Jordan is joined by World Mission Society Church Of God former members Anthony and Edgar to talk about the “new name” referenced in the book of Revelation and to explain why this is not a reference to Ahnsahnghong as the WMSCOG teaches.
]]>The World Mission Society Church of God claims that Ahn Sahng Hong “testified” that Zhang Gil Jah (Jang Gil Ja) is “god the mother” because he wrote “I follow mother” in one of his notebooks. But what did Ahn Sahng Hong really mean when he wrote “I follow mother?” Ahn Kwang Sup, Ahn Sahng Hong’s son and pastor of the NCPCOG, explains Ahn Sahng Hong’s notes within the context they were written.
]]>South Korean reporters televised an investigative report on the World Mission Society Church of God in 1999. The video provides documentary proof that the World Mission Society Church of God believed and taught members that the world would end in 1999. It also proves that the WMSCOG has a long history of:
The reporters go into the WMSCOG undercover, after being denied entry. The reporters even visit Zahng Gil Jah’s apartment (before she moved into the “Jerusalem Temple”) where the person inside refuses to open the door. The reporters speak to one of Zahng Gil Jah’s family members who claims that when Zhang Gil Jah was just a member of the WMSCOG, she proclaimed that the world would end soon. The family member says that Zahng Gil Jah ultimately divorced her husband after she began attending the WMSCOG. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
]]>Comparison of audio recordings of Ahn Sahng Hong published on YouTube by the NCPCOG and the WMSCOG, on whether or not the New Jerusalem is a person or a place.
]]>Former member of 15 years, Jordan Young discussed Ahn Sahng Hong’s baptism date and the removal of three chapters from Ahn Sahng Hong’s book.
]]>The World Mission Society Church of God deleted three chapters from The Mystery of God and the Spring of the Water of Life (1980), written by Ahn Sahng Hong, a man the WMSCOG’s claims was God (All 3 chapters are available here). In this article we will examine the likely reasons why the WMSCOG chose to delete Chapter 36: Elijah Will Be Sent.
According to the WMSCOG, Ahn Sahng Hong came as Elijah’s to testify about Zahng Gil Jah being “god the mother.” There is no proof of this claim, except for a few written notes from the preface of a book alleged to have been written by Ahn Sahng Hong, that the WMSCOG does not make available for even their members to read.
However, the last prophet Elijah was the one to convey the last truth of preparing the way for the Second Coming of Jesus. – Chapter 36: Elijah Will Be Sent
According to Ahn Sahng Hong, the last Elijah was to prepare the way for the Second Coming of Jesus, not a “god the mother.” In fact, there is no mention of a female god anywhere in the above referenced book, though Ahn Sahng Hong did write a book denouncing the idea of a “mother god” in 1983.
The World Mission Society Church of God teaches that Ahn Sahng Hong was Elijah and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Yet, Ahn Sahng Hong wrote that Elijah was to prepare the way for the Second Coming of Jesus, so could he be both? Would God need to return to prepare the way for Himself? The concept of God preparing the way for Himself would nullify the purpose of John the Baptist preparing the way for Jesus at His first coming.
Therefore, when the day of the Second Coming of Jesus nears, He will first send Elijah the Prophet and who would testify fully as if one is seeing the First Coming of Jesus, and He will thereafter return. – Chapter 36: Elijah Will Be Sent
Ahn Sahng Hong very clearly wrote that Elijah would be sent first to testify about the Second Coming of Jesus, and not until after, would Jesus return. Therefore, if Ahn Sahng Hong was Elijah, then who was Jesus that came after? In the alternative, if Ahn Sahng Hong was the Second Coming of Jesus, then who was Elijah that prepared the way for him?
Because the first, actual Elijah had ascended when he was alive (2 Kings 2:11), the last Elijah’s mission is to transform and ascend while he is alive. The last Elijah’s mission is to transform and ascend along with the live 144,000 saints. – Chapter 36: Elijah Will Be Sent
Even if you were to believe that Ahn Sahng Hong was Elijah and Jesus, the last mission that Ahn Sahng Hong wrote about did not materialize. According to Ahn Sahng Hong, Elijah is to transform and ascend while alive, meaning that the last Elijah is not supposed to die. Despite this, Ahn Sahng Hong died in 1985 of a stroke and is buried alongside his real wife Hwang Won Soon.
Ahn Sahng Hong also wrote that Elijah is to transform and ascend alive along with the 144,000 saints. Ahn Sahng Hong did not ascend with 144,000 saints, and remains buried six feet underground in South Korea. In contradiction, The World Mission Society Church of God teaches that Zahng Gil Jah will not die and she will ascend with the 144,000 saints when the world ends. We will have to wait and see if that happens.
Ellen G. White had also written about the last Elijah as follows: “Elijah was the symbol of saints who would be alive at the time of the return of Christ.” (God of Prophecy P•K227) – Chapter 36: Elijah Will Be Sent
Ahn Sahng Hong relies on writings by Ellen G. White, considered a prophetess by the Seventh Day Adventist Church, in order to support his exhortation on the matter of Elijah. Jesus, or God, would not need to rely on the writings of a so-called “prophetess” to support the claim that Elijah would be alive at the time of Jesus’ return.
What does the history at that time of John the Baptist tell us today? The past is not all gone, but the fulfillment of the prophecy of the past now lies before us. All that history must manifest today, the end of mankind. – Chapter 36: Elijah Will Be Sent
It has been documented by a South Korean Court and elsewhere, that Ahn Sahng Hong made numerous false doomsday predictions. This is supported by his writings not only in Chapter 36 of the above referenced book, but in Chapter 1 as well (more on Chapter 1 and why it was deleted coming soon). It is obvious that Ahn Sahng Hong believed that the end of the world was imminent when he wrote his book in 1980, but it has been 40 years since then and the world has not ended.
But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name that I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that same prophet shall die.’ And if you say in your heart, ‘How may we know the word that the Lord has not spoken?’— when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously. You need not be afraid of him.
The final Elijah would come to an end by finding and testifying all the truth that had been trampled during the dark ages. That Elijah (God Jehovah), as the final judge, along with the 144,000 saints will be transformed into angels and ascended. Malachi the prophet said that Elijah the prophet will be sent last. – Chapter 36: Elijah Will Be Sent
When discussing the last Elijah, Ahn Sahng Hong describes events referenced in Revelation 7 that ultimately did not take place. If you are to believe that Ahn Sahng Hong was God and Elijah, then Ahn Sahng Hong should have ascended alive along with the 144,000 saints instead of dying in 1985.
When the name “Elijah” is translated, it means “Jehovah is my God”…Thereby, “Eli” means “God” and “Jah” has its root in Hebrew “Yahweh” – that is, Jehovah.
It symbolizes God in flesh and blood. – Chapter 36: Elijah Will Be Sent
Elijah, from the Hebrew name אֱלִיָּהוּ (‘Eliyyahu) meaning “my God is YAHWEH“, is derived from the elements אֵל (‘el) and יָה (yah), both referring to the Hebrew God. Ahn Sahng Hong’s claim that this translation ultimately “symbolizes God in flesh and blood” is a non sequitur and grossly misleading. There is nothing in the translation to suggest that the name Elijah has anything to do with God’s flesh and blood.
On the other hand, it is reasonable to conclude that Jesus represented God’s (Jehovah) flesh and blood because he was God’s Son who was born in the flesh, not because of the simple translation of a name. (Jesus’ Hebrew name was Yeshua. The Hebrew name Yeshua, which is based on the Semitic root y-š-ʕ (Hebrew: ישע), means “to deliver” or “to rescue.”)
Historically, Elijah does not have a father, mother, genealogy, beginning of days, nor end of life then ascends to heaven; similar to the ancient Melchizedek…Elijah’s situation is similar to the one of Melchizedek’s. Most of the people recorded in the
Bible have their parents’ names or genealogy identified, but Elijah and Melchizedek’s parental names, genealogy, and their day of their beginning and end are not identified.
The final Elijah would come to an end by finding and testifying all the truth that had been trampled during the dark ages. That Elijah (God Jehovah), as the final judge, along with the 144,000 saints will be transformed into angels and ascended. Malachi the prophet said that Elijah the prophet will be sent last. – Chapter 36: Elijah Will Be Sent
In the above quote, which are the last lines of Chapter 36, Ahn Sahng Hong seems to suggest that Elijah would come as a prophet to reveal God in the flesh, the Second Coming of Jesus specifically. Instead, the World Mission Society Church of God teaches that Ahn Sahng Hong was Elijah but does not emphasize that Elijah was also without genealogy. The WMSCOG chooses to teach that Ahn Sahng Hong “fulfilled the prophecy of Melchizedek,” because Ahn Sahng Hong draws a clear connection between Melchizedek and Jesus in Chapter 17 of the redacted version of The Mystery of God and the Spring of the Water of Life (Hebrews 5:8-10). Ahn Sahng Hong also implies a connection between Melchizedek, Jesus and the Old Testament law of tithing (citing Genesis 14:20). This serves to reinforce the WMSCOG’s claim that tithing is required for salvation. It is also important to note that tithing is a measure of faith and is required in order to move up within the organization.
It would appear that Ahn Sahng Hong suggests a connection between Elijah, Melchizedek, Jesus and Jehovah throughout his book. But there are important points to consider here:
Therefore, not only are Ahn Sahng Hongs teachings unreliable because his predictions did not come true, taken within the context of his other books, the idea that Ahn Sahng Hong in any way believed in a “god the mother” simply does not fit. If this deleted chapter supported the World Mission Society Church of God’s argument that Ahn Sahng Hong prepared the way for Zahng Gil Jah, why did they delete it from his book?
Chapter 36 of Ahn Sahng Hong’s book would have cause major problems for the World Mission Society Church of God if they had not deleted it from future editions. This chapter would expose the following key contradictions:
Ahn Sahng Hong | The WMSCOG |
The last Elijah’s mission was to prepare the way for the Second Coming of Jesus. | Elijah’s mission was to prepare the way for Zahng Gil Jah and reveal her as “god the mother.” |
Elijah was to come before the Second Coming of Jesus. | Ahn Sahng Hong was Elijah and the Second Coming of Jesus. |
The last Elijah will not die. | Ahn Sahng Hong was Elijah. Ahn Sahng Hong died but Zahng Gil Jah will not die. |
Elijah will ascend and transform alive, along with the 144,000 saints. | Zahng Gil Jah will ascend along with 144,000 saints who she will save from the last disaster. |
The amount of discrepancies between Ahn Sahng Hong’s teachings and the teachings of the World Mission Society Church of God, continue to increase exponentially as we discover more of Ahn Sahng Hong’s original books. The amount of control that the WMSCOG must have over members who become aware of their numerous lies by omission, but do not decide to leave this cult immediately, is incomprehensible.
The World Mission Society Church of God believes that Ahn Sahng Hong was the Second Coming of Jesus. The Bible clearly says, so does the World Mission Society Church of God for that matter, do not add or take away from the Bible (Revelation 22:19). Yet, the WMSCOG deleted three chapters from The Mystery of God and the Spring of the Water of Life (1980), by Ahn Sahng Hong, a man the WMSCOG’s claims was God. The 1980 version has 38 chapters, while the 2007 Korean/English version of the book has 35 chapters. This is not the first time we see the WMSCOG making critical edits to Ahn Sahng Hong’s writings. Why would the WMSCOG delete entire chapters from a book written by someone they believe was God?
The names of the missing chapters are:
All three chapters are available below. They are available in Korean here and here. Articles about the possible reasons why these chapters were removed and the obvious contradictions between what Ahn Sahng Hong wrote in these chapters and what the World Mission Society Church of God teaches, will be posted over the next few weeks.
[See image gallery at] Three-Missing-ChaptersJordan of Great Light Studios talks about recent WMSCOG member’s comments on their videos and responds to some of them.
]]>In 1983, Ahn Sahng Hong wrote a book titled Problems With the New Jerusalem, the Bride and Women’s Veils. The book’s purpose was to discredit a women named Um Soo In, who was claiming to be “god the mother,” the “New Jerusalem,” “Eve” and the “bride” in Revelation 22:17. In fact, it was documented by a Court in South Korea, that Um Soo In was kicked out of Ahn Sahng Hong’s church for claiming to be the “spiritual mother.” Although Ahn Sahng Hong discredited many of Um Soo In’s Biblical justifications for her claims, the World Mission Society Church of God uses these same verses and interpretations to substantiate their claim that Zahng Gil Jah is “god the mother,” the “New Jerusalem,” “Eve” and the “bride” today. When confronted with the obvious hypocrisy, the WMSCOG claims that Ahn Sahng Hong’s book was a “temporary measure” written to expose a false prophet. Yet, Ahn Sahng Hong never wrote a retraction of his claims against the idea of a mother god prior to his death less than two years after his book was published. These are the top five reasons why the “temporary measure” argument does not hold up to scrutiny.
Ahn Sahng Hong | The WMSCOG |
This booklet was published to prevent troublemakers who misinterpret and behave fanatically, explain the errors in the books that Um Soo In published and testify of the unchanging truth of the Church of our God. – Problems with New Jerusalem, The Bride and Women’s Veils (1983), Preface | We must understand that these words of Christ Ahnsahnghong were written under special circumstances and it is because of those special circumstances that the book’s content diverges from His teachings published in a later book.* – |
*The author, a current WMSCOG missionary, did not bother to disclose what “later book” he is referring to.
“The New Jerusalem which is written of in Revelation 21:1-4, the tabernacle of God, abides with human beings. However, this tabernacle is a spiritual building not a person.” – Problems with New Jerusalem, The Bride and Women’s Veils (1983), Chapter 8 The Heavenly New Jerusalem is Real and Material | [After quoting Galatians 4:26-31] “Our heavenly Mother has been worrying about our safety since the world began. Since we have been cast down to this earth, the city of refuge, by committing sin in heaven, our Mother has also come to this earth and is with us.” – God the Father and God the Mother (2008), p. 211 |
“Um Soo In claims that she is the bride in the passage ‘The Spirit and the Bride say, ‘Come!’. Furthermore, it is incredible that Um Soo In says that the voice in the passage ‘and I heard a loud voice from the throne’ is Um Soo In herself. The Throne of God is a place that only He abides and the Lamb of God is at the right hand of God. The loud voice coming from the throne cannot come except from the Lamb of God. Nevertheless, the fact that Um Soo In arrogantly states that she has made the loud voice reveals that she is extremely mentally ill.” – Problems with New Jerusalem, The Bride and Women’s Veils (1983), Chapter 16, She Claims To Be The Only Bride | “The Spirit is God the Father in the Trinity. So His Bride must be God the Mother. Now the Spirit and the Bride say, ‘Come! Take the water of life!’…God came in the flesh as the Spirit and the Bride to call us.” – |
“The bride of the Lamb are the 144,000 saints who have accepted the Gospel.” – Problems with New Jerusalem, The Bride and Women’s Veils (1983), Chapter 15, A Study on the New Jerusalem of Revelation 21 | “In Revelation 21, Jerusalem is described as the ‘bride, the wife of the Lamb,’ and in Galatians as ‘our Mother.’ The Bride is our Heavenly Mother, who gives us the water of life together with our Father who is the Spirit.” – God the Father and God the Mother (2008), p. 198 |
“It is true that the bride here is the same bride found in Revelation 21:9-10. Since it is written, ‘Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb,’ the wife of the Lamb is the saints.” – Problems with New Jerusalem, The Bride and Women’s Veils (1983), Chapter 16, She Claims To Be The Only Bride | “The angel said to John that he would show him the ‘bride, the wife of the Lamb,’ and then showed him Jerusalem. Here, we can see that Jerusalem represents the wife of the Lamb. Jerusalem is our spiritual Mother who gives us eternal life.” – God the Father and God the Mother (2008), p. 183 |
Nevertheless, Um Soo In claims that she is the Heavenly Jerusalem and that she has come down to earth. According to the prophecy of Galatians 4:22-24, Sarah is the Heavenly Jerusalem. However, if the New Jerusalem is Um Soo In, she has then married her son. The reason for this is that Isaac is the son of Sarah, and it is said that Isaac is also Christ. (Gal. 3:16) Um Soo In has then become the mother of Christ as well as the bride (wife) of Christ. Um Soo In states that I am Isaac with weakness of sight while claiming that she is Sarah, who is the Heavenly Jerusalem. She is then saying that she will live with Isaac who is her son. How extremely scandalous is this? With this type of misguided delusion, she has become a false prophet and has attempted to gain power. Please think of what will become of her sin and the sin of those who follow after her. (Isa. 9:16) – Problems with New Jerusalem, The Bride and Women’s Veils (1983), Chapter 7, The Jerusalem in Heaven is Our Mother | “The Bible clearly tells us that there is our spiritual Mother above (in heaven). We were angels in heaven, but our sins separated us from our Mother and caused us to be cast down to the earth. Because of the sins we had committed in heaven, we lost our memory and couldn’t remember our Mother. Our sins caused our Mother to come from heaven to this earth.” – God the Father and God the Mother (2008), p. 218 |
By observing the claims of Um Soo In that she is Eve, it can be seen that it was stated that “a woman should learn in quietness and full submission” and “I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet” looking ahead to when Um Soo In (the woman) would claim that she is the bride and the New Jerusalem that has come down from Heaven. By seeing that it was said of Adam and Eve in Genesis that “for Adam was formed first, then Eve” and “Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner,” it is clear that it is a prophecy of Um Soo In. It is a prophecy that if the claims of Um Soo In (the woman) are followed the Church will come to ruin under the deception of the Devil. – Problems with New Jerusalem, The Bride and Women’s Veils (1983), Chapter 19, The Claim of the Woman is the Temptation of the Devil | Just as Eve was created after Adam in the six days of creation so God the Mother, the reality of Eve appears after the appearance of the Second Coming Christ (Last Adam) in the end of six thousand years of God’s salvation work…In the age of Holy Spirit, the Spirit and the Bride give us water of life. The water of life means eternal life and only God can give us. So we can understand that the Last Adam and Eve appears as the Spirit and the Bride in our time. Since the Bride is the wife of the Lamb(Rev.19:7), the Spirit indicates the Second Coming Jesus(Last Adam) and His Bride (Last Eve) indicates WMSCOG God the Mother who is mother of our souls. As prophesied in the Bible, now our God the Father and God the Mother appear together and give us eternal life in our time. – |
The more you examine the contradictions between Ahn Sahng Hong’s teachings and the WMSCOG’s doctrine, the more it becomes apparent that the WMSCOG is using Um Soo In’s claims as Zhang Gil Jah’s playbook. The World Mission Society Church of God uses the same Bible verses and interpretations as Um Soo In did when she claimed that she was “god the mother,” in order to claim that Zahng Gil Jah is the “god the mother.” The only difference is that Zahng Gil Jah has not written a book to support her claims. Instead she has the WMSCOG members and leadership stake her claims for her. If Zahng Gil Jah had written a book explaining why she is the bride, New Jerusalem, last Eve and “god the mother”, it would likely have been considered plagiarism of Um Soo In’s books.
There is an exceeding amount of evidence in Ahn Sahng Hong’s writings that he rejected the idea of a mother god entirely. Where is the proof that he changed his mind later? Where is the proof in Ahn Sahng Hong’s writings or audio recordings between 1983, the year he wrote the above referenced book, and February of 1985 when he died of a stroke, that prove that he completely reversed his teachings and suddenly began believing in a female god? If you are a member and can cite one of Ahn Sahng Hong’s books or audio recordings that proves he believed in a mother god, please leave it in the comments below.
These are not the only contradictions between what Ahn Sahng Hong believed and what the World Mission Society Church of God teaches its members. For more contradictions, click here.
]]>As discussed in previous articles, the World Mission Society Church of God claims that Ahn Sahng Hong wrote Problems with the New Jerusalem, the Bride and Women’s Veils as a “temporary measure” in order to discredit a false prophet named Um Soo In. If you only read the Preface, as most WMSCOG members do, this explanation for why Ahn Sahng Hong wrote his book may be plausible. Yet, beyond the Preface is a mountain of evidence that Ahn Sahng Hong’s book applies to Zahng Gil Jah as well.
In the Bible, God is referred to as the King of Heaven:
Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and exalt and glorify the King of heaven, because everything he does is right and all his ways are just. And those who walk in pride he is able to humble.
The World Mission Society Church of God essentially claims that the God required a female counterpart in order to create, because human reproduction requires a male and female. It is well known that the WMSCOG claims that Genesis 1:26 proves that there is a God the father and “god the mother” because God is referred to in the plural tense. Therefore, by the WMSCOG’s exegesis of Scripture, if the male image of God is the King of Heaven, there should be a female counterpart, the Queen of Heaven.
The Queen of Heaven is referenced twice in the book of Jeremiah:
The children gather wood, the fathers light the fire, and the women knead the dough and make cakes to offer to the Queen of Heaven. They pour out drink offerings to other gods to arouse my anger.
The women added, “When we burned incense to the Queen of Heaven and poured out drink offerings to her, did not our husbands know that we were making cakes impressed with her image and pouring out drink offerings to her?” Then Jeremiah said to all the people, both men and women, who were answering him, “Did not the LORD remember and call to mind the incense burned in the towns of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem by you and your ancestors, your kings and your officials and the people of the land? When the LORD could no longer endure your wicked actions and the detestable things you did, your land became a curse and a desolate waste without inhabitants, as it is today.
After reading the above referenced verses, it becomes clear that worship of a female deity or Queen of Heaven is seen by God as worshipping another god. Recently a former member informed me that when he asked his overseer about the above verses, he was told “not to look at that stuff, it’s a trap and doesn’t represent mother.” According to this former member, the World Mission Society Church of God claims that there are three parts to the bible:
So the only way anyone can follow the bible accurately is if God (referring to Zahng Gil Jah) is here to teach them. Information control is one of the hallmark characteristics of a cult. A cult’s main objective is to exert total control over its members. A member’s belief in the WMSCOG’s claim that they are the gatekeepers of Biblical interpretation, allows this cult to use their interpretation to exert control over all aspects of the member’s life.
In Chapter 17 of Problems with the New Jerusalem, the Bride and Women’s Veils, titled A Curse is Received by Making an Offering to the Queen of Heaven Ahn Sahng Hong wrote:
Um Soo In fulfills the prophecy of the Jeremiah by claiming that she alone came down to this earth from the New Jerusalem and that people must serve her in order to receive great blessings. (quotes Jeremiah 7:18)
Um Soo In claims that she is the only bride, the new heavens and the New Jerusalem. Through this, she becomes a queen and she receive tithes that should be given to Melchizedek. She raises herself up as if she is greater than God.
How arrogant and insolent an act is this? How long will God be patient with her? (quotes Jeremiah 7:18-20)
This prophecy is said to refer to the Roman Catholic Church worshipping Mary but it becomes more clearer evidence against Um Soo In.
It is clear from the above passages that Ahn Sahng Hong did not believe in a female deity of any kind. Ahn Sahng Hong actually believed that the Devil would utilize women to cause confusion inside the Church. The World Mission Society Church of God’s belief that Zahng Gil Jah is the mother god is in complete contradiction with what Ahn Sahng Hong wrote and taught his followers. In fact, the WMSCOG makes the same exact claims about Zahng Gil Jah that Ahn Sahng Hong says are false. The WMSCOG claims that Zahng Gil Jah (Jang Gil Ja):
It is no wonder that the World Mission Society Church of God does not want members to read these verses and even goes as far as to say that these verses are a “trap.” After reading about the Queen of Heaven in Jeremiah and Ahn Sahng Hong’s interpretation of the same verses, it is evident that the idea of a mother god is an outright deception.