“Whenever A Woman Makes Assertions In The Church, The Church Will Fall Under The Deception Of The Devil”
The World Mission Society Church of God leadership has argued that the book written by Ahn Sahng Hong about Um Soo In in 1983, does not apply to Zahng Gil Jah. But an in depth look of Ahn Sahng Hong’s book easily proves otherwise. The WMSCOG specifically focuses on certain parts of the Preface of Ahn Sahng Hong’s book, but nothing else. The WMSCOG claims that Ahn Sahng Hong wrote the book about Um Soo In “briefly” and that the book was a temporary measure that does not apply to Zahng Gil Jah. Yet the word briefly does not even appear in the Preface of Problems With the New Jerusalem, the Bride and Women’s Veils and nothing in his book would suggest that it would not apply to anyone else. In fact, Ahn Sahng Hong claims the opposite.
Was the purpose of Ahn Sahng Hong’s book temporary?
The WMSCOG also claims that Ahn Sahng Hong’s purpose for writing the book was a “temporary measure law,” “special measures law” or “provisional law,” meaning that the claims in the book were only temporary and would somehow change at some point. In actuality, the very first sentence in the Preface states that Ahn Sahng Hong’s purpose for writing the book:
The WMSCOG also claims that Ahn Sahng Hong’s purpose for writing the book was a “temporary measure law,” “special measures law” or “provisional law,” meaning that the claims in the book were only temporary and would somehow change at some point. In actuality, the very first sentence in the Preface states that Ahn Sahng Hong’s purpose for writing the book:
This booklet was published to prevent troublemakers who misinterpret and behave fanatically, explain the errors in the books that Um Soo In published and testify of the unchanging truth of the Church of our God.
The claims in Ahn Sahng Hong’s book cannot be temporary and unchanging at the same time. Both cannot be true. Why would Ahn Sahng Hong say that the claims in his book were the unchanging truth of the Church, if he knew he would change his mind a few months later? The World Mission Society Church of God alleges that Ahn Sahng Hong “revealed” Zahng Gil Jah as “the bride” during the last Passover he celebrated. The book was written in October of 1983 and Ahn Sahng Hong celebrated the last Passover before his death only 6 months after he published his book, in April of 1984. Then is it realistic that after Problems With the New Jerusalem, the Bride and Women’s Veils was published and circulated among the congregation, that they were then collected as the WMSCOG claims?
Why does the WMSCOG only focus on the Preface of the book?
It is obvious that the World Mission Society Church of God leadership only focuses on the Preface to prevent members from reading past the first page. The WMSCOG does not want members to read Ahn Sahng Hong’s book in its entirety and realize for themselves that Ahn Sahng Hong could never have believed in a “god the mother.” Ahn Sahng Hong actually believed that women who spoke out in the church would cause church members to “fall under the deception of the devil.” This statement would apply to all women, not just Um Soo In.
Ahn Sahng Hong’s book does NOT only apply to Um Soo In.
In his book Problems With the New Jerusalem, the Bride and Women’s Veils, Ahn Sahng Hong writes:
There is never a time when the activity of Satan is cut off in the true Church. The Apostle Paul has written as follows that the Devil will utilize women to cause confusion inside the Church.
Ahn Sahng Hong said “women” plural. Therefore, his teaching on the subject does not only apply to Um Soo In, but to women in general that might make similar claims. Ahn Sahng Hong goes on to quote the Apostle Paul:
A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner.
Ahn Sahng Hong further claims that the above verses are a “prophecy” about his church.
Through the prophecy of 1 Timothy 2:11-14 mentioning Adam and Eve, it is evident that this prophecy was made without doubt of our Church during this present time.
Prophecies can be fulfilled more than once and by more than one person. Jesus said “Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The time is near.’ Do not follow them” (Luke 21:8). It is well documented that this prophecy about false Christs has been fulfilled numerous times. Accepting Ahn Sahng Hong’s scriptural interpretation of 1 Timothy 2:11-14 as correct (for the sake of argument), the prophecy has been fulfilled by Um Soo In, Zhang Gil Jah and even Hak Ja Han, the “true mother” of the Unification Church (aka the Moonies).
(Click here for a comparison of Ahn Sahng Hong’s teachings vs. those of Sun Myung Moon.)
Why else does this argument fail?
Ahn Sahng Hong goes on to explain:
By observing the claims of Um Soo In that she is Eve, it can be seen that it was stated that “a woman should learn in quietness and full submission” and “I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet” looking ahead to when Um Soo In (the woman) would claim that she is the bride and the New Jerusalem that has come down from Heaven. By seeing that it was said of Adam and Eve in Genesis that “for Adam was formed first, then Eve” and “Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner,” it is clear that it is a prophecy of Um Soo In. It is a prophecy that if the claims of Um Soo In (the woman) are followed the Church will come to ruin under the deception of the Devil.
Just as Um Soo In claimed that she was Eve, the bride and the New Jerusalem that came down from Heaven, the World Mission Society Church of God claims that Zhang Gil Jah is Eve, the bride and the New Jerusalem that came down from Heaven. Ahn Sahng Hong said that Um Soo In’s followers would “come to ruin under the deception of the Devil” as a result of their belief in her claims because she is a woman. There is nothing in Ahn Sahng Hong’s book that would suggest that there would ever be an exception to his misogynistic views on women speaking in the church in the future.
Ahn Sahng Hong’s interpretation of 1 Timothy 2:11-14 applies to Zahng Gil Jah and those who follow her.
When reading the aforementioned paragraph by Ahn Sahng Hong, someone might like to conclude that Ahn Sahng Hong’s book only applies to Um Soo In and her followers. Yet, it would appear that Ahn Sahng Hong did not want there to be any confusion on this matter at that time, or in the future. Ahn Sahng Hong went on to explain:
In other words, whenever a woman makes assertions in the Church, the Church will fall under the deception of the Devil. There was a time when women in the Corinthian Church spoke out on the issue of head covering. This is the reason that the Church at Corinth gave a warning to women to be silent.
When Ahn Sahng Hong says “whenever a woman makes assertions in the Church, the Church will fall under the deception of the Devil,” he is not just referring to Um Soo In or to just one woman. The use of the word “whenever,” meaning it may happen more than once and at any time, proves that. In the same paragraph, Ahn Sahng Hong continues to speak about women in the church in general, and in the plural form. Although Ahn Sahng Hong’s book specifically addresses Um Soo In and her claims, nothing in his writings suggests that his teachings only apply to her. On the contrary, Ahn Sahng Hong’s teachings clearly refer to ANY woman making assertions in the church, claiming to be Eve, the bride, heavenly mother or the New Jerusalem that came down from Heaven.