In some ways I feel so sorry for the WMSCOG members…

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  • #7702

    For the past week and a half I have been suffering with the flu. It has made me physically weak and I ache all over at times. I also get so congested that my head feels like I have a valve on it and someone keeps putting more pressure into me like I am some sort of tire on a car or something. It is during these times that I pray for strength and healing from the one true God. This is when I feel very bad for the members of the WMSCOG. They pray to father Ahn and mother Zahng for strength and healing but at the same time they have already been taught that the time of miracles has past. Zahng cannot even open her own ears to hear the prayers of those who believe in her. She's semi-deaf to the very people that think that she loves them. Ahn on the other hand died in 1985 and according to the teachings of the WMSCOG at the time was supposed to resurrect three years after his death. Of course this didn't happen! Ahn didn't have the power to bring himself back from the dead just like he doesn't have power to return to Earth at all. When WMSCOG members pray they are praying to a woman of failing health and a dead man. There is no power in either of them so there will be no healing or giving of strength in time of need to the followers of Ahn and Zahng. What they will get is a guilt trip that somehow their illness and lack of strength is their own fault of some kind of judgement being served on them because of some kind of thing that they are lacking. The member is not tithing enough, producing enough fruit, cooking or cleaning around the church enough, studying enough, or probably the most c/r/a/p/p/y one of them all lacking in faith so they are not being healed or strengthened because they don't really believe mother or father can do it. It's strange, I don't believe that they can do it either but I am being strengthened and healed daily. I will keep my faith in the One True God! I'm not testing Him through my healing I am believing in Him for it. The WMSCOG members have nothing and I feel sorry for them in this.

  • #67998


    It's not only you Sir who is concerned about this matter.  Lately, I have browsed in You Tube concerning new uploaded videos related to WMSCOG and really I was upset that even the mainstream media in my country particularly the GMA News Channel 7 in the Philippines seems promoting this group.  Newscasting centered on WMSCOG community services and I don't know if the newscasters dare to asked what are really this group. Majority of Filipinos are Christians though there arise lots of splinters, teachings are still centered on Jesus Christ. The problem is most Christians there seems resorting to paganism with this WMSCOG group. This group have certain expanded operations even in far flung provincial cities.  I know one reason which is true in my country, most Filipinos though they were baptized christians they never care to read the Scriptures and they just depend on some opportunists to just hear a verse and remember it.  I pity my countrymen, fool and ignorant they're lost. 




    setufree wrote:

    I agree, I feel alot of sorrow for them, I even feel sad for some of the leaders, who had good intentions and have been so led astray, that even if they wanted to break free or find their way back to their old life, they just can't.    You have no idea how many members that I have become close with that have told me they don't know anything else anymore except for wmscog.   Now that it's the holidays, I really feel bad for the moms and dads who miss their sons and daughters who have cut them off or lost them to this c/u/l/t.



    I have been looking into apologetics over the last several months and here's some of the things I've discovered. 1) The obvious is lost on members of control groups. (Even thought they clain to think for themselves they really don't.) 2) If you want to reach members of a control group you need to get them off script. (Most groups have a set of questions or rules to follow to lead a conversation or turn a conversation in their favor.) 3) Get them talking about something personal to them but NOT the topic they are trying to address. (If they are trying to convince you that the seven thunders are the seven feast for example ask them if they have any younger brothers. Maybe you can ask them where they used to go to school or hang out with friends.) Once you make that other person into a living breathing human being and not an adversary to overcome you will have greater success talking with them. Disarm not destroy!



    I have a question:


    If a woman marries the Catholic Church, and then converted to WMSCOG, and wants to divorce her husband, does that make it through the Catholic church?



    I'm sure that the WMSCOG would not encourage their members to go to the Catholic church to get a divorce. The WMS teaches very clearly that their members are not supposed to go into what they call a Babalonian church. This represents all of the Christian churches that are not following the teachings of the WMSCOG.



    I was told specifically, going into other churches was considered a form of prostitution…


    Abhigail Delema

    Yes it was considered as spritual adultery,


    Jesus of Nazareth

    Morality is doing what is right regardless of what you are told.

    RELIGION is doing what you are told regardless of what is right.   

    For (((STAINED))) hath saideth so…and so it goes…Bless him for he is wise beyond his years, he is wise beyond this world, he is wise beyond the stars. 



    Jesus of Nazareth wrote:

    Morality is doing what is right regardless of what you are told.

    RELIGION is doing what you are told regardless of what is right.   

    For (((STAINED))) hath saideth so…and so it goes…Bless him for he is wise beyond his years, he is wise beyond this world, he is wise beyond the stars. 

    Ah, so much irony in your post ๐Ÿ™‚


    Jesus of Nazareth

    Smurf wrote:

    Jesus of Nazareth wrote:

    Morality is doing what is right regardless of what you are told.

    RELIGION is doing what you are told regardless of what is right.   

    For (((STAINED))) hath saideth so…and so it goes…Bless him for he is wise beyond his years, he is wise beyond this world, he is wise beyond the stars. 

    Ah, so much irony in your post ๐Ÿ™‚

     Except even you must be smart enough to understand that my orders from him are to mock.  Do you doubt he who was here but is now gone but will return again ?  Come on smurfy, you been around long enough.   Go buy a religious hat, it'll make you feel better mate.



    I already have a tin foil hat, so I'm covered, thanks ๐Ÿ˜€

    And I am sure that stained will return to this forum one day, but people who are just tuning in might get the wrong idea. WMS members are notorious for their lack of sense of humour.

    So FYI, new folks, if you come across a post "praising" a forum member, it's only to illustrate how ridiculous the notion is that a chubby old lady can be god.

    In other words, the amount of verses in the Bible that support the idea that Zhang Gil Jah is god is the exact amount of those that say stained or anyone else in this forum is god. None.

    There are more than hundred prophecies in the Bible corresponding only to a single historical entity 2000 years ago and excluding everyone else. There are no verses relating only to one korean woman. All that connects a korean woman to, get this, WMSCOG interpretation of scriptures is an alleged marriage between her and Ahn Sahng Hong.

    THEY WORSHIP HER BASED ON THE CONCEPT THAT THE SPIRIT HAS A BRIDE. And who is the bride of Ahn? Zahng Gil Jah. Flawless logic, isn't it ๐Ÿ™‚ Look at it again, cuz this is all their proof that a KOREAN woman is god:


    They worship her based on the concept that the spirit has a bride. That's all they got. Even if the rest about Ahn Sahng Hong was true, there would still be a SINGLE thing connecting a korean woman to the bible. Marriage to a person who allegedly fulfilled prophecies. And then they go and praise her 10 times more than Ahn!!!!

    Wait? I thought they were equal? Why are you praising her so much more than him? How long until you realise she's playing you for fools, milking your bank accounts and smiling in your face while she gets all your savings. But go ahead, give her more donations, making donations is good,  helps you deal with your guilt. Just put the words charity and donations in every scam and watch the money flow. But donating is good…

    And after all, you want to be a good person, right? Then put some money in for mother. She can't be a scam artist…. otherwise you wouldn't have joined, surely. Who in their right mind gives money to strangers? But she loves you, so it's ok. Put some more money in… It can't be a scam, you wouldn't fall for it, you are smarter than that.

    Put some more money in.

    There! You got some blessings!!

    Isn't that nice!! ^^

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