Theology Presentation? World Mission Society Church of God Recruiting on College Campuses

  • #57106





    rolling eyes…..



    That's one of those lies they always do, "we aren't trying to convert you" it is a common belief in christianity that lying for Jesus is okay so they just do it for ahnsahnghong not sure its that different, not that it makes it any more okay



    When I was a member I heard about the "righteous lie".  Same thing I guess huh Simon?  I just can't stand that manipulative stuff.  How do you say that you want to preach the "truth", yet you start out with a lie?!  Jesus never did that.  The Apostle Paul never did that either.  Hypocrites…



    Soul snatchers.



    Wmscog and mainstream christians both like to use 1 cor 9: 20-23 to validate

    Martin luther is said to have said

    What harm would it do, if a man told a good strong lie for the sake of the good and for the Christian church … a lie out of necessity, a useful lie, a helpful lie, such lies would not be against God, he would accept them.



    Hmmm on that, Simon.



    For the record not saying I agree just that the problem is old and we need to find very strong arguments



    I just looked at this newspaper article and it is interesting.  And again, it is the exact same method of operation as in the states.  I still can't understand why Simon keeps insisting his experiences were so different.  I honestly think he was in the "Presbyterian World Mission Society Church of God."  LOL   I'm sorry Simon, but are you sure you didn't accidentally wander into the Presbyterian church and not know where you were? 

     It's just that you are the exception to everybody else's experiences, and I find it strange.  But you know, your filter, my filter, we see things differently.  In your case, very differently. 


    Love'n Honey

    There was one thing we had in common. =)



    What's that?



    I know for 100% fact it was wmscog I went to MountainMom lol



    LOL!  Well, the one my relative is in follows a script exactly like the ones I hear about from everyone else on here, so I'm not sure what the deal was at your Zion.  Anyway, they didn't keep you, so something wasn't right.  Just glad you figured a way out. 



    8th month feasts was obvious wrong =)



    Yes, I know for sure that is wrong.  But I am pretty sure they came up with some kind of explanation for that didn't they?  Or is the final argument, well, we do it because Ahn said so, and that is final? 



    they never have given an argument at all, at least not that I have ever heard.



    I haven't heard an explanation either.  Genny keeps asking, but she gets no answer. 



    She probably won’t get an answer. 🙂



    It's really awful considering one of their favourite verses is…


    1 Kings 12:31 Jeroboam built shrines on high places and appointed priests from all sorts of people, even though they were not Levites. 32 He instituted a festival on the fifteenth day of the EIGHTH month, like the festival held in Judah, and offered sacrifices on the altar. This he did in Bethel, sacrificing to the calves he had made. And at Bethel he also installed priests at the high places he had made. 33 On the fifteenth day of the EIGHTH month, a month of his own choosing, he offered sacrifices on the altar he had built at Bethel. So he instituted the festival for the Israelites and went up to the altar to make offerings.



    Simon wrote:

    Wmscog and mainstream christians both like to use 1 cor 9: 20-23 to validate

    Martin luther is said to have said

    What harm would it do, if a man told a good strong lie for the sake of the good and for the Christian church … a lie out of necessity, a useful lie, a helpful lie, such lies would not be against God, he would accept them.

    I actually agree with this. One of many reasons why I love Martin Luther.

    To be honest, I feel that Christians debate the stupidest things. We need to be practical! We obviously live in a world that clashes with the holy one. While of course we want to strive for perfection and to be as sinless as possible and be 100% the best that we can be in all ways- we have to remember that God gave us a brain, freedom, and the ability to do what we think is best in any given situation. This is really common sense…. at least to me it is. We will constantly be put in strange situations with no objective right answers/solutions. But if I neeed to lie in order to save someone's life, or to save them from any type of physical harm- I would absolutely do so without a moment's hesitation. We shouldn't even have to think about that. There was another thread, a few weeks back that I provided a few examples on this very subject.

    I think our main purpose should be to show each other love.


    Also, I'm not necessarily condoning, justifying or advertisting lying, even though it seems that I blatantly am. I do believe a lie is a sin and it's wrong. However, I think there are also situations where it's not necessarily wrong, and we have to use our judgment and wisdom, and even prayer to determine the correct thing to do/say in any particular situation.


    And yes, FTOS has never giving a response to the wmscog celebrating the feast in the wrong month. I don't know how that slipped by them, lol.


    And also, I am now ashamed to say, that I participated in a few of these on campus demonstrations while I was a member at wmscog. And I was so very proud of it at the time! We kept saying, if we get even just one new brother/sister, then this will be worth it.

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