Just thought about this today…timezones and the keeping the sabath.

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  • #6950

    A random thought: since keeping the sabath is absolutely crucial to the wmscog, have they ever heard or, you know timezones… I'll explain: S. Korea is, forexample, currently about 11hrs ahead of EST, 12hrs ahead CT, 14hrs  ahead PST. This means that Saturday 8pm EST is actually about 7am Sunday in Seoul, S.Korea. Implying that what we consider to be the sabath in, say, New York is actually the Sunday in Korea…lol. What we call sabath is dependent on our timezone…how comical. The moral of the story: use your brains when dealing with anyone claiming to know the 'truth', don't go by emotions. God is good and if you earnestly seek him in truth, you'll find him. Besides, I have nothing against S.Korea, many countries could be used, but it just made sense to me. 

  • #47441


    That is a great point.  Time is rather arbitrary when you think of it.

    Here's another interesting time-related thought.  If the Sabbath is supposed to be kept from sunrise to sunrise (or sunset to sunset), what about those who are in the artic regions?  There's more discussion about it here: http://www.biblicalperspectives.com/books/crucifixion/5.html (scroll down to point III)

    It just goes to show, in the things we do as part of our faith, to honor God, our heart is more important than the exactness of keeping a regulation like that.



    When i went there, each church kept sabbath according to their own timezones.



    every sion is using their local time zone 



    KC wrote:

    every sion is using their local time zone 

    My point exactly, the sabath is dependent on your timezone i.e. is relative! 



    If Sabbath is law then it would be dependent upon time zones and it would be wrong to hold it based on another place because God's calendar is observational and we cannot observe days of another location.



    Simon wrote:

    If Sabbath is law then it would be dependent upon time zones and it would be wrong to hold it based on another place because God's calendar is observational and we cannot observe days of another location.

    Good point Simon. God's calender is observational?… What do you mean by that? What about places like the Artic or New Zealand as Genny pointed out?  

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