How do I get a friend out of the church of god??????

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  • #7560
    Too Hungry

    I see this site has much information on the wmscog. Anybody please help me! Any kind of information? I have a friend who's been going to this church for about 2 weeks. I haven't heard anything from her…what do I do? What should I do?

  • #66406

    Love'n Honey


    It's not about what you want. It's about what you need and what I need since it was an open request for help.


    Shimon and Emil here are more than willing to "help" you "help" your friend.



    Love'n Honey wrote:


    It's not about what you want. It's about what you need and what I need since it was an open request for help.


    Shimon and Emil here are more than willing to "help" you "help" your friend.

    Not everyone "needs" that either



    any reasonable thunt should have posted at least 3 days ago with an "ok, will check into it Q. thanks!".

    my money is on espionage – a member of some sort with the right to deceive those on the outside – gather information about what we all would recommend and then innoculate their followers from further help.



    Or! The wms knows that's how we would react and uses our own paranoia against us! :X

    Good job, Kim Joo-Cheol, good job. You win this time >:|



    then perhaps lets teach people how to fish (or where to find out about learning to fish) instead of giving them fish.

    in other words, from a 3rd party.

    they are already taught that this site is the bad guy – and I really can't believe how easy it is to do that.  I'm seeing it used in many areas, besides religion, to divide.  teach people that dividing is God's work and that's what they will believe.  so easy.  just don't look at those Bible verses over there – focus here, please.

    anyway, members need to fight for themselves.  KJC, et al can't innoculate against what we don't provide them.  and besides, people need to do their own research for once in their lives.  if we show them a path it will just mimmick in the brain the same system that pulled them in in the first place (show, make sense?, ok follow).  what has been taught?  nothing.



    ^ True


    Too Hungry

    To those who have offered…thank you for the advice.



    thunt wrote:

    To those who have offered…thank you for the advice.

    TBH, your pervasiveness is suspect.

    How is the homework going?

    What do you know about other groups besides WMSCOG and how they operate to achieve their ends?

    Give us a little sample, eh?





    Too Hungry

    Questioninginla wrote:

    thunt wrote:

    To those who have offered…thank you for the advice.

    TBH, your pervasiveness is suspect.

    How is the homework going?

    What do you know about other groups besides WMSCOG and how they operate to achieve their ends?

    Give us a little sample, eh?


    A sample…eh?

    Wait! Please tell me the conditions of my parole again canadian parole officer.



    Don't mind him, thunt. Tell us a bit about your case. ๐Ÿ™‚

    How is your friend right now?


    Love'n Honey

    thunt wrote:

    Questioninginla wrote:


    TBH, your pervasiveness is suspect.

    How is the homework going?

    What do you know about other groups besides WMSCOG and how they operate to achieve their ends?

    Give us a little sample, eh?


    A sample…eh?

    Wait! Please tell me the conditions of my parole again canadian parole officer.


    You are to report here every 19 hours with a status update of your backyard vegetation. If you do not have a backyard and/or vegetation, you may submit a request for a 27.53 week extension to obtain one. Please allow 12 days for the request to be reviewed and another 12 days for the request to be denied. While waiting for your request denial, you must report here every 19 hours with a status update of your backyard vegetation. Failure to do so will result in nothing.




    Love'n Honey wrote:

    thunt wrote:

    Questioninginla wrote:


    TBH, your pervasiveness is suspect.

    How is the homework going?

    What do you know about other groups besides WMSCOG and how they operate to achieve their ends?

    Give us a little sample, eh?


    A sample…eh?

    Wait! Please tell me the conditions of my parole again canadian parole officer.

    You are to report here every 19 hours with a status update of your backyard vegetation. If you do not have a backyard and/or vegetation, you may submit a request for a 27.53 week extension to obtain one. Please allow 12 days for the request to be reviewed and another 12 days for the request to be denied. While waiting for your request denial, you must report here every 19 hours with a status update of your backyard vegetation. Failure to do so will result in nothing.


    So says the one that a handful of days ago was talking "PLANT"….

    I see right through this thunt character.  So good with the red herrings, among other techniques to distract.

    Why would you be so worried about your "friend", thunt?  What is it about WMSCOG that concerns you?

    You have given nothing. 

    I have a self-righteous attitude, so put me in my place and show the community how wrong I am, by suspecting you as a WMSCOG insider.  I have even given you an out in the form of calling out other groups and how they operate.  Tell us about those other groups.

    You can't.  Because you either want help yourself or you want to troll around.

    Either way, grow a set and stop playing games.  Read a book – not by Hassan, of course.  I hear Amazon has free shipping these days.


    Love'n Honey

    Questioninginla wrote:

    Love'n Honey wrote:

    You are to report here every 19 hours with a status update of your backyard vegetation. If you do not have a backyard and/or vegetation, you may submit a request for a 27.53 week extension to obtain one. Please allow 12 days for the request to be reviewed and another 12 days for the request to be denied. While waiting for your request denial, you must report here every 19 hours with a status update of your backyard vegetation. Failure to do so will result in nothing.


    So says the one that a handful of days ago was talking "PLANT"….

    I see right through this thunt character.  So good with the red herrings, among other techniques to distract.

    Why would you be so worried about your "friend", thunt?  What is it about WMSCOG that concerns you?

    You have given nothing. 

    I have a self-righteous attitude, so put me in my place and show the community how wrong I am, by suspecting you as a WMSCOG insider.  I have even given you an out in the form of calling out other groups and how they operate.  Tell us about those other groups.

    You can't.  Because you either want help yourself or you want to troll around.

    Either way, grow a set and stop playing games.  Read a book – not by Hassan, of course.  I hear Amazon has free shipping these days.

     I think Thunt is a ***PLANT***. I was just stating the conditions of his parole. Lol.



    You guys need to stop being jerks this is exactly why I get so exasperated with everyone and why we are losing because they are wrong but the side that’s right is being a bunch of self righteous jerks



    Being a self righteous jerk doesn't make you wrong.

    Being wrong makes you wrong.

    Acting like an angel doesn't get you into heaven ๐Ÿ˜‰



    floyd rose wrote:

    Being a self righteous jerk doesn't make you wrong.

    Being wrong makes you wrong.

    Acting like an angel doesn't get you into heaven ๐Ÿ˜‰

    But being angels certainly got us to earth ๐Ÿ™‚



    it does make you wrong, maybe not incorrect but certainly wrong


    Love'n Honey

    emil wrote:

    floyd rose wrote:

    Being a self righteous jerk doesn't make you wrong.

    Being wrong makes you wrong.

    Acting like an angel doesn't get you into heaven ๐Ÿ˜‰

    But being angels certainly got us to earth ๐Ÿ™‚


    Simon wrote:

    You guys need to stop being jerks this is exactly why I get so exasperated with everyone and why we are losing because they are wrong but the side that's right is being a bunch of self righteous jerks

     Do you think I'm being self righteous? How am I acting self righteous?



    'n Honey

    I understand now.  Thanks.  Sorry for the confusion.

    thunt is either a plant or the worst friend ever.  (help me!  help me! my friend is in a "cult"!  this is the right site!  help me! my friend! my friend! and then…..gone).

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