The Seige Mentality
I recently came across an article written by a former Jehovah’s Witness where the author describes how the Watchtower Society uses a tactic known as the siege mentality to bond members closer together, demand extreme loyalty and devotion from its followers, and create an almost invincible barrier to opposition. As I read the article, I could not ignore the similarities between what the author described in his experience with the Jehovah’s Witnesses, and the almost identical siege mentality that I observed when I was a member of the World Mission Society Church of God. When I was a member of the WMSCOG, there seemed to a lot of “us vs them” speak. Now, in any church or group, there will undoubtedly be some speech that could qualify as “us vs them”. This is not the type of speech I am referring to. The distinction I want to draw is that in the WMSCOG, there seemed to be such an overwhelming focus on the “them” in “us vs. them” or “outside evil forces”, to the point that everyone outside the group was basically considered to be misled by Satan. This view seemed to be so dominant that I personally felt like I should avoid those outside of the organization, or “worldly people.”
I even remember the focus on the movie 300. After certain WMSCOG events, the pastor would instruct the crowd of members to chant like the soldiers did in the movie before taking group pictures to send to the “heavenly mother,” Zahng Gil Jah. The pastor would even have the “brothers” and “sisters” compete against one another to see which group could chant the loudest.
Let us examine the parts of the siege mentality, also known as the “us vs. them” mentality, discussed by thought reform experts Robert J. Lifton, Margaret Singer, Steve Hassan and others. I thought it would be interesting to list just a couple of quotes directly from WMSCOG literature that demonstrate the siege mentality.
The Common Enemy
Imagine a city under siege. The enemy surrounds the city, determined to attack. The inhabitants of the city join together in order to fight the enemy that unites them. It is clear when reading WMSCOG material, that the common enemy is Satan. Again, on the surface this might seem normal for a church, but the distinction is the intensity of the focus on the devil. For example, the time spent focusing on the devil in WMSCOG Chief Pastor Joo Cheol Kim’s book entitled My Sheep Listen To My Voice is astounding. On page 43 of My Sheep Listen To My Voice, Joo Cheol Kim specifically mentions Satan five times and refers to Satan as “he” an additional seven times. That is a total of twelve times on one page. Think about that for a second. You might be saying to yourself “well, that is probably a chapter on the devil”. However, the book pretty much continues in this fashion for about 200 pages–across multiple chapters. By the end, all you can think about is how Satan is trying to get you. If you do not believe me, try reading the book for yourself (though not recommended because of what it has to say). According to Margaret Singer, pointing to Satan as the surrounding enemy is not uncommon in controversial religious groups. She writes:
…religious cults train members to regard outsiders, even blood relatives, as of Satan and to be avoided at all costs.
(For more direct quotes from Joo Cheol Kim regarding family members being “temptations” of Satan, click here.)
Let us read some quotes by Joo Cheol Kim:
Satan always leads our souls against God. He insists on doctrines against the Bible, and shows off man’s heredity and secular power and tradition, instead of the words of God. For this reason, sincere Christians who follow the word of God are sometimes treated as an abnormal group.
Now, we need to scrutinize various types of vicious and false rumors which Satan spreads to hinder us from keeping the Sabbath…
Satan has deceived all people around the world into misunderstanding Christmas as the birthday of Jesus, so they have come to serve him unknowingly… Christmas is a subtle scheme, which Satan has devised to destroy our souls by turning us away from the way that God has commanded us to follow… Satan prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
In spite of such reports, many people do not discern whether they are worshiping God or the sun god, because they have been deceived by Satan and have become spiritually deaf and blind.
That is not to say that the devil does not exist, or that churches should not talk about him at some point. But, if you start believing everything in the above statements by Joo Cheol Kim, that you might actually begin to feel a sense of paranoia. Look at how he writes that “Satan has deceived all people around the world“, and how those who worship on Sunday have been deceived by Satan. The focus on the devil is disproportionate to the focus on other topics, and everyone who is outside the group seems to be lumped into the category of having been duped by the devil. This is quite a sweeping generalization.
Members are often told that Satan was constantly working to take them away from “the truth”. Concerning paranoia, expert Steven Hassan writes:
Cults instill fear to bind members to the group, to such an extent that members may become paranoid or phobic.
We Are Right; They Are Wrong
The WMSCOG believes that they are the only true church and that no other path, outside of being a member of their organization, leads to salvation. They claim that every other religion is wrong and that everyone outside of the WMSCOG is being used by Satan to destroy members’ faith. There is no in-between. Margaret Singer describes a similar phenomenon:
An us-versus-them orientation is promoted by the all-or-nothing belief system of the group: we are right; they (outsiders, nonmembers) are wrong, evil, unenlightened and so forth.
Here are some of Joo Cheol Kim’s statements that demonstrate the us vs them mentality, in his book My Sheep Listen To My Voice:
We cannot yoke together with those who don’t realize the truth. If we think and act as they do, how can we say that we are the people of the truth? Those who are enlightened must act like the enlightened…The enlightened should remain firm in faith like a rock that does not waver in any situation, just as Jesus is the Rock. If one abandons the truth because of persecution and chooses to follow false teachings, he cannot be said to have faith.
Although this generation substitutes lies for truth, we must restore truth.
Reasons Why We Suffer Hardship and Persecution…Because we are the true people of God…Because we are God’s children…Because we hate falsehood…
If they belong to a different gospel, they must be falsehood and whoever preaches it will be condemned and end up in the fire of hell. We should correctly recognize the lies of Satan.
The arrogance in the above passages can not be ignored. Robert J. Lifton summarizes this phenomenon well when he writes:
Are not men presumptuous to appoint themselves the dispensers of human existence? Surely this is a flagrant expression of what the greek call hubris, of arrogant man making himself God. Yet one underlying assumption makes this arrogance mandatory: the conviction that there is one path to true existence, just one valid mode of being, and that all others are perforce invalid and false.
Only Those That Are With Us Will Be Saved
Members are taught to believe that only members of their church would be protected from disasters and enter the kingdom of heaven. In other words, the only way to be saved was to follow the WMSCOG’s rigid list of requirements (extensive Bible study, recruitment, tithes, labor which they call “blessings”, etc). The only alternative is hell. This may sound extreme, but when everything outside of the church is considered “of Satan”, that really leaves the member with no where to turn. This is the impression given by some of Chief Pastor Joo Cheol Kim in his book My Sheep Listen To My Voice:
Those who reject it [Saturday Sabbath] will be subject to God’s judgment, and those who falsely teach people that they don’t have to keep the Sabbath will never escape the punishment of hell.
Evildoers are those who deny the Sabbath and teach people to keep Sunday by adding it to the word of God.
Satan deceives God’s people into forgetting the Sabbath and breaking it; he tempts them to turn away from God’s words, ‘Keep the Sabbath holy,’ and to profane it, so that they will ignore His majesty and eventually become separated from God…If anyone rejects the life giving laws, he commits an act of choosing the way of eternal death and deserves the fires of hell…Satan the devil tempts people to disobey God’s word.
Now we are fighting a great battle against Satan over the truth…The key to our victory in the spiritual fight is to obey and practice God’s word. If we don’t, we will lose the battle. We must win the battle against Satan. Only after we defeat him, we will be able to receive God’s abundant blessings; as a winner in a war is crowned with the laurel of victory, so we will receive the crown of eternal life when we win the victory over Satan.
When I was a member of the WMSCOG, if approached with the above information, I would probably have chosen to defend the organization over admitting that there was even the slightest chance of error in their doctrine. To do the latter would have created a significant amount of turmoil (or cognitive dissonance). To do so would be to risk one’s salvation. Though it may be difficult for current WMSCOG members to accept, it is evident through their own literature, that the WMSCOG encourages a siege mentality within its membership (everything outside the church is Satan, everything inside is safe, and everything outside is constantly trying to get those inside the group out). Once outside of the group’s influence, the benefits of the siege mentality are clearly seen: members bond together against the common enemy (Satan/everyone outside of the WMSCOG) and followers become more devoted because the group is seen as the protector against evil.
“Look at how he writes that [comment moved to the forum by admin for further discussion]