one that appeared later on, meaning it is a weed, not wheat.
In order for the WMSCOGs version of early church history to be true, the parable would have to read that the enemy uprooted and removed the wheat (the true believers), replaced it with weeds (those who do evil or practice lawlessness), making it necessary for the farmer to return and replant the wheat (the true believers) just before the time of the harvest (the last days).
In fact, the story of the “lost truth” that only a small group will receive is a popular cult teaching and goes against the words of Jesus.
And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.
According to Jesus, the church He established through Peter will NOT be overcome. Yet the WMSCOG claims that Jesus’ statement was wrong because the church was overcome by Satan until Ahn Sahng Hong said we should keep the Passover, years after Armstrong proclaimed that message (see left, Sermon Preaching II, page 37).
to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
Here it is proclaimed that there will be glory in the church for all generations. How could this happen if there was no truth in the churches for 1,600 years (many generations)? The above verse says “for ever and ever” – not “for ever and ever except for that period of time when there will be no glory in the church, until the glory is restored at a later time.”
Also –
6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
7 Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end.
He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness; from that time on and forever.
The zeal of the Lord Almightywill accomplish this.
This prophecy about Jesus coming as a type of King David explains that when he comes, he will be our King David from that time (the time of Jesus) on and forever. Again, our King David’s reign never ended, never failed, and therefore will never need to be restored. Jesus will reign on this throne forever.
Ultimately, the World Mission Society Church of God (better titled The Cult of Zhang) wants to have their cake and eat it too, but they can’t have it both ways. The WMSCOG teaches they are the “wheat” church because they follow a blend of new and old testament laws (those that serve the WMSCOGs means and generate profits). In order to believe the WMSCOG’s teaching, you would need to ignore the fact that the bible’s explanation of the church and Jesus’ reign being everlasting and uninterrupted, does not align with the WMSCOGs version of church history. If you are still in the WMSCOG, it is time to leave that “weed” church, because it is not the church that Jesus established.
]]>This article is dedicated to all of those who were taught the world would end in 2012.
In his book The Bridegroom Was A Long Time In Coming, And They All Fell Asleep, Ahn Sahng Hong, the man the World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) claims was the Second Coming of Jesus, predicted the end of the world in 2012. These writings are in line with others that have been removed from WMSCOG books. The Bible tells us that failed predictions are the sign of a false prophet (Deuteronomy 18:21-22) and besides Ahn Sahng Hong contradicting Scripture in numerous places, his 2012 failed prediction is yet another very clear indication that he could not have been Jesus.
The New Covenant Passover Church of God (NCPCOG), the original church founded by Ahn Sahng Hong of which his son is an elder, has made the book, among others, available on their website in Korean. (Incidentally they have another website with pictures of Ahn Sahng Hong with his original church, his family, his handwritten notes that the WMSCOG does not have, etc). We have taken the liberty of providing a translation out of the original book, and the failed 2012 prediction from Chapter 5, below:
[Paragraph 1]
모세가 두 번째 십계명을 받은 때로부터 성막을 건축하였으니 이예언의 실상은 예수께서 하늘 지성소에 두 번째 들어가시던 서기1844년 10월 22일, 즉 성력 7월 10일 대속죄일에 대한 예언입니다.
They built the tabernacle when Moses received the Ten Commandments for the second time, as a prophetic foreshadow of Jesus entering the heavenly Most Holy for the second time on October 22, 1844, which is the Day of Atonement on the 10thday of the 7th month (referring to the Hebrew calendar).
모세가 십계명을 받은 날이 성력 7월 10일인 바 그 후로 성막 짓기시작하여 다음해 정윌 초하루날에 성막을 세우고 법궤를 들여놓고 준공식을 거행하였습니다. (출40장1-17절 참고)
Moses received the Ten Commandments on the 10th day of the 7th month (Biblical/Hebrew calendar) and began to build the tabernacle and on the first day of the following year the ceremony of laying the ark in the tabernacle was held. (Exodus 40:1-17)
[Paragraph 2]
모세가 두 번째 십계명을 받은 것은 예수님께서 두 번째 하늘 지성소에 들어가시는 것의 예언이 됩니다.
Moses receiving the Ten Commandments for the second time is prophesying that Jesus will enter a second time into the heavenly Most Holy.
모세가 성력 7월 10일에 십계명을 받고 성막 건축하기 시작하여 다음해 정월 초일일에 성막 곧회막을 세우고 또 증거궤를 들여놓고 준공식을 거행하였습니다.
Moses received the second Ten Commandments on the 10th day of the 7th month and began to build the tabernacle, and on the first day of the following year the ceremony was held for laying the ark of the testimony in the tabernacle.
십계명을 받은 다음 날부터 성막 건축 시작하여 168일만에 준공식을 거행하였으니 이 예언의 성취가 예수님께서 이루어지게 되었으니, 예수님께서도 서기 1844년 성력 7월 10일 대속죄일에 하늘 지성소에 들어가심으로 그 때부터 하늘 성전을 건축하기 시작하여 168일 즉 168년만에 준공식이 되는 것으로 보여주고 있습니다.
Since the day that the Ten Commandments was received, it took 168 days to build the tabernacle and to hold the ceremony, and as the fulfillment of this prophecy, Jesus also went into the heavenly Most Holy on the 10th day of the 7th month in 1844 which is the Day of Atonement, and since then began to build the heavenly temple for 168 days namely 168 days until the ceremony.
[Paragraph 3]
예언성 1일을 1년으로(겔4장6절, 민14장34절) 해석하게 됩니다.
The prophecy is to be interpreted as 1 day to 1 year (Ezekiel 4:6; Numbers 14:34).
그런고로 예수님이 하늘 지성소에 들어가시던 1844년에서 168년을 합하면 서기 2012년이 마지막 끝날이 되겠습니다.
Therefore, adding 168 years to 1844 when Jesus entered the heavenly Most Holy, 2012 becomes the last day.
[Paragraph 4]
그러나 택하신 자들을 위하여 그 날들을 감하시리라 하신 그 말씀을 생각하지 않을 수 없습니다. (마24장22절)
But you cannot help thinking about the words that the days will be shortened for the sake of the elect. (Matthew 24:22)
그리고 서기 1844년에 대한 문제는 전국에 계시는 성경학자들이 인정하는 안병한 저서 “성경보감” 315페이지에도 기록도어 있고 또 시조사 발행책 “각시대의 대쟁투 하권” 205페이지에도 자세히 기록되어 있습니다.
For the year 1844 issue, it’s specifically recorded on page 315 of “Bible Handbook” authored by Ahn Byung Han who is recognized by other biblical scholars, also on page 205 of “Great conflict of each era II”
[Paragraph 5, top of page 17. Passages translated from NIV version.]
(마24장22절) “그 날들을 감하지 아니할 것이면 모든 육체가 구원을 얻지 못할 것이나 그러나 택하신 자들을 위하여 그 날들을 감하시리라”
(Matthew 24:22) “If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.”
하신 그 말씀의 내용의 뜻은 분명히 정한 날짜가 있다는 것이 분명하고 또는 기록된 바,
By the content of these words’ meaning it is clearly apparent that there is a set date, and as it is written,
[Paragraph 6]
(마25장5-6절) “신랑이 더디 오므로 다 졸며 잘새 밤중에 소리가 나되 보라 신랑이로다 맞으러 나오라”
(Matthew 25:5-6) “The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep.”
하신 그 말씀 중에도 분명히 정한 날짜가 있다는 것이 분명합니다.
in this verse, it is certainly clear that the date is set.
[Paragraph 7]
그래서 그 사실을 해명하기 위하여 위에 기록한 첫 번째 것에 대한 모세의 행적과 그 예언 성취를 해명해 드렸습니다.
So, as recorded above, first, the works of Moses and the fulfillment of the prophecies were explained.
[Paragraph 8]
이제는 그 다음 두 번째 것, 즉 “신랑이 더디 오므로” 하신 이문제를 해명해 드리겠습니다.
Now I will explain the second issue , namely, “the bridegroom was a long time in coming.”
[Paragraph 9]
이 두 번째 것을 해명하기 전에 “하나님의 비밀과 생명수의 샘” 책 7-12페이지에 (’04년도 “하나님의 비밀과 생명수의 샘” 1-6페이지) 기록된 40년의 예언, 서기 1988년이 세상 끝이 될 것이다한 문제를 먼저 연구해 보시고 “신랑이 더디 오므로” 하신 그 말씀이 어느 날짜에서 더디 오신다 라고 하셨는지 연구해 보시기를 바랍니다.
Before I explain the second issue, analyze the prophecy of 40 years and the year 1988 as the last day as recorded in “The mystery of God and the fountain of life” book on pages 7-12 (Pages 1-6 of the 2004 edition of “The mystery of God and the fountain of life”) also study the verse, “the bridegroom was a long time in coming” and the date he will be delayed .
[Paragraph 10]
성경에 예언하신 말씀이 다 정확하게 맞지 않으면 안됩니다.
All of the prophecies in the Bible must fit correctly.
예수 께서 말씀하시기를
Jesus said
[Paragraph 11]
(마24장35절) “천지는 없어지겠으나 내 말은 없어지지 아니하리라” 하셨습니다. 그러면 “허나님의 비밀과 생명수의 샘” 책 7-12페이 지에 (’04년도 “하나님의 비밀과 생명수의 샘” 1-6페이지) 기록한 말씀을 먼저 읽어 보도록 하십시다.
(Matthew 24:35) “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” Let’s first read what’s written on pages 7-12 of “The mystery of God and the fountain of life” (pages 1-6 of the 2004 edition of “The mystery of God and the fountain of life”).
[New section, page 18]
예루살렘 회복과 40년의 예언
Restoration of Jerusalem and the prophesy of 40 years.
Despite multiple failed end of the word predictions, some members of the WMSCOG hold fast to their beliefs. Other members have awoken and realized that these failed predictions and any denials that they were ever made, are indicative of errors that exist within the doctrine, and have decided to free themselves of the spiritual captivity they once experienced.
]]>As 2012 comes to a close and the world does not end, I thought it would be a good time to ask, what is the official teaching of the World Mission Society Church of God concerning the end of the world? I have heard lots of things including:
Whatever it is, it seems the picture is inconsistent across the global organization. Ahn Sahng Hong seems to have written his own prediction about the world ending in 2012 in a book that is available online on the NCPCOG site in Korean here and in the green book. Some long time former members have admitted that they were taught that the world would end in 2012, while other members that recently left the WMSCOG after a short stay deny this (there has been quite a bit of discussion about this in the forum). If anyone knows where an official teaching by the WMSCOG on the end of the world is written down, please let us know.
At any rate, I came across an early edition of the New Song Book from 2001, the official book of songs used at the WMSCOG, and it had a curious title on the front cover. It was titled New Song Book, Only For the 144,000. For those of you who may be unfamiliar with this figure, this is a symbolic number in many religions. In Christianity, it has significance to the destruction of Jerusalem, and to some groups, the end of the world.
You may remember the New Song Book from 2010 where the WMSCOG was found to be singing Catholic and other Sunday worship songs (surprising since they have so much criticism for Sunday-worshiping Christians). By 2010 though, we see that “only for the 144,000” had been removed from the book’s title.
New Song Book 2010
So what does it all mean? It appears that at one time the “New Song Committee” was saying that the New Song book was “only for the 144,000”. This seems to be in line with Ahn Sahng-Hong’s own teachings on the 144,000. Later, I guess it was changed to be for everyone? We have already seen that changes in the official WMSCOG literature are not unheard of, so it would come as no surprise if the teaching on the 144,000 has changed as well. That seems to be the case.
In 1990, WMSCOG General Pastor Joo Cheol Kim, in a book titled, “My Sheep Listen to My Voice” wrote:
Zion is the church where God’s appointed feasts are celebrated. So the 144,000, who will be redeemed from the earth in the last days, must come out of the people who keep the feasts…There are countless people around the world like the sands by the sea. Among them, we have been especially chosen by God and given the promise of entering the heavenly country.
The Bible depicts the saints, who will receive the glory of salvation on this earth in the last days, as the ‘144,000 redeemed from the earth.’
Surely, the 144,000 people, who will receive the glorious salvation, are those who keep the commandments of God.
The statements above clearly communicate that only 144,000 people will receive salvation and go to heaven (just like Ahn Sahng Hong seems to have taught). However, these statements are in stark contrast to statements by Joo Cheol Kim in later writings. In 2009, in a book titled “Mother’s Wish,” Kim writes:
The 144,000 who are redeemed from the earth do not insist on doing things their own way but follow the Lamb wherever he goes…I truly want you children of heaven to preach the good news of salvation to all people around the world and participate in God’s great work of saving all mankind together.
Later in 2010 in a book titled, “Boast About God” Kim writes:
This is a blessing given not only to the 144,000 but also to all who keep the new covenant. The Bible says that there is a great multitude that no one can count and that all people around the world will stream to Zion in order to learn the ways of God…if we stay silent without doing the work, we cannot save the world.
After reading the WMSCOG literature, it appears that the teaching on the 144,000 went from 144,000 chosen from the innumerable “sands of the sea” “who will receive the glory of salvation on this earth in the last days” to 144,000 plus the innumerable “great multitude”. Why has this change occurred? I’m interested to hear what WMSCOG members have to say about this and the 144,000. What were you taught? Comment in the forum or below if you have something you would like to share.
For more info on what Ahn Sahng Hong wrote concerning the 144,000, click here.
Update 2020: It turns out that the WMSCOG deleted three entire chapters from the original version of Ahn Sahng Hong’s book and it turns out that he believed the world would end in 1988.
This article is dedicated to a man whose wife doesn’t live with him because of disagreements over WMSCOG involvement. May she come home soon.
“The Mystery of God and the Spring of the Water of Life,” or better known as “The Green Book”, is a book read in the WMSCOG written by Ahn Sahng Hong, a man they incorrectly claim to be the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Since Ahn Sahng Hong is their false god, this book effectively serves as an addendum to Holy Scripture, much like the Book of Mormon.
So if God writes a book, do you think that book should change over time? It’s reasonable to have minor translation differences between languages, but what if the changes were not simply translation differences? What if they removed certain paragraphs entirely? What if those paragraphs that were removed just happened to testify against what they teach now?
When we compare a 1993 edition of the 1967 Green Book to the Green Book in 2000, we find some curious changes:
What is clear is that Ahn Sahng Hong predicted the end of the world within 40 years in his 1967 writing. This is a 1993 edition of the 1967 book according to the publisher’s information. Ahn Sahng Hong, apparently writing in 1967, even explicitly states that he believes Matthew 24:31-34 refers to the “last one generation”:
[See image gallery at]However, in a copy of the Green Book from 2000 we find Ahn Sahng Hong’s predictions about the end of the world have been removed:
[See image gallery at]It’s interesting to note the parts of the book which were removed were the ones that did not come true.
The world did not end within 40 years of Ahn Sahng Hong’s prophecy, and those prophecies subsequently disappeared from his writings in the Green Book read in the WMSCOG.
Here are the books side by side for comparison, or you can jump to a high-resolution version here (473 KB)
[See image gallery at]View or download the high resolution version here (473 KB)
To those who believe in Ahn Sahng Hong–any explanation is good enough, to those who do not–no explanation is necessary.
]]>Update 2020: It turns out that the WMSCOG deleted three entire chapters from the original version of Ahn Sahng Hong’s book and it turns out that he believed the world would end in 1988.
This article is dedicated to a man whose brother spends hot days out preaching in a suit. May he come home soon.
The “Mystery of God and the Spring of the Water of Life,” or better known as “The Green Book”, is a book read in the WMSCOG written by Ahn Sahng Hong, a man they incorrectly claim to be the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Since Ahn Sahng Hong is their false god, this book effectively serves as an addendum to Holy Scripture, much like the Book of Mormon.
So if God writes a book, do you think that book should change over time? It’s reasonable to have minor translation differences between languages, but what if the changes were not simply translation differences? What if they changed the meaning entirely?
When we compare the Green Book in 1993 to the Green Book in 2010, we find some curious changes.
Just to be clear, Ahn Sahng Hong never claimed anywhere in his writings to be Jesus Christ. Rather, it is the WMSCOG which claims he was the Second Coming of Jesus. Yet, we find that Ahn Sahng Hong in the 1993 version of his book, speaks about the future Second Coming of Jesus:
[See image gallery at]In the 2010 edition though, this language has been altered. The words “future” and “Second” have been removed. It’s curious that these words which seem to go against the WMSCOG’s claim that Ahn Sahng Hong was the Second Coming of Jesus Christ were the ones removed:
[See image gallery at]Ahn Sahng Hong clearly states in 1993 version of the book, that the Second Coming of Jesus will be in the future. This fits in line with the understanding that he believed himself to be the Prophet Elijah heralding in the last days and announcing the imminent return of the Second Coming of Jesus. After all, that’s what his tombstone says. You can see the books side by side below, or if you want to jump to a high resolution version click here (1.1 MB) :
[See image gallery at]View or download the high res version here (1.1 MB)
I love reading books by Joo Cheol Kim, Chief Pastor of the World Mission Society Church of God, and realizing that the statements he uses against other churches also apply to his own. I’m surprised that WMSCOG members can read these contradictions and still remain a member of the organization. If you’re a current member, I would appreciate hearing your comments in the comment section at the bottom of this article.
In a collection of articles reprinted from the March 2009 and April 2011 issues of the Monthly Chosun Magazine by the World Mission Society Church of God, the WMSCOG boasts on the cover (click the thumbnail to the left to enlarge) concerning itself:
1,900 local Churches in over 150 countries, 1,450,000 registered members
That’s interesting because in his book titled, My Sheep Listen to My Voice, Joo Cheol Kim writes:
…it is not Biblical to regard the church that has many members as the true Church. In regard to the number of believers, the Bible tells us that the church with a small number of members is the true Church
That’s right, Mr. Kim just said that. Read that again in case you missed it because at “1,450,000 registered members” (Update 2020: they now claim they have 3 million registered members) it would seem that according to Joo Cheol Kim’s own words, the WMSCOG is too large to be the true Church.
[See image gallery at]Take a look at some of the WMSCOG church buildings here. Some of them are quite…gorgeous. Let’s look at what else Joo Cheol Kim has to say in My Sheep Listen to My Voice:
…false churches are apparently gorgeous and famous in the world, and many people belong to them. However, their end is destruction.
I’d say many WMSCOG buildings are quite “gorgeous”, wouldn’t you?
The WMSCOG has also established many churches around the world according to their church history outlined here. They also show off images of Joo Choel Kim receiving recognition from the UN and Zahng Gil Jah receiving public awards in South Korea. Does that not qualify the WMSCOG as “famous in the world”? How can the WMSCOG hope to save the world if no one knows about them?
In an article titled Mother, the Mystery of the Bible, the official WMSCOG USA site (the previously linked article was removed, click here for the archive) describes recent church growth:
The Nakseom Church in Incheon…The size of this Church site is over 3,306㎡ [4,000yd²], which is very big for a church.
Joo Cheol Kim is also quoted in the article as saying:
Another one is the Church of God in Jecheon, North Chungcheong Province, where the dedication service was held on May 11. Its land area is 2,500㎡ [3,000yd²], and the total space is near 3,000㎡ [3,500yd²], so it is known for its supersize throughout the provinces…There is a certain will of God who has granted you this big and beautiful temple?
Yet in My Sheep Listen to My Voice, regarding the size of the Church Joo Cheol Kim writes:
What was the fate of those who had large and luxurious buildings and received worldly praise? Only the judgement of hell was waiting for them.
Wait a minute. Joo Cheol Kim says that the fate of churches with “large and luxurious buildings” is the “judgement of hell”? What about all of the WMSCOG’s large and luxurious churches like the one he just described, the ones pictured on their official site here, or their headquarters pictured here? (Pretty large and luxurious looking I might add). According to Joo Cheol Kim, wouldn’t the WMSCOG churches suffer the same fate as all of the other “large and luxurious” churches? Is that not a double standard? The fact is, it can’t be reconciled; it’s a contradiction.
If this was any other church, one could chalk it up to an error in preaching. However, we have to keep in mind that the WMSCOG claims to be led by “god in the flesh”, aka the “heavenly mother” Zahng Gil Jah. How can a church, who supposedly has “god in the flesh” leading the organization, allow Joo Cheol Kim to write these errors in their official publications? Why would the “mother god” allow such errors to be made?
I can not help but notice a glaring contradiction after reading the above referenced material and reflecting back on when I was a member. I remember the pastor and various other high ranking members saying that “the Bible can not contradict itself”. While I agree with this statement, I can not ignore the WMSCOG’s assertion to be the only organization that interprets Scripture correctly, claiming that people who do not agree with their interpretations are “using their own minds”, and yet they make statements that are in complete opposition to themselves. So the Bible, being God’s inspired word, can not contradict itself, but the WMSCOG, an organization claiming to be led by “god”, can?
If you’re a current member, I would appreciate reading your thoughts on the above points in the comment section below.
]]>There has been a lot of discussion on this site and in the forum about families that have experienced tremendous loss because of a family member’s involvement in the World Mission Society Church of God. WMSCOG members have of course denied accusations that the organization in any way encourages division among family members, while at the same time justifying the occurrence of such divisions by pointing to Biblical passages. If the WMSCOG claims that they do not encourage members to separate themselves from family that are not members of the organization, then why does it seem like such a prevalent concern among our readers?
In his book titled, My Sheep Listen to My Voice (1990), Joo Cheol Kim writes:
In our life of faith, we are often tempted by the devil. He weakens our faith in the spiritual world, and drags us into ruin and destruction through secular things–materialistic things, honor, parents, children, argument, hate, power, money, love, jealousy, envy, reputation, etc., so that we will not enter the kingdom of heaven. We must overcome such temptations of Satan.
In this statement, Joo Cheol Kim regards parents, children, and love as mere “secular things” and often “temptations of Satan”. While the devil could certainly use anything to tempt anyone, I don’t think lumping these normally good things in alongside sinful qualities such as hate, power, money, jealousy and envy is necessarily responsible without some further clarification. Is Joo Cheol Kim’s list of “temptations of Satan” supported by Scripture? Doesn’t the Bible say to “honor your father and your mother” (Exodus 20:12)? (Of course, that goes with the caveat they’re not asking you to sin)
The Apostle Paul writes a similar list of sinful qualities that should be avoided in his letter to the Romans.
They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.
Notice, Paul does not mention parents and love in the list of evil traits. The difference between what Joo Cheol Kim states and the above verses written by Paul is quite apparent. In a striking contrast to what Joo Cheol Kim writes, Paul says that those who disobey their parents and have no love, are among those that exhibit other evil qualities deserving of death. A similar warning is found in Paul’s second letter to Timothy:
But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good…Have nothing to do with such people.
It can also be noted here that such qualities as disobedience to parents and being without love are equated with conceit, greed, boastfulness, pride, abusiveness, ungratefulness, unholiness, etc. Paul goes as far as to say that one should have nothing to do with such people. It is important to note that the Greek word for love in the above Scriptural excerpts is astorgos meaning natural affection or affection towards family, which further supports that love for one’s family members is important to God. Additional Scriptural support for the importance of obedience to parents and love for family members is found in many verses such as:
Children’s children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children.
Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.
Jesus blessed the children in Matthew 19:13-15. Jesus also said:
Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me.
Some of the Bible passages I have heard WMSCOG members use in order to justify separation from their families are Luke 18:29-30.
“Truly I tell you,” Jesus said to them, “no one who has left home or wife or brothers or sisters or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God will fail to receive many times as much in this age, and in the age to come eternal life.”
The above verse implies leaving the family for a time to follow Jesus, not permanent separation or shunning of family members that do not agree with the WMSCOG doctrine. This is evident in that permanent separation from a spouse for example, would be the equivalent of divorce and would directly contradict verses like Malachi 2:16, 1 Corinthians 7:10-11, Mark 5:32 that clearly oppose divorce and separation. The WMSCOG would be correct in their interpretation to state that one should continue believing in God and being involved in the church regardless of what family members may think, but it is simply adding to the text to say that one must leave family members if they express any resistance. The “leaving” referenced in Luke 18:29-30 is quite literally a matter of a temporary physical journey, such as going on mission trip for one’s church. This interpretation easily reconciles with the rest of Scripture, whereas interpreting the “leaving” as a permanent separation (as my friends in the WMSCOG do) would violate themes of family unity presented elsewhere. This is why the “leaving” cited in Luke can only refer to temporary parting, and not a permanent one.
The Bible is also clear in stating that we have a duty to provide for our family members:
Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
Thus, if a WMSCOG member were to leave their family and cut off all ties, what does that indicate about the WMSCOG member according to the above verse? According to the Bible, the person who separates from his family and fails to provide for them is worse than the unbelieving family member. Again, this lends support to Luke’s reference to leaving one’s family as being only temporary.
I have also heard WMSCOG members point to Matthew 12:50 in order to minimize the importance of ones family. The erroneous interpretation that Jesus refers to the crowd around him as his mother and brothers in order to demonstrate that family is not important would contradict other Scriptural accounts that demonstrate Jesus’ obedience and love for His parents. For example, in John 2:1-11 Jesus fulfills his mother’s request to turn water into wine even though He said was not ready to begin his ministry. Luke 2:41-51 demonstrates that Jesus obeyed His parents in their request for Him to leave the temple with them, even after He said that He “must be about His Father’s business.” Jesus showed love for his mother when He left Mary in the care of a “disciple whom He loved” prior to His crucifixion in John 19:25-27. Why would Jesus do this if he didn’t think his “physical mother” was important? What Jesus is actually doing in Matthew 12:50 is using a literary device known as hyperbole to make a point with His audience. He is not actually advocating that family is unimportant as His actions demonstrate elsewhere.
In a book titled, Cults in Our Midst, Margaret Singer describes a variety of tactics that members of destructive groups use to force relatives and friends into silence about their group. Singer explains that:
…if relatives contact public officials or the media, their family member in the cult is often forbidden to have any further contact with the family…Many groups have reputations for sending members out of the area, out of the state, even out of the country, if relatives inquire about them, seem negative in any way toward the group, or talk with the media, authorities, or researchers.
In a recent forum post we noted a comment from a WMSCOG member named “Nick”, that mirrors what Singer spoke of in her book. “Nick” writes:
“I can see family is very important to you and again I am sorry that your son is no longer with his wife but slandering the WMSCOG on the internet will not improve your situation. Instead, what if your son was to see this? I don’t know your relationship with him but it certainly would not improve your bond with him. This goes out to everyone who reads this as well. Think about why you feel the need to talk behind the church’s and/or loved ones back’s on the internet and the consequences your actions may have. God bless you”
It can hardly be considered “talking behind the church’s and/or loves ones back’s” [sic] when the opinions are expressed in a public forum such as the Internet. All have access to this site and have the freedom to read it, despite the WMSCOG advising members not to read critical information about them on the Internet. What “consequences” is “Nick” referring to? Will the WMSCOG bring it to the member’s attention like they did in this former member’s story? Will the WMSCOG encourage the member not to have any contact with family members that are critical of the organization? Will the WMSCOG encourage the member to move to another area to “help start other churches“? It is preposterous for WMSCOG members to call it “slandering” when someone speaks out publicly about their personal true experiences with the WMSCOG and its members. The information is not slander just because members of the WMSCOG find it unfavorable to their group. Are the words “God bless you” at the end meant to distract the reader from what seems to be a veiled threat contained in the message?
Joo Cheol Kim’s claims that parents, children, and love are often “temptations of Satan” without further clarification represent a possible danger for people who might use them to form an erroneous belief that separation from family that does not approve of or agree with the group’s doctrine is somehow supported or even commanded in the Bible. In our own time in the WMSCOG, when members could not make it to services, “the devil” was often labeled as the culprit, when there was actually a legitimate family need (for further examples of this see: “It’s not the devil… It’s my baby” or “What’s More Important, Your Mother or God?”).
If you are a WMSCOG member reading this, I would ask myself what motive an organization would have if it suggested to me to disassociate from my family support system? What motive would an organization have to claim that my support system is a temptation of Satan, when the Bible, read in context, so clearly states otherwise? Could it be that the organization wishes to create a greater sense of dependency on the themselves by replacing my family support system with something else?
Interestingly, cult expert Margaret Singer cites that destructive mind control groups also strive to create a sense of powerlessness and dependency on the organization by stripping members of their support system and their ability to act independently (Cults In Our Midst, p.65-66). This process is further aided if the person is physically tired, which can occur from being overly busy or waking up very early. Once detached from one’s family, even more time can be spent within the organization, causing the cycle to repeat.
While I’m sure everyone’s experience within the WMSCOG is different, I think you will agree that Joo Cheol Kim’s opinion of family and love as expressed in his book My Sheep Listen to My Voice not only contradicts Scripture, but also represent a danger to people who might be confused into thinking that they have Biblical support for separating from their families, when in fact they do not.
For more information on Margaret Singer’s six conditions for thought reform click here.
*The copyright holder of the featured image is unknown. If you are the owner of the image please contact us.
]]>In previous articles, we examined experts Robert J. Lifton and Steven Hassan’s destructive mind control group models, and found characteristics of both models present in our experience at the World Mission Society Church of God. In a book titled, “Twisted Scriptures“ by Mary Alice Chrnalogar (former member of an abusive discipleship group) describes abusive churches often using “Anti-Intellect“ teachings to disorient members. Chrnalogar states:
Members who are convinced that their intellects are evil or all their human perspectives self-centered are forced to rely more on the group’s guidance, because they cannot trust their own thoughts. Accepting this belief leads members to accept the group’s views to a much greater degree. If members cannot trust their own thoughts, then in good conscience they must reject what they are thinking. You can see that this is a clever move because members are more likely to give up their personal convictions, leaving them empty and vulnerable to the group’s and leader’s ideas without it being ‘forced on them’.
Joo Cheol Kim, WMSCOG’s general pastor, makes it clear in his book titled “My Sheep Listen to My Voice” (1990) that using your own mind apparently has pitfalls:
The standard of discerning truth from falsehood is only God and the Bible, not the opinions of men.
Satan blinds the minds of people so that they cannot distinguish the truth from falsehood, and leads them to neglect the holy commandments of God. Satan gives them a spirit of stupor, so that they cannot know how to worship no other gods other than the true God–how to observe the first commandment.
To realize the words of God, we ought to forsake our own thoughts and accept only the words of God in humility.
The above statements have the potential not only to manipulate members into relinquishing common sense and critical thinking, but also serve the purpose of distinguishing WMSCOG members from those that do not accept the WMSCOG doctrine by labeling outsiders as slanderers, “self-centered”, opinionated, false, blinded and given a “spirit of stupor” by Satan. Acceptance and belief of the above statements by members designates the WMSCOG as the ultimate authority over interpretation of the Bible.
Jehovah’s Witnesses consider themselves to be the “infallible interpreters of the Bible” (Watchtower 1930 vol. 2, p.8) and even have their own Bible interpretation called the New World Translation. Do they similarly advise their members not to “use their own thoughts” when reading the Bible?
“First, since “oneness” is to be observed, a mature Christian must be in unity and full harmony with fellow believers as far as faith and knowledge are concerned. He does not advocate or insist on personal opinions or harbor private ideas when it comes to Bible understanding.“ Watchtower 2001 Aug 1 p.14
“From time to time, there have arisen from among the ranks of Jehovah’s people those, who, like the original Satan, have adopted an independent, faultfinding attitude…They say that it is sufficient to read the Bible exclusively, either alone or in small groups at home. But, strangely, through such ‘Bible reading,’ they have reverted right back to the apostate doctrines that commentaries by Christendom’s clergy were teaching …” Watchtower 1981 Aug 15 p.29
The Jehovah’s Witnesses label those that dismiss their doctrine as apostates, opinionated, having private ideas, independent, and faultfinding. It seems that a member of the Jehovah’s Witness doctrine, may also feel compelled to reject their own thoughts and leave it up to the organization to interpret the Scriptures for them. Is this any different from what Joo Cheol Kim teaches with his statements?
The Trinity Foundation, lead by Ole Anthony, is another controversial religious group. Ole Anthony has made statements similar to those made by the Joo Cheol Kim and the Watchtower Society.
“The biggest lie of modern Christianity is the idea of spiritual growth. Any effort on our part to become more like Christ is utter sin – for it is self-effort and God abhors the self. Trying to be a good Christian (reading your Bible, praying more, etc.) by your own self-efforts is pure vanity.”
“I don’t care about your silly schools of thought derived by man. I’m about real truth.”
Ole Anthony labels the thoughts of outsiders of his organization as vain, sinful, silly lies.
According to Lifton’s thought reform model, when a destructive mind control group is successful in convincing members that their own thoughts are bad, evil, or sinful, members are left with no other option but to depend on the group to make all of the decisions for them. This includes Scriptural interpretation and guidance. Members may then be vulnerable and easily mislead. Members can become like putty in the leader’s hands.
If you are a WMSCOG member reading this article, ask yourself why the WMSCOG would need to employ tactics that other cults groups use, to convince you of the truth?
*The photo above is licensed under the Creative Commons license, available here.
]]>The World Mission Society Church of God teaches that Eve is representative of their “mother god” or Zahng Gil Jah despite what their founder Ahn Sahng Hong documented in his books. As discussed in the article titled, “Who Does Ahn Sahng Hong Believe Is The Bride?”, Ahn Sahng Hong’s own writings prove that he believed that the bride represents the church. In Chapter 13 (The First Adam and The Last Adam) of “Visitors From The Angelic World”, Ahn Sahng Hong authors many clues as to whom he believed represents the last Eve. On page 49, Ahn Sahng Hong quotes the apostle Paul as stating:
But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ.
and then quotes John as stating:
The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray…
After quoting the above verses, Ahn Sahng Hong concludes on p. 50:
Eve represents the angels whom Jesus loved.
On p. 51 Ahn Sahng Hong states:
Jesus Christ loved His people as Himself…As Adam loved Eve, so Jesus loves us.
On p. 55 Ahn Sahng Hong writes:
…the saints who are redeemed can be called the last Eve.
In the above quotes Ahn Sahng Hong writes that Eve represents angels, us (people), and saints. According to Ahn Sahng Hong, Eve represents the members of the church and not a “female image of god”, “mother god”, nor “new jerusalem mother”. Despite Ahn Sahng Hong‘s interpretation that Eve represents the church, the WMSCOG teaches that the last Eve is Zahng Gil Jah. It does not make sense that the WMSCOG would teach something contrary to what the person they believed to be “god” wrote in his own books.
]]>I recently started reading a book entitled “Boast About God” by Joo Cheol Kim, World Mission Society Church Of God general pastor. In Chapter 3, The Mission of Watchmen and Signs of the Present Time, Kim explains that frequently occurring natural disasters are signs that the world will be laid waste soon. Kim asserts that the only place people can flee to avoid disasters is the WMSCOG. Kim states that those who fail to realize that we live in the end times “have fallen into a deep sleep spiritually” (p. 29). Kim urges WMSCOG members:
…as watchmen of the truth, let us follow God’s command to save the world by leading all people to Zion where Elohim our Father and Mother dwell, who protect us from disasters through the Passover of the new covenant and give us the blessings of eternal life, so that we can repay Elohim for Their grace.
WMSCOG members are indoctrinated to believe that by recruiting more members they are repaying God’s grace. Is this supported by Scripture? Firstly, the Bible tells us that “grace and truth came through Jesus Christ“ John 1:17 not through a “father and mother”. See also Acts 15:11 “No! We believe it is through the grace of our Lord Jesus that we are saved, just as they are”.
Joo Cheol Kim stated on p. 29 that grace must be repaid by recruitment of additional members to the organization. But the Bible says the exact opposite.
“and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus“. Romans 3:24
“What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us”. 1Corinthians 2:12
“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord“. Romans 6:23
“…let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life”. Revelation 22:17
The Bible clearly tells us that God’s grace is the free gift of eternal life. By definition, a gift does not ever have to be repaid, otherwise it would not be a gift but debt.