Colossians 2

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  • #6970

    The WMSCOG members always point to the churches, in their discussions they always say that the only true church is the WMSCOG because it keeps the Sabbath and celebrate the feasts. When they talk to people of other religions they become very passionate with this script that they've learned. Interestingly, reading the book of Colossians I found these Biblical passages that I want to share with you:

    Colossians 2

    15And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.

    Freedom From Human Rules

    16Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day…

    What excuse do you think they'll give if someone confront them with this? 


  • #48035


    One I've heard is that they read it as, "Don't let anyone judge you for keeping the Sabbath."

    But it's just as easy to read it as, "Don't let anyone judge you for not keeping the Sabbath."

    So really we should not judge anyone about whether or not they keep the Sabbath.



    They interpret it as old covenant versus new covenant



    It is true that we should not judge, but it's what the WMSCOG do all the time. I'm at the stage where I want to uncover my daughter's eyes and help her realize that she has been deceived, but there's so much information that I don't know where to start   Do you think Bible verses like these could help me or is there another method more convenient? (unfortunately my daughter does not understand English, it would be much easier to just show her this website)…



    I dont know how wmscog do their "thing" in the US or south america but here in asia mostly they start it up with all the keeping-it-according-the-book religious thing, until you all drawn and attached to them after that its all about the tithes and offerings, mostly from what i heard from several former members, most of the time they would recite that verse about would you rob god?

    And most of the former members is a former members because they started to notice about it and or kicked out because they refused to pay up.



    Here in Puerto Rico they do the same, everything looks like a fairy tale at first andafter the indoctrination the method changes I have evidence and pics of the documents they give to their members here and the locals that they choose which are residences where they operate without any kind of license or insurance Only the last local they opened is a business local but they have all the windows covered with white paper Will there be some way that I can make public all these pictures?


    Cephas' Brother

    I'd love to see those angelikkepr, i hope you can post them.



    I am having trouble understanding what is being said.

    Not sure what KC means by:they start it up with all the keeping-it-according-the-book religious thing, until you all drawn and attached to them after

    And I am not sure with angelikkepr

    What do lisences and insurance have to do with running a Church? 



    Hi Simon, What I mean is that here in PR their method is this one…two people allegedly a married couple rent homes for residential purposes when the real deal is that they are going to use it as a church. That way, they do not pay commercial electricity or commercial water, they pay those as residential so it's a lot cheaper for them. Also they are supposed to have insurances for example,  public liability insurances to be covered in case someone suffers an accident while there, (like one day one of the wood closet doors of one of their houses fell on a girls head and they were so frightened that they were trying to stop her mom from taking the girl to the hospital) they were supposed to have an insurance for that. They also need fire department permits, things like that. As a result, their vehicles didnt't allow a normal traffic and this mainly affected the neighbors, their cars filled the streets to the point that many times they blocked the access of residents to their homes. They came to PR to do everything wrong … although they are exempt from contributions for being a "religious"group, they were supposed to be registered at the State Departmen as an independent church or a non profit organization but as far as we know, in Puerto Rico they do not exist. All this without talking of all the negative experiences that they've caused in our families!!! 

    About what KC said, I understand that at first is all smiles and "we study the Bible" and "it's all the biblical word" but after several studies including the one that talks about the tithe, they begin to deal with more and more responsibilities. Something they have to pay, tithes and offerings, in Puerto Rico the same members are the ones who buy things for the Sabbath meal, pay for their own gasoline to find, bring and take back new followers, organize floral arrangements … when they realize, their salaries have been used mostly in the "church" and then they have trouble leading with their personal expenses… 






    In the US this also creates a problem for the landowner. Example: I own some rentals, I rent them out to a couple as a residence. This couple origionally started out just residing in my house but now they are running a small import business out of it. Customers come and go frequently. The county that my property is located in finds out what's going on and at minimum want a business license to be purchased. When the renters are confronted with this they could just brush it off. What does the county do as recourse? They attach a lien. What do they lien against? They lien against the property. Now, even though the property owner really hasn't done anything wrong he/she gets stuck with the bill. The property owner can legally go after the renters but the renters have already proved that they are willing to brush off and not live up to their obligations and that their work is not good because they rented a residence but instead ran a business. Maybe someone ought to contact the owners of the property and let them know about the bigger picture. 






    I think a lisense to run a house church is unconstitutional but that is a whole nother arguement.


    As far as landlords most leases say if you use the property for anything illegal is nullfies the lease.



    They need to be registered at the State Deparment as a church or as a nonprofit organizations plus they are supposed to file income tax forms in Puerto Ricoeven if they are exempt from paying taxes because they receive tithes and offerings that are supposed to be reported to the goverment.

    As far as it goes with the landlords, that's why they were kikced out of two of the houses they rented!



    I thought this website made a huge deal about how churches didn't need to file tax forms or anything of that form.



    Hi! Saw this post and had to comment. I’m an ex member of this church. They always have an excuse for everything and any question. I asked them about this verse and the response I got back was ” that’s a great verse it’s where mother proves herself” there is no mention of a woman in this verse. I have all the conversations if anyone is interested?



    I could see where they get that from 2:17  and the patterns by which they convolute scripture lol..


    As far as 2:!6 I remember a about 20 hop verse explanation I might have it written down still lol



    Thanks Panders… Please do so!

    Simon, I'm talking about the PR law and procedures. Of course, if they are hiding, none of the above qualifies…



    Puerto Rico is a United States territory and should be subject to the laws and constitution



    Simon, if they dont exist they dont have to fill the tax form, but the memmbers of a church and the IRS (thats ask for the account books a time per year to make an auditory) have the right to ask for the account books of the church and if the members give thites they can deduct that from the taxes…

    About the laws, we are a non incorporated territory, we have federal and local laws… We have two goverments and in some municipalities we have municipal laws.



    We all have municiple, local, and federal laws. But the IRS shouldn't have different rules for different places that is just odd.



    but I know WMSCOG will give tax receipts cuz deacons wife offered me one once

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