New Song Book – Only for the 144,000?
As 2012 comes to a close and the world does not end, I thought it would be a good time to ask, what is the official teaching of the World Mission Society Church of God concerning the end of the world? I have heard lots of things including:
- The world is going to end in 2012 (didn’t happen)
- 2012 is the end of all preaching (although I’m pretty sure that I will see them out preaching this year too)
- The 2012 Passover was supposed to be the last one (didn’t happen)
- The world is going to end in 2018
Whatever it is, it seems the picture is inconsistent across the global organization. Ahn Sahng Hong seems to have written his own prediction about the world ending in 2012 in a book that is available online on the NCPCOG site in Korean here and in the green book. Some long time former members have admitted that they were taught that the world would end in 2012, while other members that recently left the WMSCOG after a short stay deny this (there has been quite a bit of discussion about this in the forum). If anyone knows where an official teaching by the WMSCOG on the end of the world is written down, please let us know.
At any rate, I came across an early edition of the New Song Book from 2001, the official book of songs used at the WMSCOG, and it had a curious title on the front cover. It was titled New Song Book, Only For the 144,000. For those of you who may be unfamiliar with this figure, this is a symbolic number in many religions. In Christianity, it has significance to the destruction of Jerusalem, and to some groups, the end of the world.
New Song Book 2001, Only for the 144,000
You may remember the New Song Book from 2010 where the WMSCOG was found to be singing Catholic and other Sunday worship songs (surprising since they have so much criticism for Sunday-worshiping Christians). By 2010 though, we see that “only for the 144,000” had been removed from the book’s title.
New Song Book 2010
Putting it all together
So what does it all mean? It appears that at one time the “New Song Committee” was saying that the New Song book was “only for the 144,000”. This seems to be in line with Ahn Sahng-Hong’s own teachings on the 144,000. Later, I guess it was changed to be for everyone? We have already seen that changes in the official WMSCOG literature are not unheard of, so it would come as no surprise if the teaching on the 144,000 has changed as well. That seems to be the case.
The Changing Teaching on the 144,000
In 1990, WMSCOG General Pastor Joo Cheol Kim, in a book titled, “My Sheep Listen to My Voice” wrote:
Zion is the church where God’s appointed feasts are celebrated. So the 144,000, who will be redeemed from the earth in the last days, must come out of the people who keep the feasts…There are countless people around the world like the sands by the sea. Among them, we have been especially chosen by God and given the promise of entering the heavenly country.
The Bible depicts the saints, who will receive the glory of salvation on this earth in the last days, as the ‘144,000 redeemed from the earth.’
Surely, the 144,000 people, who will receive the glorious salvation, are those who keep the commandments of God.
The statements above clearly communicate that only 144,000 people will receive salvation and go to heaven (just like Ahn Sahng Hong seems to have taught). However, these statements are in stark contrast to statements by Joo Cheol Kim in later writings. In 2009, in a book titled “Mother’s Wish,” Kim writes:
The 144,000 who are redeemed from the earth do not insist on doing things their own way but follow the Lamb wherever he goes…I truly want you children of heaven to preach the good news of salvation to all people around the world and participate in God’s great work of saving all mankind together.
Later in 2010 in a book titled, “Boast About God” Kim writes:
This is a blessing given not only to the 144,000 but also to all who keep the new covenant. The Bible says that there is a great multitude that no one can count and that all people around the world will stream to Zion in order to learn the ways of God…if we stay silent without doing the work, we cannot save the world.
After reading the WMSCOG literature, it appears that the teaching on the 144,000 went from 144,000 chosen from the innumerable “sands of the sea” “who will receive the glory of salvation on this earth in the last days” to 144,000 plus the innumerable “great multitude”. Why has this change occurred? I’m interested to hear what WMSCOG members have to say about this and the 144,000. What were you taught? Comment in the forum or below if you have something you would like to share.
For more info on what Ahn Sahng Hong wrote concerning the 144,000, click here.
In our zion, we were taught that no one knows who the 144,000 will be, only “god the mother” knows. So it’s like a contest entitled “Who Is The Next 144,000 member?”! So I guess they edited their teachings again, so that they could still accumulate followers. Think of the amount of money they’ll lose from potential members if they stop preaching in 2012! Nope, stopping in gathering “fruits” (money) is not an option from the very beginning.
They say now that they never said 2012 was the end of the word and changed it to we said it was the end of preaching. Now at a minimum, we must hold them to that.
thank you for letting us know. where is this currently being taught? is this the official teaching now?
I am here to set the record straight. I was told by the missionary at my current Zion, that the world could not go past 2012. This was taught to me as prophecy in the year 2010 until 2012. After 2012 passed they had all of us go to a meeting in Chicago Zion, where we were “educated” that Father AhnSahngHong never said the world would end in 2012.
Here is my issue. Father never said it, why did a Deacon, a Deaconess and the Missionary ALL say things over and over throughout those years that “IMPLIED” that the world would end “VERY SOON” as if it could not go past 2012?
I even received a text message from a Deacon in the year 2010 or 2011, that instructed me to go and “prepare” water, food, and other supplies for World War 3!
I only had a flip phone (dumb phone) not a smart phone. so I don’t have a screen shot, but if I can find my old phone, I will definitely take a screen shot to prove the truth that various title holding members, DID teach me a prophecy that the world had end on or before 2012.
Also, the Missionary even preached a SERMON on the Sabbath, around March 2012 (or a 3rd day) in the which he said, in his Korean accent VERBATIM:
“Even if Father comes late and late, do you think He will come December 31?”
I have been having major disagreements with this church for a while now, and was ALMOST given an ultimatum to leave, because I have started to study the Bible for myself now, without just BELIEVING whatever PHILOSOPHY they have INDOCTRINATED me with.
I actually was hoping they were NOT LIARS, but it seems that the TRUTH has come to light whether they or I want it to or not.
What should I do? I know one thing. I should NOT cover up lies. What to do?
they do say the 144,000 are the ones who are preaching and doing the gospel work including full tith. it is used as a motivator to control your actions and commitment to the church. It’s why the members of the wmscog have a competitive demeanor and step all over each other having an inflated notion of self worth.
this makes so much sense as to why my sister who is a member there for about 2 yrs now is so persistent in trying to lure my other family members in getting involved.
I am here to set the record straight. I was told by the missionary at my current Zion, that the world could not go past 2012. This
was taught to me as prophecy in the year 2010 until 2012. After 2012 passed they had all of us go to a meeting in Chicago Zion,
where we were “educated” that Father AhnSahngHong never said the world would end in 2012.
Here is my issue. If Father never said it, why did a Deacon, a Deaconess and the Missionary ALL say things over and over
throughout those years that “IMPLIED” that the world would end “VERY SOON” as if it could not go past 2012?
I even received a text message from a Deacon in the year 2010 or 2011, that instructed me to go and “prepare” water, food, and
other supplies for World War 3!
I only had a flip phone (dumb phone) not a smart phone. so I don’t have a screen shot, but if I can find my old phone, I will
definitely take a screen shot to prove the truth that various title holding members, DID teach me a prophecy that the world had
end on or before 2012.
Also, the Missionary even preached a SERMON on the Sabbath, around March 2012 (or a 3rd day) in the which he said, in his Korean
accent VERBATIM:
“Even if Father comes late and late, do you think He will come December 31?”
I have been having major disagreements with this church for a while now, and was ALMOST given an ultimatum to leave, because I
have started to study the Bible for myself now, without just BELIEVING whatever PHILOSOPHY they have INDOCTRINATED me with.
I actually was hoping they were NOT LIARS, but it seems that the TRUTH has come to light whether they or I want it to or not.
What should I do? I know one thing. I should NOT cover up lies. What to do?
the 144.000 supposed to be the prince and princess that ruled the heaven, while the rest will be just a “commoners” in heaven, thats how the wmscog explain it.
thanks KC. is this being taught in a specific location, or is this the official teaching now?
it is the official teaching for years, at least in asia it is.
They explain the multitude will be the servants of the 144k
it is the official teaching for years, at least in asia it is.
A few days ago my friend who is a member of the wmscog here in Bombay, India, was asked by her husband about the fact that 21st December 2012 has passed and the world still goes on. She told him that wmscog has not said the world will end but 2012 will be the end of preaching.
She was later preparing to go to her church for a teaching so her husband asked her why is she going if the preaching has ended. So she clarified that this preaching will still go on. It is the end of preaching to outsiders. I guess she means evangelization.
2012 is told to be the “completion of the temple” Which means all the 144,000 “mothers children” were found. Also it is said to be the fulfillment of the feast of tabernacles. Moses told the people of Israel, ‘more than enough materials for the temple have been bought, do not bring more’ WMSCOG teaches the materials stand for 144,000. Once all the children are home this is the end of preaching. But im sure they are still recruiting ppl…..
@Donttrustzang … of course more and more people they’re recruiting. money in their pockets never enough so they need to fool more and more people
im a former member here in southeast asia and they teach that the more you get fruit(new members) more blessings to come, and in the video sometimes we watch there is rank in heaven? prince&princess?but for God we are all the same , we are all God’s children 🙂
im a former member of wmscog for 2 months in southeast asia, in the start i know there is something wrong for example every clean up majority of the member is cleaning but the korean pastors
they are watching us taking picture, i hate it
they use us to make their image good .
by the thanks because i find this website its God’s will 🙂
Same was true for me. We had a “clean up” in Washington D.C. in January of 2012. The big problem was that there was nothing to clean up in the area we were assigned to clean. All we did was put on WMSCOG t-shirts and take tons and tons of pictures. It was a turn-off for me, a newly recruited member. This group is only capitalizing on promoting themselves, not in doing good deeds.
LOL, where are all of you getting your information??…[this comment was moved to the forum for further discussion].
Wow! I dind’t know there was this site.
I left WMSCOG because there is so much they are demanding the members to do (a lot of them has to do with giving money). They make it seem like god’s love is very conditional.
Anyway, about this article. Their teaching is that the 144, 000 are the ones who will go to heaven without dying. Like, they will just go to heaven in their “transformed-into-angel” bodies and be princes and princesses there. While the other member who were not “qualified” to be in the 144, 000 will be part of the Great Multitude that was written n\in the Book of Revelation. They will die, then go to heaven as lesser souls.
i love you heavenly father and heavenly mother
@sanzeev … give more more tithe including your jewelries and properties so you qualify for the 144,000. if you don’t have anymore, it’s easy to rob or steal.
Am so thankful to ELOHIM GOD (GOD THE FATHER AND GOD THE MOTHER WHO HAVE ANSWERED ALL THE QUESTIONS I HAD THROUGH WMSCOG, that my former church leaders in Anglican church failed to answer and those who tried gave me their own mind not from the bible.)Brothers and Sisters out there lets believe the prophesies of the bible and not miss the Kingdom of Heaven.The true children will follow the Spirit and the Bride, the saviors of this age. God bless u my brothers and sisters its my prayer Elohim God reopens your spiritual eyes that u may see the Light that has come to the earth.
I am glad you are posting here Bro. Welcome. However, I have it straight from one of your members that the brothers and sisters are NOT to read the Examiningthewmscog site. So why are you making comments directly to your “brothers and sisters” when most are not allowed to read this material? I know that some members, if they are hard core enough, are designated to post here, but the rest are told not to read anything that could be considered critical of the wmscog. Is it because you consider them to be weak of mind? This is an honest question. Could you tell my why they can’t read this site? I read your church’s information. I have even read a sermon Joo Cheol Kim gave, and some publications of Ahnsahnghong and J.C. Kim. Why can’t all of your members look at both sides of the information that is out there? Don’t you trust them?
Scientology leaders also told their members not to read anything critical of Scientology. Many didn’t for years. Then they found out they were being lied to and manipulated. They were devastated. You don’t want to be considered like this, do you?
God bless Mountainmom. am anew member of the wmscog so i got to this and saw what u people write about the wmscog and just felt sorry. i consider every one on earth my brothers and sisters so that is why i addressed you as brothers and sisters. brothers and sisters if the wmscog is not from God, you dont need to worry it will fail but if it is from God you just cant stop it growing and if you continue fighting it you will find your selves fighting against God. the will of God will always be done. I pray to Elohim God to allow me proclaim this good news of the kingdom of heaven from zion(wmscog). may God bless you brothers and sisters once again. we lv u.
Once again, welcome Bro John B. Thank you for giving this information. However, you didn’t answer any questions that I asked. I know that questioning is highly discouraged in the wms. Is that why you don’t know the answers? I hope you will try to do some research. God gave us a mind for a reason.
I am also sorry that what the wms preaches is not true. It would be easier for all of us if it was. It just isn’t. If it was I would definitely join and get all that I care about to do it as well. But I am not because it is simply based on lies, not the Bible. This is unfortunate for all of us, but especially the members. I hope you find the way home to God eventually. God Bless You as well.
the reason that the church tells its members not to visit slandering websites is actually very simple to understand. If you have a brand new member and he or she wants to study and research the material on his or her own time, they are undoubtedly going to run into a slandering site with material that will deceive him or her if they are unlearned and lead them away from the truth.
for example, if you were a brand new Christian and wanted to do research about Jesus. if you type Jesus into Google search, there are literally thousands of websites dedicated to proving that Jesus is the Antichrist and even prove it by backing it up with verses from the Bible. These websites are very convincing especially to a person that is new to Christianity. Jehovah’s Witnesses love these websites.
what many people don’t know, is that all of the slender against the WMSCOG is actually incredibly easy to prove false.
It’s the facts against the WMSCOG that’s impossible for them to prove false!
I agree with Josh here, there is a LOT of information about Jesus being a false Messiah even the antichrist and they do have Bible verses to back them up. But there is a LOT more information using even the same Bible verses confirming that Jesus is the Christ. My point is that the sources are coming from different people with different backgrounds, churches, religions, professions not just one church.
My point once again is that you have to be objective, let’s say you are a doctor and you are saying you are the best or maybe your mother says so as well,( That’s bias) only other people like your patients, coworkers, even doctors that do the same as you can give you an objective perspective of your work. I have heard that The wmscog say that they are the church that grows the most and fastest around the world when I do a Google search about the topic the only websites that back that up are the ones from the wmscog, don’t you find that a little bias.
I do have some question for you brother, what is your definition of slander? Which churches discourage people to look if Jesus is false? can you show how this website is wrong? Please prove us wrong we all want to be able to find God. Thank you for taking the time to write here. GBY
Hi Josh, from what you have said, it seems that you must be a wms member that is considered strong in faith, or you would not be able to look on this site. Have you read the comments under the post on the forum called “Can you relate?” I talk to mothers, fathers, spouses, etc., of members on a very regular basis. I bet I have talked personally to over a hundred people who are either former members or who are non members adversely affected by their loved one being in the World Mission Society Church of God. I wouldn’t just believe anything I read on the internet, but when what I read matches hundreds of stories of people I have met and also mirrors my own experiences in dealing with this, then I believe it. And I do believe that while the people in the group are mostly very good people, they are completely deceived and exploited by a group who has taken away all their former goals in life and replaced them with their own selfish agenda. And their agenda is based on a complete lie.
I am here to set the record straight. I was told by the missionary at my current Zion, that the world could not go past 2012.
This was taught to me as prophecy in the year 2010 until 2012.
After 2012 passed they had all of us go to a meeting in Chicago Zion,
where we were “educated” that Father AhnSahngHong never said the world would end in 2012.
Here is my issue. If Father never said it, WHY did a Deacon, a Deaconess and the Missionary ALL say things over and over
throughout those years that “IMPLIED” that the world would end “VERY SOON” as if it could not go past 2012?
I even received a text message from a Deacon in the year 2010 or 2011, that instructed me to go and “prepare” water, food, and other supplies for World War 3!
I only had a flip phone (dumb phone) not a smart phone. so I don’t have a screen shot, but if I can find my old phone, I will
definitely take a screen shot with my newer phone, to prove the truth that various title holding members, DID teach me a prophecy that the world had
end on OR before 2012.
Also, the Missionary even preached a SERMON on the Sabbath, around March 2012 (or a 3rd day) in the which he said, in his Korean accent VERBATIM:
“Even if Father comes late and late, do you think He will come December 31?”
I have been having major disagreements with this church for a while now, and was ALMOST given an ultimatum to leave, because I have started to study the Bible for myself now, without just BELIEVING whatever PHILOSOPHY they have INDOCTRINATED me with.
I actually was hoping they were NOT LIARS, but it seems that the TRUTH has come to light whether they or I want it to or not.
What should I do? I know one thing. I should NOT cover up lies. What to do?
Sorry, I wanted to post directly to this article, not just reply to someone else.
Also, It was so evident that 2012 was a REAL teaching in this church, that other members from other Zions told me similar stories about buying extra water, food, and supplies to prepare for 2012.
If AhnSahngHong did NOT teach the 2012 end of the world lie, His so-called members / prophets should not have lied to me as well as others.
One brother and I even tried to rationalize the 2012 prophecy in early 2013 by questioning whether Father meant that the world had to end in the actual solar calendar year 2012, or if it could mean the SACRED calendar year 2012 which did not end until March (spring) of 2013!
Obviously, that time is now long past as well.
At the very least, I now doubt whether the things they have taught me about AhnSahngHong are true or not, since I never met him in person. It is sad and wrong!
Lee, I’m glad to see that the real truth is becoming obvious to you. It is far better when a member chooses to leave the WMS instead of being kicked out and told not to return. Point of fact is that you have been abused by this group! It’s understandable that you would have liked for the WMS to be the truth and it is also understandable that you would try to find justification to try and make it so. It is a natural instinct. Please don’t feel bad about it. Now is the time that you need to discover life outside of the lies of the WMS. I would encourage you to put aside all of the books and teachings of the WMS for now. I would also encourage you to go out and buy yourself a new Bible preferably one with multiple translations in it. (Mine has four in one.) Many of the things you have been taught have been mistranslated. Most of the time this happens I have found that the offending group is using the NIV. The NIV is the version that the WMS uses! Find a Bible that will give you a bigger picture of what the Bible means. I hope I have encouraged you in some way. please visit the forum and PM some of the people there as many of them are willing to talk and help if they can.
T.H., Thank you. I agree with you about how groups use the NIV to twist and mistranslate scripture. I was asked (instructed) to get an NIV when I came to WMSCOG, even though I was fluent and comfortable with the KJV Bible.
What hurts the most is that they have removed failed prophecies from their books which they claim were written by God Himself.
How can a true church subtract words from such an important book?
It is not easy separating myself, but I am now studying the Bible without their biased influence.
Thanks again for your advice.
Hi Continuous. So happy you found your way out of the Wms. Enjoy your freedom, and I am also happy you continue to read your Bible without their influence. I want to join T.H. in inviting you to join the forum part of this site. I would like to contact you if possible, even if just to send you a private message.
To Answer this.. Don’t you trust them? Who? You? or WMSCOG? If you and those commenting to ruin other’s reputation. then it’s a BIG YES. How can you tell that they manipulated other person? Does it seem ironic that it’s not the only church that has been established in this world? So, why are you pointing on them? Why can’t they read something like this? As for me, reading something so devastating and negative like this makes me a negative thinker and judgemental as well. I prefer knowing it on my own. Once i set it on my mind then that’s the time that I can tell whether it’s true or not. I was preached by this church as well so I think i understand why they are putting those regulations. For us humans, something new will always gives us a shock to the point that we’re going to doubt whether to accept or not. Once you accept it and find something like this makes one person confused. Especially if you don’t have your own sense of decision. Whether the church is true or not, it’s up to the member’s or other people to tell by themselves not by you and your posts. Remember it’s a Church, in the end only God can tell what is the true one. I repeat ONE. One and Only true Church. Not by a mere sinful human like me and just like you. If they believe in WMSCOG, let them be. If you don’t, just don’t judge. You’re making yourself just like a criticizer of the Early Church. Why are you digging so much? Do you have any grudge on that Church? XD
Lhei, I’m sorry but you really missed on your point here. Why are we focused on them? They are one of the groups that claim to be the only ones with the “truth”. It’s not that God has singled them out like the Children of Israel, no they have done it to themselves. With their Us vs Them mentality they invite this deserved mistrust. Not having a sense of direction doesn’t give a group like this the authority to give you one. it’s not the shock of something different but their insistence that you not research their claims or dispute their teachings that causes the problem. Christianity is something that you can easily research outside of the church and outside of the Bible. Everywhere you search there is evidence for Christianity. This group deserves the criticism they get and the destruction that they bring into peoples lives will keep folks like us fighting against them. Remember, this is NOT a church of the one true God. They have created their own gods and false doctrines to follow. Being a Christian is hard enough but groups like this twisting scriptures and jumping around the Bible looking for verses to support their own conclusions is just plain wrong! No wonder it’s confusing!
They never taught that the world will end in 2012 I was in the church before then
Mí amigo va a esta iglesia y siempre dice que sólo 144 mil pueden cantar las canciones de su himnorio,lo que es gracioso porque cualquier persona que sepa leer partituras puede entonar los cantos además si libro contiene cánticos e himnos luteranos, Bautistas,católicos,metodista y pentecostales