Rebecca Responded to the video I posted of The Today Show

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  • #7881

    Rebecca responded to the video i posted. You can check her comment out here. It looks like she started a Youtube acct. I responded to her and explained why i posted the video.

  • #70512

    Well grandfather always use to tell me that when you try to explain yourself too much, it's because you are usually hidding something or not telling the truth, and for her to go in a matter of a few days and make 6 youtube videos trying to explain all her points of what happen, that seems a little fishy to me, I wonder if the church make her do these videos, they seem very PRO so i doubt that she did them herself…

    here is her youtube channel:


    Brian Taylor

    well, I am happy that public awareness is being raised about the topic, but as far as comments go, i'd better sit this one out. I am trying to keep my roasting/ethers of the wms to trolls who attack my vids. But i'll be watching!



    Wow!  Whoever Jimmy Beam is on the comment section of her video, he is really doing a great job of revealing the wms and how it was when he was a member.  He pretty much tells it exactly how it is. 



    I agree and i definitely feel like they had her pushed to do this. They are doing way too much to keep the cult afloat



    I've said before, some of their leaders are real hotheads, and they are going too far.  They are making mistakes. 

    I know for sure that they make the members make videos supporting the cult for the purpose of damage control.  One ex member in particular I know was asked to do one to show they weren't racist.  This ex member was also asked to make presentations and then afterwards had it labeled by the cult as "scientific proof."  This one is easily provable.  The  leaders got a little careless on their "never put it in writing" mantra.



    Hahaha. I find her videos very funny. All of her responses I have heard in the WMS. All she did was repeat their opinions!! Yet she says she isn't mind controlled. 



    Its very clear, that the WMS is doing these vids. Not sure of her financial situation, but the quality is with a great camera. @Mountain, Im not sure, but it looks like she or WMS is deleting comments from the page.



    UntouchableJ wrote:

    Its very clear, that the WMS is doing these vids. Not sure of her financial situation, but the quality is with a great camera. @Mountain, Im not sure, but it looks like she or WMS is deleting comments from the page.

     I bet they are at this point.  Jimmy Beam was obviously tearing them up in the "truth" department.  He really called them out on things they try to deny, and he was making them look bad.



    @Mountain. im curious to know what Jimmy said. His comments were taken down.



    Jimmys comments are in the comments section of Felicia’s today show video.


    Brian Taylor

    Jimmy really hit the nail on the head when he said “you (wms troll) can’t tell me what I experienced, you weren’t there and have no proof that I’m lying” . He also blew em out of the water when said ” I am not going to show you proof over YOUTUBE” this statement really revealed hoe coy the wms argument s are online.



    @Brian. I love how he kept saying, “You didnt amswer my question”. The Wms troll kept trying to use scripture. But in reality when it comes to; 2012 Prophecy, Racism, Divorce, Arranged Marriages, the WMS never answers when it comes to these topics


    Brian Taylor

    yeah, they just use slimy lawyer talk ( no offense if anyone on here is a lawyer) but yeah "did the wms predict the end would be 2012?" answered with " you will not find any documentation from the church stating that the end was predicted to come in 2012"


    Abhigail Delema

    Looking at Rebecca vid it reminded me of the time when i was in the wmscog and they called the pastors favourites and short small videos telling members that it was going to be sent to mother in Korea,and you could see members crying and told what to say and what not.There are many takes and retakes.Good to hear that she openly said that her marriage did not work,but here in India we have a missionary who denies his marriage to a Korean.I like the way she tries to justify herself saying that the real parts were cut and her video was made to show the negative side of her and the wmscog,but sad to say this his what the wmscog has done the same thing to Ron ramos and Diane,because when i was there they have showed us vid of Ron trip to Korea with our Indian members and our pastors at that time praised them for their faith in Father& mother and now that they have left thay talk bad about them and all ex-members.Brian i totaly agree with you what she said to defend herself are slimy lawyer talk. 



    Slimy Lawyer talk indeed. Lawyers and Politicians do it all the time.

    When the Overseer asked my wife about what doubts she had, around the time we were leaving she asked, “Why does WMS sue everyone?”

    The Overseers response was, “You think the church, WANTS to sue people?”

    Thats not an answer, lol. I swear the must teach these guys this during their training at Go & Come, because the tactics are the same everywhere.



    UntouchableJ wrote:

    …When the Overseer asked my wife about what doubts she had, around the time we were leaving she asked, "Why does WMS sue everyone?"

    The Overseers response was, "You think the church, WANTS to sue people?"

    Thats not an answer, lol. I swear the must teach these guys this during their training at Go & Come, because the tactics are the same everywhere.


    This was also part of my movitation for leaving because "according to the bible" (as the cult likes to say) Jesus said when an enemy strikes you on the right cheek you offer the left. But knowing the cult as well as I do I know they'd come up with a rebuttle of "it has a spiritual meaning" But did Paul not shame the Corinthians when church members were having lawsuits amongst each other? Was there ever a record of the early church ever using litigation in a tit-for-tat response to persecution? And would the Almighty even need earthly courts to aveng his truth?

    But that said God would never need to take people to court. That is not unless this is a false god who still requires human means to punish people.



    Back to the videos I would have loved to see the look on her face when the show actually aired. She probably wanted to die in that moment. And I noted how she's always mentioning the cog is not a cult so many times in her videos and i nearly fell asllep just watching one of them. Because that story is so boring! Typical cult behavior or giving only claims and no proof.

    If the cult really doubts the experts that speak out against them then why not bring in their own independent experts who will prove us wrong? On second thought that might cost way too much money and we all know that you never mess with kcj and his ka-ching. Forget I said anything.



    @Azula We found out a few months before we left, that there are a team of Overseers called the, “Cult research” team. These men to my investigation, watch what exmembers and nay-sayers say, media relations, church norms and the like. It was rumored that my Exoverseer was a lawyer, which he denied. But, he does work for Big shine inc. One thing for sure, the DO watch sites like this. Allegedly, Pastor Lee from L.A. Church made a fake “Cult Research” website, that mentioned WMS and covertly tried to defend the Church. We also know that members are TOLD to go on sites etc. I remember the “I have already come” YT movement. We were instructed to go on and respond to the video “at least 6 times” a day. Thats ALOT of YT revenue. The WMS functions like a gang leader. Al Capone or any other leader always sends the word out for a crime, but always does it via his underlings. That way, when things get hot, they can say “I never said that”


    Brian Taylor

    UntouchableJ wrote:

    We found out a few months before we left, that there are a team of Overseers called the, "Cult research" team. These men to my investigation, watch what exmembers and nay-sayers say, media relations, church norms and the like. It was rumored that my Exoverseer was a lawyer, which he denied. But, he does work for Big shine inc. One thing for sure, the DO watch sites like this. Allegedly, Pastor Lee from L.A. Church made a fake "Cult Research" website, that mentioned WMS and covertly tried to defend the Church. We also know that members are TOLD to go on sites etc. I remember the "I have already come" YT movement. We were instructed to go on and respond to the video "at least 6 times" a day. Thats ALOT of YT revenue. The WMS functions like a gang leader. Al Capone or any other leader always sends the word out for a crime, but always does it via his underlings. That way, when things get hot, they can say "I never said that"

    I remember, vividly, the I have already come flash mob movement. We were also told to share it on facebook as much as possible.It was huge  at my zion because my overseer was/is a software engineer.I also remember the korean's favorites being picked to dance in the routine.

    When I first left a deacon told me to look at the cult resaerch center website and it is more or less just another front group to both defend and lead people to the WMS. Kinda like the elohist club on college campuses. Or even the we love you foundation. Just false legitamization. 

    It's kinda weird, in the light of all the commotion ( the today segment, the recent articles, the propaganda cartoons, the attacks against michele, ect)  Does any one else get this feeling like you know exactly what they are going to do?



    Yes, Brian, I do.  Cults follow a pattern of behavior, and while I don't profess to know everything, it is easier to figure these things out when you see what normally happens with a cult.  The Wms follows a pretty predictable pattern too.

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