Is there any way to respectfully leave the WMS?

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  • #6817

    My loved one has seen the truth and has left the WMS. Besides the phone calls trying to get her to come back in for one more study, or the promise that all of her questions will be answered no one will talk to us. People who acted like they were her friends or like they cared about her don’t answer our texts, return our phone calls, or respond to our emails. I’ve heard many stories now from former members about rumors being spread about them. I personally spoke with a missionary from San Diego once who promised to call me back with answers to my questions. She never called me back but she did try to put more division between me and my loved one. Not Christian in attitude or action at all. Is anyone able to leave this group without things being said like, “She’s been mislead by Satan, or her faith was weak?” Why can’t any of these so called friends who supposedly care and love so much just talk to us about why we no longer believe the WMS teachings?

  • #44548


    So glad to hear about your loved one.  I wish I could tell you differently, but what you are experiencing is the same as what I've heard from other people.  I hope she finds that not all of her friends have such a conditional love as those you describe.



    It is a joyous time for you both that your loved one has left this group.However, it is likely to be a difficult time ahead for a while. Not so joyous that they so they so easily abandon and cast out one who was supposedly a dear friend. This is not love and certainly not the unconditional love which is of God. But really, what did you expect? You/she/anyone is only 'acceptable' to them, while you agree with their teachings and do not question too much. Further contact to/from her/you can only cause more members to question their own faith and in so doing, would result in even more leaving. May you both find peace.



    looks more like she abandoned them, asking her to study and offering to answer all her questions is not at all argueably abandonment.


    When people have doubts in my zion they have brought in "babylon pastors" to sit in to be able to hear both sides. So far they have always tripped all over themselves.



    Shimon, I asked if there was a respectful way to leave the WMS. I don’t care about other people getting tripped up by the lies of your group. My loved one and I understand the manipulating techniques used by this group. Neither of us desire to be subjected to any more of that. This group has never really answered our questions. They just overwhelmed my loved one with misinformation. Please don’t slam on our great choice to leave by confusing it with abandonment. I want to be able to respect your opinion but you continue to take pot shots wherever you can. It’s disrespectful and unhelpful. Do you have any helpful ideas on this topic?



    Genny, I know you’re right. We are very fortunate that the people who have been around us for years really do care. When we want to talk to them it’s not contingent on agreeing with everything they believe. How lame would it have been if Jesus and the apostles only hung out with people who agreed with them? It’s very hard to understand how people that claim to love could turn it off almost instantly.



    Justasitis, I appreciate your comment. I do wish others in this group would ask us why we left as opposed to spreading lies.



    You make the pot shots when they called your loved one had opportunity to explain



    And we tried to. Stop with this attacking posture you’re taking! Is there anyway a person can leave your cult and still be on good terms or will there always be judgment and damnation from your group? We still care about people in your cult and we also have a very real faith and trust in God.



    loocpoc, I’m sure that you’re being viewed as a possible recruit. It’s assumed that your eyes have not been opened yet or that the veil has not been lifted. I’m looking for an answer for my original question.



    You never said you tried…



    You really cannot respectfully call people a cult so I'd say no



    Ok, how does a person leave your cult like church respectfully. How does someone who has seen the truth still remain on semi-good terms with some of the basically good but mislead people in your group?



    Well I would suppose the same way you leave any other church.

    Those that left my church (here)

    Spend their entire time telling others to leave (that is two of them)

    Threaten to murder members (one of them)

    Ignore you completely when just saying hi passing on the street(Majority of them)

    others are amicable relationships back and forth but that is the minority (other than Jon who threatened to knife me to death one day randomly)



    Wow, what did you do to anger these people so much?






    Really? Some of these people just felt that treating you this way was the right thing to do?



    only one person was actually bad. I wouldn't call ignoring someone who says hi or waves bad.



    I understand your frustration however, your loved one is not going to respond positively to this. My loved one didn’t start coming around until I stopped attacking the cult. When she started thinking about the things she used to enjoy and I was able to remind her about some of our good times only then did I start getting the response I was looking for.



    What about those of us who never had acitivies before WMC that we do not have now?



    Is that what’s holding you back?

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