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  • #6901

    we all know that everything in the bible means something, it was written to teach us as wms says, but when I ask where is the study for the mark of the beast in revelation I was told the the mark on the forehead was from ash wed. and that the mark on the hand was communion when they take the bread in the hand.  DD

    1. Revelation 13:17 (Whole Chapter)

      And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name.


    2. Revelation 14:9 (Whole Chapter)

      Then a third angel followed them, shouting, “Anyone who worships the beast and his statue or who accepts his mark on the forehead or on the hand


    3. Revelation 14:11 (Whole Chapter)

      The smoke of their torment will rise forever and ever, and they will have no relief day or night, for they have worshiped the beast and his statue and have accepted the mark of his name.”


    4. Revelation 16:2 (Whole Chapter)

      So the first angel left the Temple and poured out his bowl on the earth, and horrible, malignant sores broke out on everyone who had the mark of the beast and who worshiped his statue.





  • #46645


    wow i can't believe that wms or this site has nothing to say on the mark of the beast, anyone know???



    7th day adventists believe it is Sunday Service. Nowhere else have I heard about the mark so no other ideas.



    wow i guess we'll know when we can't buy or sell anything, or when a horrible &  malignant sores break out on everyone who has the mark of the beast and who worshiped his statue.



    Unless Ahnsahnghong is correct that the sores are not literal.



    This is only my opinion. We will have one currency first. This will be the only way that everyone will be set up for a mark that will represent currency for all people. Some have speculated that this mark which I think will be an actual visible mark will also have a chip inserted under it. This will be much like the way many people tag their pets with a microchip. It will have all of our information on it. Some believe that the chipping of animals is just a way of desensitizing us and making it more acceptable on a grand scale. Remember, this is just opinion and theory.



    I am gearing towards the WMSCOG explanation of it being more spiritual they base the explanation on verses Pharisaic Jews use as Teffilin but other Jews understand it to be spiritual.  How exactly it will pan out is another question all together.



    A big part of this that leads me away from the idea of it being something spiritual is that people will not be able to purchase goods and services without this mark. This leads me to believe that this mark must be visible and therefore physical and not a spiritual mark. The seal of God on the other hand I do believe 100% is a spiritual mark.



    yes Joshua i agree, it's like right now no one can work without a social security number and no one

    can travel without a valid passport or I.D.  also this rfid chip can be started for instance like at the

    airport, (a travelers dream) this would make the screening process quicker & the persons

    information (d.o.b./add/pic/miles/etc

    would all pop up in a screen therefore discarding the need to investigate the person because

    everything they need to know about them will be there.  so yes it starts out with the pet

     then the sick ppl and elder (as a medical i.d. tag) then jobs will start using it so the need to walk

    around with i.d. will be in the past.just like a cell phone they would upgrade it gradually until

    everyone gets use to the idea and before u know it everyone is using it. by the way if the social

    security would count as a mark, then that is not so fair, I was a baby when i got mines i had no

    saying to that one lol!



    if it is literal noone will fall for it when it comes true



    You’ve got a pretty good idea about it I think. Up till now I had not thought about the traveling idea.



    If it is only global ID, we aren't really serving the beast by getting it. So I believe there will be global ID, which is then used to enforce the mark. The mark can be anything from an idol, an offering to religious figure, a small prayer to him or religious service to him. The global ID isn't really necessary in the end, but it is enforcing it better.



    Rexona, I’m not following your logic here. Could you explain what you’re trying to say the mark might be? I’m not getting how a offering or a prayer could be the mark of the beast.



    When I was in the wms, I was told that the mark of the beast was sunday worship.



    I was told.anything not in., gods law so Sunday Christmas Easter



    It still doesn’t fit. These things will not keep you from purchasing goods and services.



    It did then



    It should be noted noone wants to hire a sabbath keeping Christian. Also, I made less than co-workers because I kept Sabath Day.



    Well, that’s wrong and those people are asking for a world of trouble. I also understand your comment that it seemed right at the time. No matter what you seem to be getting stronger as the time goes by. Keep using your own mind and challenging every spirit. You’re on the right track. Keep up the good work.



    shimon says:


    if it is literal noone will fall for it when it comes true

    but i say Shimon, think about it, it's like can you drive a car with out a drivers license or insurance, well you could, but if you get caught, there is a penaty.  Can you open up a bank account without an i.d.  no.  So in the same manner this mark of the beast that is needed to purchase or sell, will be something that ppl will consider as logic, common sense, just like the above example.  Plus you also have to remeber that not everyone reads the bible, therefore yes this can be taken literal.  I see this mark of the beast more of a man-made law, just like every other laws we have in society.  And many will take it, because they don't know the bible and because they will NEED to follow this law in order to survive.  This is why i say it will probably start at airports (a travelers dream) an EXPRESS PASS for those who have it.  Then everyone else will see and say hey i want one of those it makes traveling so much easier.  Don't need an i.d. or passport and i can avoid lines. and so the MARK begins to TRAVEL, get it.  Soon it will be linked to other common things in life, and who can be without it, it's a MUST have to do anything & everything, and it all started with the stupid dog.


    Sueno Maruyama

    The person who wrote the last book of the Bible didn't know about airports.

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