Zhang With Her Real Husband in the NCPCOG

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  • #74302

    Zhang, Her Husband & Ahnsahnghong NCPCOG

    Isn’t it strange that the “mother god” joined the NCPCOG with her real husband?  According to sources, Zhang’s devotion to Ahnsahnghong and his church, which was not called the WMSCOG, was what tore their marriage apart.  Why isn’t Zhang’s relationship to Ahnsahnghong considered adulterous?  By the standards in the Bible, would God commit adultery?  Even though Zhang ultimately divorced her husband, Ahnsahnghong was also married and never divorced his wife.  Why isn’t his relationship with Zhang, “spiritual” or not, considered adulterous?  In order to remain a member of the WMSOG, you must believe that “god” is allowed to commit adultery.  If you are a member, ask yourself if this makes sense and when it doesn’t,  because it completely goes against the Bible that you claim to believe in, leave this cult and take back your life.

  • #74306


    Excellent point, admin!



    This is a great photo.  I wish we could somehow get a copy of the divorce decree.  Should be a public record in Korea.



    Hi all.  I am new to this site but have recent experience with WMS.  A loved one cut off all contact with family, dropped out of school, ran away from home (after only a few months going to studies).  Very sad but I’m happy to see all the posts and would love to help.  One question, the website articles look very out of date.  How can I help update?  The group is very active in my part of the country.

    Thanks and keep the faith, Paper.



    hi paper. im new here too. let’s help each other out! I recently posted a topic in the Biblical Arguments’ section. I hope you can give your comments. Thanks!



    Wow! I can’t believe it. There’s so much proof here and from past members showing that this church is a cult. It’s obvious people there are being brainwashed with the idea of there being a God the Mother or he/she are too attached to the cult members to leave. But I totally agree leave this cult and take your life back! Especially, for a parent who has parents. No one will ever get to Heaven by following this church/cult.

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