In some ways I feel so sorry for the WMSCOG members…

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  • #7702

    For the past week and a half I have been suffering with the flu. It has made me physically weak and I ache all over at times. I also get so congested that my head feels like I have a valve on it and someone keeps putting more pressure into me like I am some sort of tire on a car or something. It is during these times that I pray for strength and healing from the one true God. This is when I feel very bad for the members of the WMSCOG. They pray to father Ahn and mother Zahng for strength and healing but at the same time they have already been taught that the time of miracles has past. Zahng cannot even open her own ears to hear the prayers of those who believe in her. She's semi-deaf to the very people that think that she loves them. Ahn on the other hand died in 1985 and according to the teachings of the WMSCOG at the time was supposed to resurrect three years after his death. Of course this didn't happen! Ahn didn't have the power to bring himself back from the dead just like he doesn't have power to return to Earth at all. When WMSCOG members pray they are praying to a woman of failing health and a dead man. There is no power in either of them so there will be no healing or giving of strength in time of need to the followers of Ahn and Zahng. What they will get is a guilt trip that somehow their illness and lack of strength is their own fault of some kind of judgement being served on them because of some kind of thing that they are lacking. The member is not tithing enough, producing enough fruit, cooking or cleaning around the church enough, studying enough, or probably the most c/r/a/p/p/y one of them all lacking in faith so they are not being healed or strengthened because they don't really believe mother or father can do it. It's strange, I don't believe that they can do it either but I am being strengthened and healed daily. I will keep my faith in the One True God! I'm not testing Him through my healing I am believing in Him for it. The WMSCOG members have nothing and I feel sorry for them in this.

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