WMSCOG vs Christmas Celebration

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  • #7280

    There has been a bit of a debate regarding the celebration of Christmas and it's origin. I have read many post regarding this celebration and it's origin. So now, here is my question, if Christmas is a pagan celebration or the like as some claim, then does that make the worship of a proven false god(s) ok? Here is why that particular debate holds no water compared to wmscog's doctrine and claim:

    1. Christmas is a pagan holiday 

    2. Sunday is sun-god worship

    3. Zahng Gil Jah is god – mother god. who is the bride of God, which makes her a second god aside from God himself. There are no real scripture supporting this idea or belief either except the one given as support by Wmscog Gal. 4:26, of which, by the way, is incorrect. 

    4. Ahnsanghong is the Holy Spirit/God. He left behind earthly children and his tombstone makes reference to that. He came from unbelieving parents originally. So God almighty, of all he could have chosen to be born into, he chose that which he is against. His books and the teaching  of Wmscog have so many inconsistencies and descrepancies – the teaching of Wmscog and the teaching of Ahng are not in accordance. 

    5. Zahng Gil Jah, by the way does not move about the country. When was the last time she came to United States to spread the gospel of her son or her husband. Is she the bride of her husband or son. 

    6. Jesus only made mention of a father and not a mother. 

    Confusion! Confusion! Confusion! How can Christmas or sunday worship be bigger than the above?

    I say that to say in very simple and plain English, If you want to keep at Christmas being a pagan holiday then for crying out loud. Keep your hands clean from sin. All of the above raises eyebrows but tell me, which do you think is really a problem, Christmas? Sunday worship? You got to be kidding me. If this is what Wmscog wants to hold onto, then you sincerely do not understand the God of the universe. To mimic him falsely is a serious sin. 

  • #59334


    Emil that is a  to quoque



    The debate is christmas so if you can't debate logicaly then just admit it, don't change the subject.  Christmas is wrong, and you know the proof, but will not accept it.  That doesn't mean God has to accept it. If chistmas is correct then please explain why we are wrong and Christmas does not have Pagan origins. Instead of attacking me.



    fromtheotherside wrote:

    Sarah stick to the debate.

     Stick to the debate ?  Next Thread over your talking about fuckin' Mountain Climbing and the Thread is about New Videos.  Go figure huh ?



    fromtheotherside wrote:

    Sarah stick to the debate.

    You think I'll start a thread then run from it? I was merely observing comments made between you and Emil. 



    I was just messing with you sarah, so why don't you jump in and tell us your view from an objectional view point



    fromtheotherside wrote:

    The debate is christmas so if you can't debate logicaly then just admit it, don't change the subject.  Christmas is wrong, and you know the proof, but will not accept it.  That doesn't mean God has to accept it. If chistmas is correct then please explain why we are wrong and Christmas does not have Pagan origins. Instead of attacking me.

    You say Christmas is wrong. You say sunday is wrong. All this from an organization that is yet to prove a lot of things. Too many inconsistencis. For once, can your organization be transperant?



    fromtheotherside wrote:

    The debate is christmas so if you can't debate logicaly then just admit it, don't change the subject.  Christmas is wrong, and you know the proof, but will not accept it.  That doesn't mean God has to accept it. If chistmas is correct then please explain why we are wrong and Christmas does not have Pagan origins. Instead of attacking me.

    I already explained that to you. If my friend Jack (whom you conjured up BTW) happens to celebrate his birthday on the same day that Jack the Ripper had his, it does not make him Jack the Ripper. And if I join my friend's celebration, I am not celebrating Jack the Ripper's birthday. Simple logic. Anyone ought to get it.



    fromtheotherside wrote:

    I was just messing with you sarah, so why don't you jump in and tell us your view from an objectional view point

    I doubt you were. I already know you can't stand me but that's cool. I speak what I see happening. I don't make them up, you know. 



    This tu quoque,  and you're intentionaly gainging up on me Sarah, ^^ That's not fair, sarah can you please stick to Christmas. 



    why would you think that? sarah?



    emil wrote:

    fromtheotherside wrote:

    The debate is christmas so if you can't debate logicaly then just admit it, don't change the subject.  Christmas is wrong, and you know the proof, but will not accept it.  That doesn't mean God has to accept it. If chistmas is correct then please explain why we are wrong and Christmas does not have Pagan origins. Instead of attacking me.

    I already explained that to you. If my friend Jack (whom you conjured up BTW) happens to celebrate his birthday on the same day that Jack the Ripper had his, it does not make him Jack the Ripper. And if I join my friend's celebration, I am not celebrating Jack the Ripper's birthday. Simple logic. Anyone ought to get it.

    Problem is does God accept it.  



    Okay then let's take a moment and look at the facts, 

    1. christmas is of pagan origin, and you know this. yes or no?

    2. Even though it is of pagan origin, as long as you are doing it for God its okay. that is your stand point?

    3. doesn't matter if it's not in the bible as long as you do it for God it's okay? yes or no?



    fromtheotherside wrote:

    Emil that is a  to quoque

    Genny happens to use this against you guys and next thing you know it has become part of your extensive vocabulary.

    Point is that I cannot accept that "christmas is wrong" because it happens to be your opinion. That is not reason enough for me. Your reasoning is bad.



    Emil, it is not only my opinion but of many protestants also.  It is not just the Church of God that says this.  But many christians view it as pagan also. 



    Yea I'm such a copy cat! lolz, it's fun debating and turning the tables and such.. Genny teaches me alot of handy tools to use.  



    But Christmas having pagan origin is not my oppinion it's fact!



    fromtheotherside wrote:

    Okay then let's take a moment and look at the facts, 

    1. christmas is of pagan origin, and you know this. yes or no?

    2. Even though it is of pagan origin, as long as you are doing it for God its okay. that is your stand point?

    3. doesn't matter if it's not in the bible as long as you do it for God it's okay? yes or no?

    We only need to take point 1 and if the answer is "No" then the remaining two questions are moot.

    Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus. It may not be important to you because you worship another god. Tell me where in pagan history you have seen "christmas" being celebrated before Jesus came into this world? So Christmas has nothing to do with paganism and their celebrations.

    If your birthday happens to coincide with a past horrific event, should you avoid celebrating your birthday? If your birthday this year is mid-week and your friends cannot attend, so you decide to celebrate it on the weekend which happens to fall on 9/11, would that mean you were celebrating the destrcution of the twin towers?



    fromtheotherside wrote:

    why would you think that? sarah?

    Cause it's "fact." 



    fromtheotherside wrote:

    Emil, it is not only my opinion but of many protestants also.  It is not just the Church of God that says this.  But many christians view it as pagan also. 

    Sad if they believe that. The numbers cannot make a belief a fact. I already told you the logic is faulty. Half the world seems to believe it is OK to kill the unborn child. What do you think?



    renita.payno wrote:

    FTOS, I understand what you mean but I think to be more correct, if you're keeping Sunday as the Sabbath then there's a problem. Every year on the 1st day of the week following the PO there's a Resurrection worship service held which happens to be Sunday. Also, Dec 25th 2011 was celebrated as ASH's birthday which happens to be Christmas day.

    I remember this very well because I was still a member at the time. So what should we call this when Ahang day falls on the same December 25th? Did we celebrate his day on a pagam day or not? This is the point Emil has been trying to get you to see, Ftos. 

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