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  • #6901

    we all know that everything in the bible means something, it was written to teach us as wms says, but when I ask where is the study for the mark of the beast in revelation I was told the the mark on the forehead was from ash wed. and that the mark on the hand was communion when they take the bread in the hand.  DD

    1. Revelation 13:17 (Whole Chapter)

      And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name.


    2. Revelation 14:9 (Whole Chapter)

      Then a third angel followed them, shouting, “Anyone who worships the beast and his statue or who accepts his mark on the forehead or on the hand


    3. Revelation 14:11 (Whole Chapter)

      The smoke of their torment will rise forever and ever, and they will have no relief day or night, for they have worshiped the beast and his statue and have accepted the mark of his name.”


    4. Revelation 16:2 (Whole Chapter)

      So the first angel left the Temple and poured out his bowl on the earth, and horrible, malignant sores broke out on everyone who had the mark of the beast and who worshiped his statue.





  • #46665


    It's still a good hypothesis. Way to go WHOAMI.



    The problem I have with that hypothesis is it goes on the right hand OR forehead rfid chips would not go well on a forhead. Also the mark is said to be ON the hand or forehead.


    Furthermore while not everyone reads the Bible everyone in the developed world is inendated with the idea of the Mark of the beast.


    BTW they already have the RFID with all of that information in cards for fast passes through security so that would actually be more convoluted than keeping the current system.



    Shimon, I did not say it was for sure, I was using the airport as an example, notice I used the word probably.  I was just making a point on how the mark of the beast can be inforced.  I mean really now, after all WHO AM I.  Shimon you say the chip can not go on the right had or the forehead and I say why not, its not like it's big or bulky, so it is possiable, or maybe after the rfid chip an upgrade will come along, therefore making it even more possiable to inplant it on hand and forehead.  Hey I'm just saying! REVELATION 13   <font size="4">13</font> He did astounding miracles, even making fire flash down to earth from the sky while everyone was watching. <sup id="en-NLT-30885"><font size="4">14</font> And with all the miracles he was allowed to perform on behalf of the first beast, he deceived all the people who belong to this world. He ordered the people to make a great statue of the first beast, who was fatally wounded and then came back to life. <sup id="en-NLT-30886"><font size="4">15</font> He was then permitted to give life to this statue so that it could speak. Then the statue of the beast commanded that anyone refusing to worship it must die.

       <sup id="en-NLT-30887"><font size="4">16</font> He required everyone—small and great, rich and poor, free and slave—to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead. <sup id="en-NLT-30888"><font size="4">17</font> And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name. <sup id="en-NLT-30889"><font size="4">18</font> Wisdom is needed here. Let the one with understanding solve the meaning of the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man.<font size="4">[</font><font size="4">c</font><font size="4">]</font> His number is 666.<font size="4">[</font><font size="4">d</font><font size="4">]</font>

    <font size="4">This mark is going to be forced upon all people, all who refuse to worship the image will be killed.  </font>

    <font size="4">Shimon this is why i used the traveling as an example,  this mark  will be a requirement by law and without it we can't do anything. wmscog says the number of the beast is the name of the POPE.</font>

    <font size="4">@Johsua, you understand what i 'm trying to say, you think outside the box like me.</font>

    <font size="4">@sueno: you  s ,s</font>



    <font size="4">The person who wrote the last book of the Bible didn't know about airports.</font>

    <font size="4">ARE YOU SAYING GOD DID NOT KNOW.  </font>

    <font size="4"> </font>



    <font size="4"> </font>




    RFID is actually the cliche inside the box explanation 



    I wasn't talking about ability to put it in the forehead but the fact it wouldn't make sense to do so no matter how easy it is.



    Shimon, I guess what i was trying to say did not come out right, but let me show an example with the QR CODE.  What started off with a car, has now gone else where, and that was the point i was trying to present, with the rfid chip.


    <h3 class=”r”>

    <font color=”#660099″>QR code – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</font>


    <font color=”#009933″>en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code</font>Cached

    You +1'd this publicly. <font color=”#1122cc”>Undo</font>

    QR Code (abbreviated from Quick Response Code) is the trademark for a type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional code) first designed for the automotive



    shimon says:



    I wasn't talking about ability to put it in the forehead but the fact it wouldn't make sense to do so no matter how easy it is.




    I was told.anything not in., gods law so Sunday Christmas Easter

    so how is sunday, x-mas and easter the mark of the beast, how are people forced to recieve the mark.  When i was celebrating these holidays i was not forced, or had a mark  i just followed traditions, so in my opinion i don't think thats what it is.

    But wait, look what i just notice on REVELATION 13:8 All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast-all those whose names have not been written in the book of life belonging to the Lamb that was slain from the creation of the world.

    so to my understanding according to the above verse, followed by Revelation 13:14-18, this means that the ones who will be forced to take the mark & not be able to buy or sell without it are all those whose names have not been written in the book of life belonging to the Lamb. 

    (revelation 13:18) THIS CALLS FOR WISDOM,( revelation 13:9 )HE WHO HAS AN EAR LET HIM HEAR.

    so yes Shimon, now I can see how it could  be for all people not following Gods law, but now  I have so many  questions to ask!

    Is the WMSCOG right? are they the true cog?  Is satan blinding me, so that i won't see the truth?












    You can be forced to do something without being aware of it.



    I believe the mark will be a mystery until it appears.


    Sueno Maruyama

    In my opinion the least understood, and probably most incorrectly interpreted book of the New Testament is Revelation.  I think you could be an outstanding Christian and a true believer and not ever worry about that book.  Or bother reading it.  Christ says all you need to believe in the Gospels to be a good Christian, in my opinion.  I think some of you spend too much time worrying about what in my opinion is the most unneccessary book of the New Testament.



    The Bible says not to disregard it



    Let's presume that it is just a bunch of redoing there is also Jeremiah in there as well as other prophets


    Sueno Maruyama

    Lot's of mythology, symbolism, etc in many of the books comprising "the Bible".  Just don't see the need to worry much about it.  As I said, for Christians it all seems to be in the Gospels and St. Paul.  Everything else, in my opinion, is kind of superfluous as far as leading a fine Christian life.  Besides, the cults like WMSCOG, James Jones, etc all seem to make a big deal about Revelations.  Too many loopholes in that book for these cults to exploit and spread "fear" and end times "prophecies", like Heavenly Mom and her 144000.




    look for it at youtube, this is the mark



    shimon wrote:

    The Bible says not to disregard it

    where is this?   ive always thought it said "blessed" is the man who reads it



    WHOAMI wrote:


    look for it at youtube, this is the mark




    This guy has an interesting take on the matter. Plain and simple.




    donttrustzang wrote:

    shimon wrote:

    The Bible says not to disregard it

    where is this?   ive always thought it said "blessed" is the man who reads it

    Exactly my point

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