Ahn Sahng Hong’s New Tombstone
This article is dedicated to all of those who thought Ahn Sahng-Hong was married to Zahng Gil-Jah, only to learn he was really married to Hwang Won-Soon.
The World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) claims that their supposed founder Ahn Sahng Hong was “spiritually married” to a woman named Zahng Gil Jah, whom he revealed as “god the mother”. Actually, Ahn Sahng Hong founded the New Covenant Passover Church of God (NCPCOG), and was legally married to a woman named Hwang Won-Soon with whom he had four children.
That is why, after Hwang Won Soon’s death in 2008, she was buried next to Ahn Sahng Hong, and his original tombstone was replaced with the one below:
The first picture, which is the front of the tombstone reads:
선지 엘리야 – Prophet Elijah
안상홍- Ahn Sahng Hong
처– Wife
황원순-Hwang Won Soon
의 묘– Their grave
So the tombstone reads:
Prophet Elijah Ahn Sahng Hong and his wife Hwang Won Soon’s grave
The right side of the tombstone has the dates of their births and deaths.
The tombstone is located at the cemetery: 경남 양산시 상북면 외석리 산8-1번지 석계공원묘원at lot: 5블럭 42열 12번, 13번에.
The Real Tomb of Jesus
Here is the tomb of Jesus, also known as the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, which is visited by millions of Christians from around the world every year:
Yet the tomb of Ahn Sahng Hong, is relegated to a common cemetery, an overgrown grave, and is shared with a woman who is not Zahng Gil Jah.
Where are the great pilgrimages to Ahn Sahng Hong’s tomb by followers of the WMSCOG?
If millions of Christians visit the tomb of Jesus every year, why don’t WMSCOG members visit the tomb of Ahn Sahng Hong? Perhaps it is because they (at least those that read Korean) would see that “the Prophet Elijah” is written on it and not “the Christ”. Or perhaps it is because they would see that he is buried beside his real wife, Hwang Won Soon. Whatever the reason, I find it hard to believe that a man who:
- Contradicted Scripture;
- Never claimed divinity;
- His followers claimed was the prophet Elijah;
- Died of a stroke in a hospital;
- Is now buried next to his legal wife;
is the Second Coming of Jesus and was “spiritually married” to another woman other than his legal wife. Put aside for a moment that Ahn Sang Hong’s end of the world predictions didn’t come true and were removed from his writings, that he said the idea of a “mother god” was delusional, that he completely refutes the same verses that the WMSCOG uses to say that Zahng Gil Jah is “god the mother” and concludes that there is no mother god… At some point you have to stop and ask yourself “how much longer can I ignore what is plain to see”? The WMSCOG’s teachings are part of an ever-evolving story that have been invented to fit a set of facts and that whenever another fact emerges, the story must become ever more convoluted in order to fit the new “truth”.
Does this new tombstone have his children’s names on it as well?
Besides, we must not lose sight of the fact that Jesus’ tomb could not hold him beyond 3 days. He rose from the dead and ascended into heaven.
Poor Ahn is still down there.
Ahn’s old tombstone had the names of his children on it. The WMSCOG for many years taught that Ahn was never married and didn’t have any children. Not they play it off that it is no big deal that Ahn had kids and even try to justify the idea that Ahn had to have kids. Why would Ahn have cheated on Chang/Zahng and had kids with another woman is a question that the WMSCOG refuses to sufficiently answer. Another question is that if Ahn was god why would he come to earth and have sexual relations with one of his children?
Spiritual marriage?. so that may mean no intercourse between their flesh? Foolish lunatic WMSCOG people inventing tons of lies upon lies. Of any simplest question asked, they can never give any straight forward answer which can stand logic and reason and even if it’s so confirmed that their brains are empty, they still pretend to know everything and accordingly every question they can answer. They say, “is it because ASH is dead and that renders him not qualifying as christ?” Well, they add, “Jesus was not accepted before 2000 years ago but only accepted by the people later times” So they reiterate that ASH should also be acknowledge after 2000 years? Ha Ha Ha!!! What kind of thinking is that? Jesus eversince he was born was already accepted by majority of people as he performed lots of miracles with God’s permission. It were only the Pharisees and Saducees who were his enemies.
The church does not claim that ASH and Zhang were ever married. what the church refers to is there is some type of spiritual connection between the 2
Wow, this shows your complete lack of research. You might want to try posting after you discover the truth.
Buddy they never taught that they were physically married I was in over 15 years and I know more than you ever will. But I will say information is different church to church so it is possible they told you that but not in LA
tim, I know you. You’re a good guy overall. In the previous two post of yours you contradicted yourself. 1) The church does not claim that ASH and Zhang were ever married. 2) they never taught that they were physically married.
Sorry for the lack of research comment I know that you have a ton of information about the inner working of this group as well as stories of your own. I’m glad to see you posting here once in a while.
One thing I have found is it does state in the old testament that before the end of days Jesus must return as the prophet Elijah. Its funny cause its in the footnotes in the King James Bible. When you research who Elijah was it describes him well and gives tons of information of his purpose.
@tim!!!! Bulllllll loney!!!!
I remember when I was the studies first it appeared that they were teaching that they both got married.
I reference the heavenly wedding banquet study
1. Took place at a wedding hall
2. Blue and red candles
3 . Dressed in wedding clothing (they show a picture)
I now reference the extra videos (I think it’s either mothers great sacrifice or fathers sacrifice or both)
1. The show Father and Mothrr together preaching to a farmer couple
2. They show how mother had to heat up the house to make it comfortable for members
3. The WMSCOG shows them together in almost every group photo.
Then the WMSCOG back tracks and says they were not in the same zion. That father and Mother were in different cities.
I’d also like to mention that back in 2012 a deacon mentioned “yes, it’s true ahnsahnghong and zahng Gil-jah were not married physically – but spiritually they were. Does that somehow not make them God?”
The point here is that up to 2012 (from what I learned and other members learned is that their teachings with both directly and also indirectly indicating the two were physically married and that they lived together and did not have a family.
Also the point here that I’m making is that I honestly do not care if God had a family or not. Jesus did and I still believe in Jesus. The point I’m trying to make is that the WMSCOG uses such deceptive teaching and recruiting tactics and that’s one of the reasons why I left the church. honestly it’s like a house of mirrors with the WMSCOG. You don’t know what’s real or not.
Is there any prophecy in the bible which indicates that millions of people will go and see Jesus’ tomb? If there is none, why would people do when He came again? Just a thought.
If someone writes somethings about somebody on the internet that shouldn’t be always true, because anyone can now create websites and write any lies about any body <> right? But every one should know majority of this world is fooled and cheated through internet.
is there any other websites like this for other denominations?
Yes. Google it.
Verse quoting is how people got stuck in this predicament…context is everything!!please read and prove and disprove for yourself. Don’t allow someone else to feed you scriptures and take it lock, stock and barrel. Study to show yourselves approved that’s scripture.