NJ Court Decision Regarding The World Mission Society Church of God’s Documents

On February 12, 2020, the Court entered an Order in the Colón vs. WMSCOG et al. 6490-16, Colón vs. WMSCOG et al. 3007-13 and Gonzalez vs. WMSCOG 1025-18 cases. The Order addresses thousands of documents, approximately 7000 pages of material including audio recordings, produced in discovery that World Mission Society Church of God NJ argued were privileged and therefore should be withheld from Ms. Colón and barred from dissemination.

Judges Harz and Bishop-Thompson opined:

the WMSNJ’s motion to preclude disclosure of documents pursuant to the Church Autonomy doctrine is denied since the majority of the documents merely set forth references to scripture and the order of the church service.

page 7 of 69.

The Court’s Order and accompanying Decision are available below.


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