Persecuting the World Mission Society Church of God.

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  • #7515

    The World Mission Society likes to say that they are being persecuted, and that there's religious hatred.

    • They have a tax exempt status, which means that whatever they buy, they don't have to pay taxes.


    • The WMS has a radio show inside of a university through which they broadcast 3-4 hours of "New Songs" every week for free. You can see about the show here or here.


    • They have a weekly TV show, and you can see previous shows here .


    • They were able to apply for a "Presidencial Award" and after they paid the fees, they received it.


    • About 1200 of their members got a CERT certification (first responders), which I imagine was payed by the government from people's taxes, you can see that video here.


    My point is: There are so many people in the world being persecuted by the color of their skin, by their religion and by their sexuality that I think it's very unfair to those people for the WMS to say that they are being persecuted. That's one of the many things that the WMS members repeat that don't really make sense.

  • #65470


    I think that it might be because the wms definition of "persecution" is different.  To the wms ANY criticism is considered persecution.  When I was a member I was told that people persecuted the wms by calling them a cult on the internet for example.  There are many sites out there with negative comments but it seems like the wms or its members tries their hardest to get rid of the comments or flood the internet with similar blogs to divert attention on google.  Even when someone comments negatively on YouTube, the comments are marked as spam.  

    Why can't other people freely disagree with them?  Their elitist mentality really irritates me.



    The more I read about controlling groups, the more similarities I see with the WMS. If they really had the truth, they wouldn't mind their members reading other websites or talking with critics. If their "truth" is so weak that talking with critics would confuse them, then there's no truth in there. But they don't let their members go to critic's site, and the members that do, are too scared to comment, because they know that whatever they say can be refuted with the bible.



    None of those examples debunk persecution

    Not that I’m saying they are often persecuted



    Whether it is fair or unfair, whether it is really persecution or not, who is in a position to judge? Surely not those who are still in. All of you who have posted above me in this thread, wont you admit that you all believed that you were among the persecuted while you were in?

    It is all a matter of perspective. Al members will believe they are persecuted, all non-members will believe it is not persecution.



    When I think of persecution, I don't think of times I've been made fun of for my faith, or when someone criticizes or disagrees with me, or even when someone challenges me and wants to debate.  I think of people who have lost their jobs for expressing their faith, or been beaten or killed, who have had their houses and churches burnt down or been put in prison.

    I pretty much think of the definition for persecute that says "to oppress, harass, or maltreat, especially because of race, religion, etc. " (from

    However, it seems the wmscog thinks of the other definition, "to bother persistently."

    I see a big different between "bothering" and "maltreating" though.



    Yes emil, I just feel maybe we can give a little bit of perspective to the subject. I agree with genny, persecution is not just disagreeing with you.

    I think if I don't have breakfast by 9 but at 10, I shouldn't say that we have to eliminate the hunger in my house, it would be unfair to the people who are actually hungry in the world. Not talking about when people use hyperboles and just say expressions like "I'm starving", but if you really mean it.

    In this site by the WMS they compared the examining site to the Nazi and to terrorists (they took down that site not too long ago, I guess they realized how bigoted they sound) Again, if you have the truth, you should be able to debate it.

    If the WMS was really being persecuted for their beliefs, if the members were losing jobs because they believed in Ahnsahnghong, if their life was being threatened because they believed in Zahng Gil Jah, I would be one of the first ones defending their freedom of religion.



    I completely agree with both Genny and ExMember that the term "persecute" is inappropriately used by the wmscog.

    However, what I am pointing out is that it suits their agenda to continue to use the word. It kind of motivates the sheeple who believe they are martyrs who will go straight to heaven.



    ExMember wrote:

    In this site by the WMS they compared the examining site to the Nazi and to terrorists (they took down that site not too long ago, I guess they realized how bigoted they sound) Again, if you have the truth, you should be able to debate it.

    Inciting religious hatred?… Uh, what about the hatred the wmscog incites toward the Catholic Church?  And Protestant churches for that matter.



    ExMember wrote:

    The more I read about controlling groups, the more similarities I see with the WMS. If they really had the truth, they wouldn't mind their members reading other websites or talking with critics. If their "truth" is so weak that talking with critics would confuse them, then there's no truth in there. But they don't let their members go to critic's site, and the members that do, are too scared to comment, because they know that whatever they say can be refuted with the bible.

     And how is it taught when one is in, ExMember?



    Questioninginla wrote:

    ExMember wrote:

    The more I read about controlling groups, the more similarities I see with the WMS. If they really had the truth, they wouldn't mind their members reading other websites or talking with critics. If their "truth" is so weak that talking with critics would confuse them, then there's no truth in there. But they don't let their members go to critic's site, and the members that do, are too scared to comment, because they know that whatever they say can be refuted with the bible.

     And how is it taught when one is in, ExMember?

    How Is what taught?



    "they don't let their members go to critic's site, and the members that do, are too scared to comment, because they know that whatever they say can be refuted with the bible." exmember

    Oh, exmember! That is SO three years ago!

    Such a statement was wrong then, and it is still wrong now.

    You people do a really good job of putting words in our mouth though. Maybe for your next trick you can go find a few people who got told differently, so that you can amaze us with how the other 1 million members misunderstood from their own hundreds of overseers.



    Well, I can amaze you with one way "the other 1 million members misunderstood from their own hundreds of overseers." THEY THOUGHT THE WORLD WAS ENDING IN 2012!!!!   How could so many of them "misunderstand" such a huge teaching?   Are you amazed yet, because I am.  Lol!  You guys must do a bad job in the area of getting your point across if so many devout members were out preaching their lives away because "Mother" was taking her children home in 2012.  And now you say you never said it?  How could so many members possibly misunderstand that?!?!    Pretty amazing, I must say.  By the way, I personally heard a long time member say he was so sure this was happening in 2012 that if it didn't, they should bar the doors of the church there and put a padlock on them.  And I have witnesses to that as well. 

    If you admit you were wrong, I can respect that.  I don't respect changing stories to suit your purposes if predictions don't work out.




    I thought we already went through this before?

    "How could so many of them "misunderstand"

    Oh, yep, we did, I remember it now.

    This is the part were, like last time, we compare numbers, and reflect on some people perhaps in the triple digits, compared to everyone else in the whole faith who is still in the church right now and none of us thought 2012 was the end.

    "I don't respect changing stories to suit your purposes "

    Except that didn't happen. We never ever announced that ever.

    It didn't come from Mother, it didn't come from General Pastor, it didn't come from the General Assembly, it didn't come from Elohist Magazine, it didn't come from … In short, it was a secular opinion that a few hopefuls fabricated, and then clung to it hard even while all the rest of us in the whole church are saying "no one knows the time" and "the bridegroom may delay". We (even I) were saying this long before, during, and after, without ever changing our story;

    And the fact that you still bring it up fully exposes for everyone to read the type of misinformation and powerful delusion you want to feed people.

    Please, children of God. Wake Up.




    Please try to stay true to yourself and enlighten us, why the members were saying the world was ending in 2012 as if they were in a choir. 

    Btw, I live in NJ. Maybe it is a different understanding in here. Since we live in a very fast paced life, I guess the zions here wanted to give it a boost… 



    ^^ I personally know a member who wanted her husband to install a water storage tank in the house in the 2nd half of 2012. She refused to tell him why but he knew anyway.

    I know members who left school or their jobs to go preaching because the world was going to end soon anyway. Would they do that if they heard preaching saying, "no one knows the time"? Hardly. But now they are in their own trap. Their egos will not let them admit they were conned into putting their lives on hold. You are in the same boat. Wake up and save your soul.



    Exactly, Emil.  And 144,000, please don't say you didn't lose members after the 2012 thing didn't come true.  I know you have been losing members.   And some people who were in for 9, 10, and even more years came out in the last year or so.  They are saying that the wmscog most certainly did tell people about 2012.  For crying out loud, I heard it said by members, and I was not even a member at any time.  I'm sorry you bought into a lie.  Maybe you were manipulated like most members there, and then accepted the excuse that "Mother had mercy," or something to that effect.  Doesn't matter what was made up to excuse the prophesy failure, some who have given up all critical thinking would buy it. 



    Just watched this interview with a former Jehovah's Witness:

    It starts getting interesting at about 5:00 when he talks about the JW's failed prophecy in the 1970s and his reaction to it.

    Anyone else see parallels?



    Genny, Yes.  I have relatives that are JW's.  They predicted dates for armageddon many time in the past (1914, 1918, 1925, 1951, 1975, 1984, 1994, also said we wouldn't see the 21st century).  Numerous false prophecies, false teachings, contradictions, etc.  Very sad indeed.  Almost 8 million members worldwide.



    I want to make a comment about the world ending in 2012. I still remember the words about it over and over again. I still remember the fights I had when a made a comment about making plans for the future, because there was no future the world would end. I still remember New years eve 2011, no happy evening, but heavy and full of doubts, because the world will end soon. I still remember New years eve 2012, gloomy, because the world didn't end, and people weren't saved, but guess what…the biblical year isn't over, so it still can happen. Again some more months in agony. But, I was right, and so many others…the world didn't end.

    144000… it is so easy to say, that other people misunderstood the words, I can understand if it was 1 group who misunderstood, but we're talking about people from different locations, different countries and different continents. Please give us more credit, then saying oh, you all misunderstood, that is to easy. It would be great when the people who indoctrinated this statement, about the world ending in 2012, would be so brave to say hé we were mistaken, instead the blaming others for "misunderstanding". How convenient, how easy but also.. how low. But they will make a nice story around it and the puppets will follow "mother" again.

    I wonder what statement they use now to get people in..?


    x wms brother

    I always remember asking my friends from WMSCOG what they were going to do if the world didn't end and they wouldn't answer me, insisting that it would. Luckily one of those people I still talk to still remembers all our conversations and agrees that people in the WMSCOG were definately preaching the end in 2012.  I also let them know that I went to other christian churches to observe them honoring the passwover and seven feasts and let them know that they were lying,   I didn't go to those churches to prove the wmscog wrong but to prove to myself that they were lying. 144,000 you know your are just trying to cover for your brothers and sisters that were making false predictions but please understand that no matter how much you deny it, those of us that were witnesses to these things know that you are trying to lie to everyone reading this forum.  

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