SION is it THAT safe there???

  • Creator
  • #6965

    posted with permission

    I am a former member of WMSCOG and i have been a member for 1 1/2 years, my experience with wmscog started at the day when im recruited by the door knockers and yes at that time i was lonely and emotionaly wrecked, i have just came out from a failing relation and some accidents gave the shop i just started a crippling financial blow, so when some people with smile in their faces and (at that time) joyful attitudes came to my place and asked me to join their church, of course im tempted to join.

    ya i admit even at the first few weeks im there doing the bible studies, i do always can sense that theres something just not right with their doctrine specially about the god mother but at that time i have grown to be attached to the people at my sion so i just decided to brush off any of my suspicious feelings and stays there.

    but as times go on i keep on seeing alot of things thats not as lovely and caring as what advertized to me at the start, i even see how the high ranking members thinks or see us members as what when one day a member of our sion had an accident, that member is supposedly the "golden boy" of our sion, good looking and rich and usually the high rankings is very nice to him BUT when that guy had an accident NONE of the high rankings even care or even just ask about his well being and the ONLY thing i heard about that guy when he is in hospital is the deacon talking to the treasury asking "have he paid his tithe this month?" at that moment i felt just sick about those people and i just suddenly reallised that this is just all about getting the money using religion name.

    but thats not my breaking point, its not until i heard what the deaconess do after that accident, after taht accident that boy decided that he would not came to sion anymore, maybe he feels betrayed but at that time we all know he is in relation with this young korean girl, a collage student that came and stay here with a group of young people and from what i can see they are "in training" to preach, so one day that girl just suddenly gone and other people there said she have to go back to korea for some urgent matter, its not after few days then i heard some of the high ranking members talk with each other that its the deaconess that send the girl back as "punishment" to the guy for losing his faith in sion and thats it! i just can hold my self any longer, i felt sick about how sleazy these people can be! so i walked to the deaconess and i say "SHAME ON YOU! AND YOU GO TELL OMONI, SHAME ON HER TOO!" thats the time i left and never ever will set my foot on that wretched place or will ever associate my self with those heartless inhuman animals again!

    for those people still in wmscog, hyengjenims and jamenims i know some of you is the people that paid and some are the people who get paid and if you are those who got paid there and thinkking wmscog is a way for easy life 

    shame on you too!


  • #48007

    Cephas' Brother

    "for those people still in wmscog, hyengjenims and jamenims" Care to clarify these words for me KC? I've not come across them yet in dealing with this group. I'm so sorry to hear that you got mixed up with these folks, but uplifted that you found your way out. The more former member's voices we have here the better picture we can paint of the way they control people, so thanks 🙂




    but as times go on i keep on seeing alot of things thats not as lovely and caring as what advertized to me at the start, i even see how the high ranking members thinks or see us members as what when one day a member of our sion had an accident, that member is supposedly the "golden boy" of our sion, good looking and rich and usually the high rankings is very nice to him BUT when that guy had an accident NONE of the high rankings even care or even just ask about his well being and the ONLY thing i heard about that guy when he is in hospital is the deacon talking to the treasury asking "have he paid his tithe this month?" at that moment i felt just sick about those people and i just suddenly reallised that this is just all about getting the money using religion name.

    ****wow i was under the impression if you do passover nothing bad happens to you.(as per what my friend told me)  What did they tell members who knew he was in the hospital, that it was a wake up call for him, that he had no faith, or that he is still alive and that is what counts.

    ****the guy is in the hospital gets no visits, and they still expect him to tithe! wow!!!!!

      i just can hold my self any longer, i felt sick about how sleazy these people can be! so i walked to the deaconess and i say "SHAME ON YOU! AND YOU GO TELL OMONI, SHAME ON HER TOO!" thats the time i left and never ever will set my foot on that wretched place or will ever associate my self with those heartless inhuman animals again!

    ****Wow!! what zion was this, what country KC???? and how long ago you left?

    **** What do you mean by older members getting paid?  you mean the decon/ness?



    To KC,

    Amen !




    this story is not mine but from a former member and i am told that the word hyengjenim and jamenim is how wmscog inner circle addressed each others, hyengjenim is for male members and jamenim is for female members.



    It’s common for members to use Korean for brother sister deacon deaconess pastor etc



    Wmscog doesn’t really teach NOTHING bad at all will happen even a sermon from mother about someone getting hurt


    Cephas' Brother

    I only went the one time. But the only Korean I thought I heard was "ahnsahnghong". Oddly enough there was only one asian person at the service I attended. She could have been Korean, but I don't know. It was quite eclectic as far as nationalities go. Black, white, asian, latino. I think she even told me they have someone from Russia. 


    Cephas' Brother

    Simon wrote:

    Wmscog doesn't really teach NOTHING bad at all will happen even a sermon from mother about someone getting hurt

    Simon I've often wondered about this supposed "teaching." Do they teach that members are only "spiritually" protected then? It seems like it'd get you exposed pretty quick telling people that they were immune to physical harm. Though I guess the bible does say it. Mark 16:17-18 being one of  the verses that the pentecostal churches cite as evidence of their "protection" when they handle snakes and such. 



    simon, nothing in that testimony had something that says being in wmscog will make you immune of accidents.

    why? usually they say the members will be immune from bodily harms? i know all about the stories the wmscog keep feeding their new members about disasters here and there and only sion is untouched.


    Cephas' Brother

    KC….Are you serious?!?!? Disasters and only the local sion is untouched? Please someone tell me they put this on paper or in one of their videos or something. The videos they make are the only thing I can't bring myself to view. I know there are a ton, I just can't bear watching them. I know my girl's seen them…and believes them. I just can't do it. 



    ya the wmscog preachers keep saying stuff about earthquakes and other disaster here and there and only local sion is untouched, they said something about earthquakes in italy (which i never heard) and in new zealand .



    It’s complicated and nonsense but it isn’t that nothing happens



    Quotes three official sermons from the WMS homepage concerning this:

    In an online sermon titled “The Passover and the Seal of God“, the WMSCOG states:

    “God has made us His own by putting His seal on us through the Passover. He has firmly promised to protect us from any destructive disasters.” – © 2010 WMSCOG Accessed on 07.14.11

    In an online article titled “Sacred Assembly Of The Day Of Pentecost 2010“:

    Mother [the korean lady named Zhang Gil Jah whom they believe is a god] comforted Her children who had devoted themselves to prayer for ten days early in the morning and in the evening, and asked them to put their efforts into the Holy Spirit Movement to quickly lead the souls, who were trembling in fear because of the news about disasters, to Zion a safe refuge [the WMSCOG calls their church "Zion"], and bestowed the abundant blessings of the Holy Spirit on them. – © 2010 WMSCOG Accessed on 07.14.11

    In an online article titled “The Sacred Assembly Of The Passover 2010“, head pastor Joo Cheol Kim states:

    “The Passover is the most important feast to mankind, through which we can receive the promise of eternal life and escape from disasters”. – © 2010 WMSCOG Accessed on 07.14.11

    And here is the earthquake damage in New Zealand:



    If the Passover doesn't really protect you from disasters, accidents, etc, then why did they tell me that if I left I was at risk for getting into an accident, being a victim of some natural disaster or getting a severe illness like cancer?  They even told me stories of people who supposedly got into accidents or developed cancer after leaving the wms.  I mean come on…it can't be both ways.



    It has to do with the severity of the accident I guess lol


    Cephas' Brother

    Emily wrote:

     They even told me stories of people who supposedly got into accidents or developed cancer after leaving the wms.  I mean come on…it can't be both ways.

    That's just despicable. I can't believe there are humans that will stoop that low. CANCER?!?! I finally brought myself to watch about a minute and a half of that disaster video of theirs. What garbage! I don't mean to disparage any of you that are former members, but what in the world could make you think that they're telling the truth when they say these things?



    they do show footage of sole surviving buildings among reckage and stuff.



    Have you seen the video about the Cross and the Helecopter? A little girls daddy died in a helecopter crash and the WMS equates the message of the loss and the idea that the Cross is a tool of death. They even go so fat as to take a picture of a four blade helecopter from above to show the symbol of the Cross. It's all very deceptive. When someone first sees this video their heart goes out to this little girl however, if you evaluate it further it is a very cunning manipulation designed to tug at you heart strings and throw you off balance thus making you more accepting of the message of hate about the Cross.



    Yeah I have seen it, although I was anti-cross before it so I cannot speak of its effectiveness as a manipulative tool.



    It's been quite a while since I posted on this topic but somewhere in the forum I address this video and it's obsurdity. I even brought up an idea that I was boiling a couple of hotdogs and they happened to make the shape of a cross. If I were to make a youtube video about it I could lead people to the conclusion that we should not eat hotdogs because they could be seen as a cross. I know this sounds stupid and I hope that no one would really reject hotdogs because of a created manipulation like this. The Bible is very clear about what the Cross represents. One only needs to research it for themselves.

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