The bride Archives - Examining the World Mission Society Church of God An in depth look at the World Mission Society Church of God Wed, 10 Jun 2020 23:21:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The bride Archives - Examining the World Mission Society Church of God 32 32 “There Is A Fake God the Mother So That Proves There Is A Real God the Mother”? Mon, 23 Sep 2013 04:42:40 +0000 Despite the contradictions between what Ahn Sahng Hong wrote in his book Problems With New Jerusalem, The Bride and Women’s Veils and the World Mission Society Church of God‘s belief that “god the mother” exists, members have argued that since Um Soo In was the “fake” mother god, a real one must exist.  A member […]]]>

Despite the contradictions between what Ahn Sahng Hong wrote in his book Problems With New Jerusalem, The Bride and Women’s Veils and the World Mission Society Church of God‘s belief that “god the mother” exists, members have argued that since Um Soo In was the “fake” mother god, a real one must exist.  A member cited this analogy in the comments below a blog article by WMSCOG missionary Victor Lozada:

“Again, this book actually proves that there is a Heavenly Mother.  Can there be a fake Louis Vuitton bag without a real Louis Vuitton bag? No? Then if a false Mother or Bride appears, it is because there must be a real one.”

In order for this analogy to be applicable, Ahn Sahng Hong would have to have written that Um Soo In was a “false god the mother”.  Let’s take a look at what Ahn Sahng Hong actually wrote in his book Problems With New Jerusalem regarding this issue.

In Chapter 7 of Problems With New Jerusalem, Ahn Sahng Hong writes:

Uhm Soo In is babbling about how she is the new Jerusalem that came down out of heaven. Uhm Soo In is using the following verse to claim that she is the mother from heaven:” [quotes Galatians 4:22-26]. “Uhm Soo In thinks that Hagar is the actual earthly Jerusalem and Sarah as the actual heavenly Jerusalem.

Ahn Sahng Hong

A missionary of the WMSCOG argues that, “the Holy City Jerusalem is a symbol being used to represent our Heavenly Mother.

Ahn Sahng Hong goes on to disagree with Um Soo In and the WMSCOG:

These things are being taken figuratively: The women represent two covenants as the prophecy of the Old Covenant and New Covenant where Hagar represents physical Israelites because of Mosaic law received on Mount Sinai and earthly Jerusalem and Sarah represents the New Covenant established by Jesus Christ in the upper room of Mark’s house and spiritual Israelites, namely, Jerusalem from above.

Ahn Sahng Hong

Ahn Sahng Hong further disagrees with Um Soo In:

However, Uhm Soo In claims she is the Jerusalem from above that came down to earth. If the verses from Galatians 4:22-24 speak of a prophesy where Sarah is the Jerusalem from above and that Jerusalem is Uhm Soo In then Uhm Soo In must be married to her son. Because Isaac is Sarah’s son and Isaac is also said to be Christ. (Galatians 3:16) Uhm Soo In became the mother of Christ as well as the bride (wife) of Christ. Uhm Soo In referred me as the blind Isaac and herself as the Jerusalem from above or Sarah and is saying to live with Isaac or her son after all so where will you find this kind of extremely disgraceful thing?

Ahn Sahng Hong

Ahn Sahng Hong completely opposed the idea that Sarah represented the Jerusalem from above, but that is exactly what the WMSCOG believes.  Ahn Sahng Hong also completely opposed the idea that a woman could be the Jerusalem from above, because according to his interpretation of Galatians 3:16, that would mean that whoever that woman was, she would be the mother and the bride of Christ.  Ahn Sahng Hong described this notion as “extremely disgraceful“.

How is this different from the WMSCOG’s interpretation of Zahng Gil Jah being the New Jerusalem and the the bride?  It is not different at all.  In fact, at the end of Chapter 7 Ahn Sahng Hong goes as far as to say that Um Soo In was a “false prophet” with “weird delusions”.  My guess is that Ahn Sahng Hong would have similar things to say about Um Soo In’s copycat, Zahng Gil Jah.

In summary, the only thing that this book proves is that Ahn Sahng Hong opposed both Um Soo In’s and the WMSCOG’s conclusion that there is a “god the mother”, regardless of which Korean woman claims to be her

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“Is The City of New Jerusalem a Female God?” Audio Recording of Ahn Sanhg-Hong Mon, 23 Sep 2013 04:42:17 +0000   Here is the translation of the video:  안상홍님 설교 Sermon by Ahn Sang-Hong -천년왕국 중에서- About Chiliasm (the Milennial Kingdom) Revelation Chapter 21   과연, 새예루살렘 도성이 여자하나님인가? Indeed, is the city of new Jerusalem a female God?    안상홍님은 계21장을 뭐라고 말씀하셨는가? What does Ahn, Sang Hong say about (interpret) Revelation 21? […]]]>


Here is the translation of the video: 

안상홍님 설교

Sermon by Ahn Sang-Hong

-천년왕국 중에서-

About Chiliasm (the Milennial Kingdom)

Revelation Chapter 21


과연, 새예루살렘 도성이 여자하나님인가?

Indeed, is the city of new Jerusalem a female God? 


안상홍님은 계21장을 뭐라고 말씀하셨는가?

What does Ahn, Sang Hong say about (interpret) Revelation 21?


새예루살렘성이 내려오는 때는 지금이 아니고!

세상이 끝나고

천년이 지나서 되는 일이다.

 The time when the new Jerusalem will come is not now! 

After the world ends

it will be done after 1000 years pass.


베뢰아 사람은 

데살로니가에 있는 사람보다

더 신사적이어서

간절한 마음으로 말씀을 받고

이것이 그러한가 하여

날마다 성경을 상고하므로 

(행 17:11)

Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. (Acts 17:11/ NIV)


그래서 여기, 새하늘과 새땅은 언제 나온다는 말씀 입니까?

Therefore here, when will it be that a new heaven and a new earth will come? 


이 세상 끝이 되야 됩니다. 

It will be at the end of the world.


이 세상 불바다로서 끝이되는 그때에 가서야

우리를 위한 새하늘과 새땅을 바라보는 것입니다.

We will look at a new heaven and a new earth for us when this world has finally come to an end.


그럼 요한계시록 21장을 다시 돌아가 보겠습니다.

Then, we will go back to Revelation Chapter 21 again.


1절에 다시보면은, 

또 내가 새하늘과 새땅을 보니 처음 하늘과 처음땅이 없어졌고 바다도 다시 있지 않더라~ 그랬어요.

From the 1st verse, it is written as follows:  

Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. 


이 바다가, 바다도 있지 않다고 했으니까, 이 세상의 바다가 없어졌습니까? 지금! 

It is said, the sea, there was no longer any sea but where has the sea has gone? now! 


벌써 없어졌습니까?

Has the sea already gone? 


또 처음하늘과 처음땅도 없어졌는데, 처음 하늘과 없어졌습니까? (안없어졌어요)

Also, the first heaven and the first earth has passed away, has the first heaven passed away? (not it did not)


또 내가 보매 거룩한성 새 예루살렘이 하나님께로부터 하늘에서 내려오니 그 예비한 것이 신부가 남편을 위하여 단장한 것 같더라.

I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.


내가 들으니 보좌에서 큰 음성이 나서 가로되 보라 하나님의 장막이 사람들과 함께 있으매 하나님이 저희와 함께 거하시리니 저희는 하나님의 백성이 되고 하나님은 친히 저희와 함께 계셔서 모든 눈물을 그 눈에서 씻기시매, 

And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them.  They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God.

He will wipe every tear from their eyes.


이제 눈물을 우리 눈에서 씻기시면은, 다시 사망이 없습니다. 

Now when he wipes every tear from our eyes, there will be no death. 


그러니까, 모든 눈물을 우리 눈에서 씻기시매 다시 사망이 없고 애통하는 것이나 곡하는 것이나 아픈 것이 다시 있지 아니하리니 처음 것들이 다 지나갔음이러라. 

Therefore, all tears from our eyes will be wiped away and, ‘[t]here will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.’


얼마나 여기에서 이렇게 잘 말해 줬습니까?

How well is it spoken here (or in this sentence)?


그래서 여기 21장에서 쭈욱 보면은 이제 하늘나라의, 그 하늘의 예루살렘이 내려옵니다.

Thus, if you read through this in Chapter 21, now the kingdom of heaven, the Jerusalem from heaven will be coming down. 


9절에 보면은 일곱 대접을 가지고 마지막 일곱 재앙을 담은 천사 중 하나가 (나에게)나아와서 내게 말하여 가로되 이리오라 내가 신부 곧 어린양의 아내를 네게 보이리라 하고 성령으로 나를 데리고 크고 높은 산을 올라가 하나님께로부터 하늘에서 내려오는 거룩한 성 예루살렘을 보이니~

In reference to verse 9, “had the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.” And he carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain great and high, and showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God. 


여기보면 천년! 말하자면은 천년왕국이 지나서, 거기에서 이제 하늘에 있는 예루살렘이 내려오는데~ 

It says here, a thousand years!  Speaking, after 1000 years passed away, over there, then the Jerusalem from the heaven will come down, 


우리가 지금까지 말하는 이 예루살렘은 우리 성도들이라고 말을.. 자리를 다 채울 수 있는 십사만사천 성도들이 되는 것 입니다. 

The Jerusalem we have been mentioning so far will be the one which can be filled with our congregation (believers), that will become 144,000 saints. 


바로 그 예루살렘, 새예루살렘 안에는! 

This very Jerusalem, inside of the new Jerusalem! 


여기 히브리 12장 22절에 뭐라고 말했습니까?

What is stated in Hebrews 12:22?


자, 히브리 12장 22절, 그 안에는 성도들만 있는게 아니라,

하나님과 모든 천만천사들이 다 그 안에 있습니다.

Look, in Hebrews Chapter 12 verse 22, there is not only believers, but also, God and thousands of angels are in it.  


히브리서!  12장 22절!

Hebrews!  Chapter 12 verse 22!


히브리 12장 22절, 그러나 너희가 이른 곳은 시온산과 살아 계신 하나님의 도성인 하늘의 예루살렘과 천만 천사와 하늘에 기록한 장자들의 총회와 교회와 만민의 심판자이신 하나님과 및 온전케 된 의인의 영들과 (신약) 새 언약의 중보이신 예수와~ 및 아벨의 피보다 더 낫에 말하는 뿌린 피니라.

Hebrews Chapter 12 verse 22, But you have come to Mount Zion, to the heavenly Jerusalem, the city of the living God. You have come to thousands upon thousands of angels in joyful assembly, to the church of the firstborn, whose names are written in heaven. You have come to God, the judge of all men, to the spirits of righteous men made perfect, to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel.


이 하늘의 예루살렘은 십사만사천 성도만 있는 것이 아니고,

그 안에는 하나님도 계시고, 천만천사들도 있고, 예수님도 계시고 

모든 그 온전케된 의인들이 그 안에 전부 다 있습니다. 

In the Jerusalem in heaven, there will not only be the 144,000 believers, but also, God, thousands of angels, Jesus, and  the righteous men made perfect.


아니 이렇게 장엄한 그 예루살렘이 어떤 일개의 한 여자로서 표상한다고 해서야 되겠습니까?

Well, should we say that this magnificent Jerusalem represents a woman?


우리가 좀더 여기서 구체적으로 하면, 시간이 많이 걸리겠는데…

이 문제 가지고 제가 책을 하나 내겠습니다! 

If we discuss this matter in detail, it might take a longer time…

So, I am going to publish a book in regards to this matter!


요한계시록 20장 21장 22장은 

천년왕국 후 되는 일이니

이점 특별히 주의하셔야 겠습니다.

-안상홍님 저서 중에서-

In Revelations Chapters 20, 21, and 22, it is described about incidents after 1000 years. 

Thus, particular attention is required when reading.

-books written by Ahn Sang Hong

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Ahn Sahng Hong’s New Tombstone Sat, 07 Sep 2013 02:24:51 +0000 This article is dedicated to all of those who thought Ahn Sahng-Hong was married to Zahng Gil-Jah, only to learn he was really married to Hwang Won-Soon. The World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) claims that their supposed founder Ahn Sahng Hong was “spiritually married” to a woman named Zahng Gil Jah, whom he […]]]>

This article is dedicated to all of those who thought Ahn Sahng-Hong was married to Zahng Gil-Jah, only to learn he was really married to Hwang Won-Soon.

The World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) claims that their supposed founder Ahn Sahng Hong was “spiritually married” to a woman named Zahng Gil Jah, whom he revealed as “god the mother”.  Actually, Ahn Sahng Hong founded the New Covenant Passover Church of God (NCPCOG), and was legally married to a woman named Hwang Won-Soon with whom he had four children.

That is why, after Hwang Won Soon’s death in 2008, she was buried next to Ahn Sahng Hong, and his original tombstone was replaced with the one below:

The first picture, which is the front of the tombstone reads:

선지 엘리야 – Prophet Elijah

안상홍- Ahn Sahng Hong

– Wife

황원순-Hwang Won Soon

의 묘– Their grave

So the tombstone reads:

Prophet Elijah Ahn Sahng Hong and his wife Hwang Won Soon’s grave

The right side of the tombstone has the dates of their births and deaths.

The tombstone is located at the cemetery:  경남 양산시 상북면 외석리  산8-1번지 석계공원묘원at lot:  5블럭 42열 12번, 13번에.

The Real Tomb of Jesus

Here is the tomb of Jesus, also known as the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, which is visited by millions of Christians from around the world every year:

Yet the tomb of Ahn Sahng Hong, is relegated to a common cemetery, an overgrown grave, and is shared with a woman who is not Zahng Gil Jah.

Where are the great pilgrimages to Ahn Sahng Hong’s tomb by followers of the WMSCOG?

If millions of Christians visit the tomb of Jesus every year, why don’t WMSCOG members visit the tomb of Ahn Sahng Hong? Perhaps it is because they (at least those that read Korean) would see that “the Prophet Elijah” is written on it and not “the Christ”.  Or perhaps it is because they would see that he is buried beside his real wife, Hwang Won Soon. Whatever the reason, I find it hard to believe that a man who:

is the Second Coming of Jesus and was “spiritually married” to another woman other than his legal wife.   Put aside for a moment that Ahn Sang Hong’s end of the world predictions didn’t come true and were removed from his writings, that he said the idea of a “mother god” was delusional, that he completely refutes the same verses that the WMSCOG uses to say that Zahng Gil Jah is “god the mother” and concludes that there is no mother god… At some point you have to stop and ask yourself “how much longer can I ignore what is plain to see”?  The WMSCOG’s teachings are part of an ever-evolving story that have been invented to fit a set of facts and that whenever another fact emerges, the story must become ever more convoluted in order to fit the new “truth”.

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An Interview With The NCPCOG: Ahn Sahng Hong Believed The Idea Of A “Mother God” To Be Delusional Sat, 13 Aug 2011 05:00:05 +0000 Among World Mission Society Church of God members, there has been some discussion concerning the “marriage” between Ahn Sahng Hong and Zahng Gil Jah (Jang Gil Ja). Were they ever legally married?  Had they divorced their spouses prior to being involved with one another?  Did Ahn Sahng Hong or Zahng Gil Jah ever have children […]]]>

Among World Mission Society Church of God members, there has been some discussion concerning the “marriage” between Ahn Sahng Hong and Zahng Gil Jah (Jang Gil Ja). Were they ever legally married?  Had they divorced their spouses prior to being involved with one another?  Did Ahn Sahng Hong or Zahng Gil Jah ever have children together, or in their previous marriages?  When I was a member of the World Mission Society Church of God, I remember asking a high ranking member if Ahn Sahng Hong and Zahng Gil Jah had ever had children.  I was told that they had not.   I later asked another high ranking member if Ahn Sahng Hong and Zahng Gil Jah had ever been married to other people.  The WMSCOG member explained that “people spread lies about father and mother on the Internet to persecute the church of god”.  I took that answer to be a “no”.

Interview with the NCPCOG

We recently contacted the New Covenant Passover Church of God (NCPCOG) in S. Korea and conducted an interview with a missionary of the organization in an attempt to gain more answers concerning Ahn Sahng Hong and Zahng Gil Jah’s supposed marriage.  According to the NCPCOG missionary:

  1. Ahn Sahng Hong was legally married to a woman named Hwang Won Soon and together they had three children.  (By the way his children’s names are written on the back of his tombstone)
  2. One of Ahn Sahng Hong’s three children remains a member of the NCPCOG
  3. Ahn Sahng Hong never legally divorced his wife Hwang Won Soon.  Hwang Won Soon died about three years ago (~2008).
  4. Ahn Sahng Hong never legally married ZhangGilJah.

Ahn Sahng Song Refutes the Idea of a “Mother God”

The NCPCOG missionary explained that Ahn Sahng Hong wrote a book entitled “새  예루살렘과  신부  여자들의  수건  문제  해  석” or “Problems with the New Jerusalem, the Bride and Women’s Veils”.  The NCPCOG informed us that they are in the process of having Ahn Sahng Hong’s book translated into English in order to publish an English version of the book on their website.  According to our source at the NCPCOG, Ahn Sahng Hong wrote this book in response to a woman named Um Soo In (엄수인) who claimed that she was the “mother god” prior to Zahng Gil Jah making the same claim after Ahn Sahng Hong’s death.  Below is the translation of the preface of the book:

This book is published to stop the troublemaker at church, namely those that misinterpret the Bible and act like a religious fanatic also to explain the errors of the books published by Um Soo In and to testify the unchanging truth of Church of God. Church of God is established upon prophesies of all prophets, therefore, one cannot find any flaws in Church of God. Nevertheless, women like Um Soo In committed great things with impudent thoughts so how will she be forgiven? They’re being presumptuous with their words and books and interpreted Revelation in their own way and spoke impudently so what are they to do with their sins? This is a big problem. They will continue to be arrogant and form incorrect thoughts led by Satan which will eventually lead to destruction. It is almost impossible to come out of the den of destruction now. But if they let go of their pride, repent, and confess? Maybe they can come back. It’s a hard thing to say. Saints all over the country, what has happened is a big lesson for you. We need to be extra careful that you don’t get lured into their delusions. The cause of fire is church criticism and church leaders’ gossip which are Satan’s invitation in your mind. When Satan enters your mind, it’s difficult to escape from Satan’s net. If there are brothers that criticize the church or gossip, you must adamantly refuse them for you to live. Now let’s find and study all the errors of recorded books of Um Soo In.

Ahn Sahng Hong

In the preface to Problems with the New Jerusalem, the Bride and Women’s Veils, Ahn Sahng Hong warns readers that this woman named Um Soo In, who a South Korean cult says was Ahn Sahng Hong’s first spiritual wife, is leading people to destruction.  What did Um Soo In do or say that Ahn Sahng Hong felt compelled to write an entire book refuting her claims?  Below are some revealing quotes from Ahn Sahng Hong’s book.

The reason why Stephen testified before the scribes and Pharisees using Isaiah 66:1 is to clearly show that God does not dwell in earthly Jerusalem but is in heavenly new Jerusalem that was built by Himself…It is clear that the above prophecy is associated with the verses in Revelation 21:1-4. God does not dwell in a place built by man’s hands, but is in the new Jerusalem God Himself made and we will go there at the end of the world.

Ahn Sahng Hong pages 15-16

After quoting Revelation 21:1-2, Ahn Sahng Hong writes:

Um Soo In is babbling about how she is the new Jerusalem that came down out of heaven. Um Soo In is using the following verse to claim that she is the mother from heaven.

Ahn Sahng Hong page 17

Ahn Sahng Hong quotes Galatians 4:22-26 and then writes:

Um Soo In thinks that Hagar is the actual earthly Jerusalem and Sarah as the actual heavenly Jerusalem…It is written (Galatians 4:24) ‘These things are being taken figuratively: The women represent two covenants’ as the prophecy of the Old Covenant and New Covenant where Hagar represents physical Israelites because of Mosaic law received on Mount Sinai and earthly Jerusalem and Sarah represents the New Covenant established by Jesus Christ in the upper room of Mark’s house and spiritual Israelites, namely, Jerusalem from above. However, Um Soo In claims she is the Jerusalem from above that came down to earth. If the verses from Galatians 4:22-24 speak of a prophesy where Sarah is the Jerusalem from above and that Jerusalem is Um Soo In then Um Soo In must be married to her son. Because Isaac is Sarah’s son and Isaac is also said to be Christ. (Galatians 3:16)

Ahn Sahng Hong pages 17-18

Wait a minute.  Not only is Ahn Sahng Hong’s interpretation of Galatians 4:22-24 different from the WMSCOG’s interpretation here, but evidently UmSooIn used the same verses to claim that she was the “mother god” that the WMSCOG uses to claim that ZahngGilJah is the “mother god”.

Um Soo In referred me [Ahn Sahng Hong] as the blind Isaac and herself as the Jerusalem from above or Sarah and is saying to live with Isaac or her son after all so where will you find this kind of extremely disgraceful thing? Um Soo In is to gather power as a false prophet with weird delusions so what is she to do with that sin and we need to think about the sins of her followers. (Isaiah 9:16)

Ahn Sahng Hong page 18

From the above passage, it seems that Um Soo In publicly criticized Ahn Sahng Hong calling him “the blind Isaac” though it is not clear why.  Ahn Sahng Hong calls Um Soo In a delusional, false prophet for claiming that she is the “Jerusalem from above”.  Would Ahn Sahng Hong say the same about Zahng Gil Jah if he were alive today?

In Chapter 8, Ahn Sahng Hong writes that Jerusalem is an actual place and not a person:

Heavenly New Jerusalem means 144,000 saints, but there must be New Jerusalem that is an actual building. If New Jerusalem as an actual place does not exist then where will the 144,000 saints will live in heaven?
Revelation 21:1-4 records that the New Jerusalem or tabernacle of God is with the people, and this tabernacle is not a person but a divine building. So why are we claiming that saints are the church and 144,000 saints are the New Jerusalem? Because every church thinks that a building is church or New Jerusalem but I want to make it clear that church is where saints are gathered and the New Jerusalem is where 144,000 saints will enter.
The previous verse [Hebrews 12:22-24] is a clear fact that is written in a letter. And it records that Jesus Christ also has entered by his own blood.

Ahn Sahng Hong Chapter 8

After reading these quotes from Ahn Sahng Hong’s book, it becomes clear that he:

  1. did not believe that there was such a thing as a “mother god”
  2. believed that UmSooIn was delusional for claiming to be Sarah or the New Jerusalem
  3. believed that the New Jerusalem is a place and not a person

The Rights to Publish Ahn Sahng Hong’s Writings

Despite the evidence presented here, some of our readers may dismiss the literature on the NCPCOG website as fraudulent.  Ask yourself these questions:

  1. If the NCPCOG did not have the right to Ahn Sahng Hong’s books, why would the WMSCOG allow them to freely publish his writings on the Internet for everyone to see?  Would they not have claimed copyright infringement?  (You can click here to see all of Ahn Sahng Hong’s books on the NCPCOG site)
  2. Why does the WMSCOG only allow their members to read Ahn Sahng Hong’s books?  (For those of you who have never been in the WMSCOG, you can not readily purchase their books outside of the church)
  3. If the book titled, Problems with the New Jerusalem, the Bride and Women’s Veils was not Ahn Sahng Hong’s true writing, wouldn’t the WMSCOG have claimed defamation or fraud?  Would they not have demanded that the book be taken down from the NCPCOG website?


The fact remains that Ahn Sahng Hong’s books ARE available for the public on the NCPCOG site.  During our interview with the NCPCOG missionary, regarding Zahng Gil Jah he stated, In Korea, the evidence is so obvious.  The lack of information written in English remains a barrier for Americans and people in other non-Korean speaking countries.  We applaud the NCPCOG’s efforts in making the information available to the general public and we look forward to seeing the complete English translations of Ahn Sahng Hong’s books on their website soon.  The members of the WMSCOG deserve to know the history of the organization to which they so readily give their time, effort, money, and countless hours of recruiting.

Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

John 8:32
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Mother In The Bible: Country Or Korean Lady? Galatians 4:26 Thu, 14 Jul 2011 02:35:21 +0000 The World Mission Society Church of God believes that Zahng Gil Jah is both the “mother” and “bride” described in the Bible.  How does the WMSCOG arrive at this conclusion?  How do WMSCOG recruiters present this conclusion to potential new recruits? How They Recruit Using Galatians 4:26 When recruiting in shopping malls, heavily populated areas, […]]]>

The World Mission Society Church of God believes that Zahng Gil Jah is both the “mother” and “bride” described in the Bible.  How does the WMSCOG arrive at this conclusion?  How do WMSCOG recruiters present this conclusion to potential new recruits?

How They Recruit Using Galatians 4:26

When recruiting in shopping malls, heavily populated areas, or on college campuses, WMSCOG recruiters approach people and ask, “have you ever heard of god the mother in the Bible?”  Regardless of what the person says, as long as they are not immediately shunned away, recruiters quickly open the Bible and begin to explain how they arrive at their conclusion that there is a “female god”.  (When I was a member, I was taught to recruit this way).  The WMSCOG “logic” goes something like this:

  1. Revelation 22:17 – WMSCOG recruiters point out that the “Spirit” is capitalized and therefore refers to the Holy Spirit.  The bride has to be “god” because no one else can give us eternal life (as in water of life).  Then, who is the bride?
  2. Revelation 21:2 – The holy city, new Jerusalem coming down out of heaven prepared as a bride for her husband.  Who is the bride’s husband?
  3. Revelation 21:9 – The bride is the wife of the Lamb.  Who is the Lamb?
  4. John 1:29 – The Lamb is Jesus.  Then who is mother in the bible?
  5. Galatians 4:26 – The Jerusalem that is above is our mother.  (I know it’s confusing, hang in there):

So, according to the WMSCOG formula:

mother in the Bible (Galatians 4:26) = Jerusalem above (Galatians 4:26) = Jerusalem bride (Revelation 21:2) = bride wife of Jesus (Revelation 21:9) = bride gives water of life (Revelation 22:17, just like Jesus in John 4:14) =

Therefore, bride is mother god

Clear as mud right?  Anyone can clearly see that this does grave violence to the original meaning of the Scriptures.  If you skip around in the Bible this way doing a keyword search, you can make it say anything you want to.  Unfortunately for the WMSCOG, this interpretation easily fails when we read the verses in their proper context (and by the way, if you thought you could make sense of any book by jumping around all over it, grabbing a line from this chapter and another line from another chapter, you should try this with some other book in your library you’ve read before and see how it very poorly communicates the underlying story).

Problems With The WMSCOG Interpretation

  1. While the WMSCOG does not believe that the “bride” in the Bible represents the church, they contradict their own founder, a Korean man named Ahnsahnghong, when he writes that the bride does represent the church.
  2. While the WMSCOG believes that the “mother” in Galatians 4:26 represents a “mother god” (whom they also claim is a lady living in Korea named Zahng Gil-Jah), they again contradict their own founder Ahnsahnghong who wrote a book denouncing the idea of a “mother god”.

Galatians 4:26 Grossly Misinterpreted

The WMSCOG continues their pattern of misinterpreting Scripture by completely ignoring the context surrounding their cherry-picked verses.  A person can be seriously mislead by this sort of thinking if the context surrounding Galatians 4:26 is not examined.  Considering the context of Galatians 4 in its entirety, it becomes clear that the apostle Paul was not referring to a “female god”.  Let us read the text as it is written.

Paul begins the chapter by comparing Christians to heirs of their father’s estate (Galatians 4:1-2).  In continuing with this analogy, Paul goes on to explain how we were slaves under the law until Jesus, also born under the law, came to redeem us and adopt us as God’s children, making us heirs of our Father’s Kingdom.

But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship. Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir.

Galatians 4:4-7

Paul goes on to express his concern for the Galatians because they had turned back to observing “special days and months and seasons and years” (Galatians 4:9-10).  It is clear that Paul is quite disturbed by the behavior of the Galatians when he says “I fear for you, that somehow I have wasted my efforts on you” (Galatians 4:11) and “I am perplexed about you!” (Galatians 4:20). The Galatians seemed to have turned back to observing the ceremonial law of Moses, (“Tell me, you who want to be under the lawGalatians 4:21) despite having learned about redemption through Jesus Christ.

Paul uses the story of Abraham and his two sons to illustrate his point.  Abraham had two sons, one by a slave woman (Hagar) and one by a free woman (Sarah).  As we read on in Galatians 4, Paul tells us that what he is about to say should be taken figuratively  (aka metaphorically, allegorically, NOT literally).  

These things are being taken figuratively: The women represent two covenants. One covenant is from Mount Sinai and bears children who are to be slaves: This is Hagar. Now Hagar stands for Mount Sinai in Arabia and corresponds to the present city of Jerusalem, because she is in slavery with her children. But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother.

Galatians 4:24-26

Ahn Sahng Hong also agreed with this interpretation.

When interpreting the above verses figuratively as Paul intended (and flat out says), the following becomes clear:

  1. Hagar represents the present city Jerusalem, the old covenant, and therefore her children are slaves.
  2. Sarah represents the heavenly city Jerusalem, the new covenant, and therefore her children are free.

Therefore, in Galatians 4:26, it is clear that when Paul says that the “new Jerusalem is our mother” he is referring to the heavenly country Jerusalem as our motherland.  In order to illustrate this more clearly, here are some additional Biblical examples of the word “mother” being used to refer to a country.

We are the peaceful and faithful in Israel. You are trying to destroy a city that is a mother in Israel…
(In this verse, mother represents a city in Israel.)

2 Samuel 20:19

You stumble day and night, and the prophets stumble with you. So I will destroy your mother…
(It is clear, after reading the entire chapter, that mother in this verse refers to Israel as well.)

Hosea 4:5

For more information on what the word “mother” is used to represent in the Bible, please view this excellent article.


As you can see, Galatians 4:26 taken out of context can mean anything.  However, when we read the verse in context, it is abundantly clear that this verse does not refer to a mother god and Ahn Sahng Hong agreed.  When I was in the WMSCOG, they discouraged us from reading outside the verses they wanted us to memorize because they said we would not be able to understand the Bible on our own.  Actually, I can see another reason why–because doing so quickly leads one to leave the WMSCOG.

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Who Does Eve Represent According To Ahn Sahng Hong? “Visitors From The Angelic World” Wed, 29 Jun 2011 16:58:48 +0000 The World Mission Society Church of God teaches that Eve is representative of their “mother god” or Zahng Gil Jah despite what their founder Ahn Sahng Hong documented in his books.  As discussed in the article titled, “Who Does Ahn Sahng Hong Believe Is The Bride?”, Ahn Sahng Hong’s own writings prove that he believed […]]]>

The World Mission Society Church of God teaches that Eve is representative of their “mother god” or Zahng Gil Jah despite what their founder Ahn Sahng Hong documented in his books.  As discussed in the article titled, “Who Does Ahn Sahng Hong Believe Is The Bride?”, Ahn Sahng Hong’s own writings prove that he believed that the bride represents the church.  In Chapter 13 (The First Adam and The Last Adam) of “Visitors From The Angelic World”, Ahn Sahng Hong authors many clues as to whom he believed represents the last Eve.  On page 49, Ahn Sahng Hong quotes the apostle Paul as stating:

But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ.

2 Corinthians 11:3

and then quotes John as stating:

The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray…

Revelation 12:9

After quoting the above verses, Ahn Sahng Hong concludes on p. 50:

Eve represents the angels whom Jesus loved.

Ahn Sahng Hong

On p. 51 Ahn Sahng Hong states:

Jesus Christ loved His people as Himself…As Adam loved Eve, so Jesus loves us.

Ahn Sahng Hong

On p. 55 Ahn Sahng Hong writes:

…the saints who are redeemed can be called the last Eve.

Ahn Sahng Hong

In the above quotes Ahn Sahng Hong writes that Eve represents angels, us (people), and saints.  According to Ahn Sahng Hong, Eve represents the members of the church and not a “female image of god”, “mother god”, nor “new jerusalem mother”.  Despite Ahn Sahng Hong‘s interpretation that Eve represents the church, the WMSCOG teaches that the last Eve is Zahng Gil Jah.  It does not make sense that the WMSCOG would teach something contrary to what the person they believed to be “god” wrote in his own books.

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Who Does Ahn Sahng Hong Say Is The Bride? Sat, 14 May 2011 03:58:59 +0000 The World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) believes that a woman named Zahng Gil Jah (Jang Gil Ja) is the bride spoken of in Scripture.  The WMSCOG believes that Zahng Gil Jah is Ahn Sahng Hong’s spiritual wife as they explain in an online sermon titled “The Heavenly Wedding Banquet”.  The WMSCOG references Revelation […]]]>

The World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) believes that a woman named Zahng Gil Jah (Jang Gil Ja) is the bride spoken of in Scripture.  The WMSCOG believes that Zahng Gil Jah is Ahn Sahng Hong’s spiritual wife as they explain in an online sermon titledThe Heavenly Wedding Banquet”.  The WMSCOG references Revelation 22:17 saying:

The Spirit is our Father, and the bride is the wife of our Father, so she is our Mother.

The WMSCOG’s statement concerning the bride referring to the “mother” clearly contradicts Scripture which identifies the church as the bride elsewhere:

For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.

Ephesians 5:23-24

I promised you to one husband, to Christ, so that I might present you as a pure virgin to him.

2 Corinthians 11:2

The WMSCOG believes that the bride refers to the “mother god” and not to the church despite the Bible’s explicit teaching that the bride is the church.  But what does the Korean man named Ahn Sahng Hong, who founded the WMSCOG (and whom they believe was the second coming of Jesus), believe the bride is?

Who Is The Bride According To Ahn Sahng Hong?

In his book entitled “Visitors From The Angelic World”, Ahn Sahng Hong writes on page 55:

Thus, Jesus is the last Adam, and the saints who are redeemed can be called the last Eve.

Ahn Sahng Hong

Adam and Eve were husband and wife.  If Jesus is the last Adam and the saints are the last Eve, the Church is the Bride!

Why The Contradictions?

If Ahn Sahng Hong’s writings support that the bride represents the church, why does the WMSCOG believe that the bride is Zahng Gil Jah or the “mother god”?  Did Ahn Sahng Hong, in any of his writings, ever describe the bride as a single person, a god, a mother or anything other than the church?  No. In fact, Ahn Sahng Hong wrote an entire book denouncing the idea of a “mother god”.

Despite the lack of evidence to support that Ahn Sahng Hong himself believed that the bride in the Bible represents a “mother god”, the WMSCOG claims:

the One who is indispensable for giving eternal life is our Mother, the wife of the Lamb, represented by Eve

Interestingly, on page 65 of “Visitors From The Angelic World”, Ahn Sahng Hong writes:

To speak again, as we have our human fathers through whom our bodies are given birth, so we have our spiritual Father who created our spirits by His breath of life.

Ahn Sahng Hong

This would have been a good opportunity for Ahn Sahng Hong to mention that there was a “spiritual mother” if he in fact believed there was one, but he didn’t.

What Does Scripture Say?

The WMSCOG claims that:

Those who do not believe in Mother can’t receive the promise of eternal life and the kingdom of heaven…God…has acknowledged us, who are following Mother in this age, as those who have the best faith.

Yet, in the Bible Jesus says:

I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die…

John 11:25

Was Ahn Sahng Hong Ever Married to Zahng Gil Jah?

Ahnsahnghong - Zahng Gil Jah Wedding Photo

This “spiritual marriage” between Ahn Sahng Hong and Zahng Gil Jah has been a matter of controversy among many former members and critics.  Zahng Gil Jah is said to have divorced her husband while both were members of Ahn Sahng Hong’s original church.  Ahn Sahng Hong remained married to his wife until his death in 1985. He is buried next to his wife Hwang Won Soon in South Korea. Zahng Gil Jah’s divorce and Ahn Sahng Hong’s alleged adulterous affair with Zahng Gil Jah, would absolutely disqualify them them both from being “god” according to the Bible.

I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.

Matthew 19:19
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