parabola de la higuera

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  • #6951

    hola yo estoy en la iglesia de Dios , les tengo una pregunta si esto no es verdad como interpretarian la parabola de la higuera donde jesus dice Mt 24:32 donde dice que aprendamos la parabola de la higuera: ya cuando su rama esta tierna y brotan las hojas , sabeis que el verano esta cerca 33 asi tambien vosotros , cuando veais todas estas cosas , conoced que esta cerca a las puertas 34 de cierto os digo, que no pasara esta generacion hasta que todo esto acontezca.

  • #47447


    For the benefit of English speakers, I ran this through

    jl said,

    "Hi I am in the church of God, I have a question if this is not true as interpret the parable of the fig tree where Jesus says Mt 24:32 where it says that we learn the parable from the fig tree: when its branch is already tender and puts forth leaves, ye know that summer is near 33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is close to the doors 34 Verily I say unto you, that this generation will not pass till all these things be fulfilled."

    And Hal responded,

    "So why has sprung forth the next generation? The world will not end with the exception of the false deity and idol, Zhang GilJah. For my part the ghenna will allow people to think is Di-s …"



    I don't know spanish based only on Genny's translation I would say Hal's response isn't in line with how WMSCOG taught it when I went. When I went they said the reverse reffered to the deaths of people born in 1948 not reference to people not being born after a generation had passed from 1948




    Thanks for clearing up the translation, Hal. 🙂



    pero hasta ahora no responden  que significa la parabola de la higuera, no estoy seguro si el rebrote de la higuera es la independencia de israel, ya que si eso es verdad desde 1948 ha comenzado la profecia



    My spainish is very limited but I think you're talking about the reestablishment of Israel in 1948. I am very sure that every Jew in the entire world has not returned to Israel. If you expected the messiah to be forced into our presence stand in line. Many cult have tried to force prophesy to happen. Many have also tried to predict the end of the world. The WMS is not alone in its failures. The church that is most directly responsible for the creation of the WMSCOG is the SDA cult. The SDA have also had failures predicting and forcing prophesy fulfillment in order to bring about the end times. If you are still a member of this group STOP right now! Give your life over to Jesus Christ, turn your back on these false prophets, and come out of the bondage that this group keeps people under. They are worse than the Pharasees and Sadjucees of the old ways. Sorry, I know my spelling is off. Do not be bound by works! Salvation is a free gift given by Jesus Christ by his grace and glory. Accept Jesus Christ and reject anything else that poses as an alternative. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. His name has the power and authority in this time and the next even till the end times. Ahn himself even taught that. Think about that!



    ahora que significa todo lo que esta escrito en la biblia del oriente que se levantara un justo del oriente, tomando en cuenta desde jerusalen donde se dio esta profecia de quien o que habla..?



    English translation again…

    jl said,

    "but so far no reply that the parable of the fig tree, I'm not sure if the outbreak of the fig tree is Israel's independence, because if that's true since 1948 prophecy has begun"

    and then,

    "now it means everything that is written in the Bible from the east just get up one from the east, taking into account from Jerusalem, where he gave this prophecy speaks of who or what ..?"

    (just a rough translation from google to help)



    jl, I'm not sure what you are trying to say here. I'm assuming that you are still a member of this group and that you believe there is something to this teaching. Here's another thing that you might want to think about in reguards to the WMS and their mistranslation of scripture. They have taught that the generation that witnesses the reestablishment of Isreal and believes in their gods will not die but be taken to Heaven with Zahng who also is not supposed to experience death. How many thousands of WMS members have died during this sixty-four year period? Zahng is getting older and is dying a little bit everyday herself. One day her mortality will give out and she will die. What kind of things will be said in order to keep you believing the false doctrine of the WMS? Will it be something like, "She's going ahead to prepair a place for us?" Will they find some way to twist the scriptures once again to make it seem like her death was preordained? Who will be the next one to take her place as the head of this group? Will they creat a god the daughter and on of the women that lives with her will take over? How about you just realize the truth of the matter, accept that the Jesus that they have pulled over your eyes is a fabricated lie, turn your back on this false doctrine, and free yourself. The truth can withstand a up close inspection and testing with no fear. The WMSCOG keeps having to come up with more explainations for why things aren't working. Do yourself a huge favor, do your own research outside of the influence of this group. You'll find that many of the things that you've been taught are not only stolen from other groups but that the truth that this group claims to have changes over time to suit the desires of this cult. Get out, seek the truth, and free yourself because you are the only one who can do this. Good luck, I'll help you if I can, and I will be praying for you. 

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