the seven churches and the new name

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  • #7010

    ultimately the idea of a new name is flawed for so many reasons. amusingly enough is it contradicts wmscogs own doctrine on revelation 2 and 3 which they claim is a prophecy in chronological order of the seven church ages from the crucifixion to the founding of ahnsahnghongs church

    the seventh day Adventist church established allegedly in 1844 is the church in Laodicea but the church before it the church in Philadelphia is supposed to receive it which means in order for revelation 3:12 to point to the bane ahnsahnghong AND the seven churches doctrine to both be correct people would need to have prayed inthe name ahnsahnghong since sometime before 1844

  • #48859


    good point, Simon!


    Love'n Honey

    Wow.. Never realized that.



    Nice one buddy, sweet catch.



    Wow I have someone's bible that has notes written on that, Simon check it out; maybe this can further help, there are some letters I can't make out on the notes,(handwritting) but this is what is written to the best of my knowlegde.

    Revelation 2

     the  church in Ephesus = desirable or ambitious 31AD-106AD

     the church in Smyrna= (Myrrh) symbol of death…. tree resin w/a bitter taste 106AD-313AD

     the church in Pergamum= height/elevation 313AD-538AD

     the church in Thyatira= broken or scarified 538AD-1798AD

    Revelation 3

     the church in Sardis= song of joy 1798AD-1834AD

    the church in Philadelphia= brotherly love 1834AD-1844AD

    the church in Laodicea= judging of people 1844AD-1964AD


    Love'n Honey

    I’m writing up a detailed explanation now. Will post it soon.


    Love'n Honey

    2 of the 7 Churches and Christ Ahnsahnghong

    The WMSCOG claims that the New Name of God in flesh is only to be made known in the last days, in our time. No one will know the New Name until He comes in human form. As taught in the WMSCOG, the letters to the churches in Revelation are not letters alone but chronological prophecy. In the study The Age of the Holy Spirit and Christ Ahnsahnghong the verses Rev 3:12 and Rev 2:17 are used to express in the last days Christ will appear with a New Name. Mainstream Christians believe Revelation is written concerning the last days. The WMSCOG teaches the same but also teaches the opposite.

    The Church in Ephesus

    Rev 2:2-7 is a letter written to the Church in Ephesus. Its prophetic translation states Ephesus means envy. This church represents the early church; those who physically witnessed Christ and had the true teachings from God. This time frame is from 30 AD to 106 AD, from the death of Jesus Christ to the death of the last apostle, A. John. According to Rev 2:3, a New Name is to be given to the prophetical Church of Ephesus, the early church. The only way this makes sense is if the New Name was Jesus and the letter was written to describe what was then present events. But the study The Age of the Holy Spirit and Christ Ahnsahnghong uses the same verse to explain the New Name will be given in the last days, our generation. How does the WMSCOG counter this obvious contradiction? The last part of the letter to Ephesus is a prophecy for the restoration of the prophetical church of Ephesus. The chronological order of the letters, as the WMSCOG says they are, does not suggest this at all. For arguements sake, let's say it does. Let us pretend that Rev 2:3 refers to the restoration of the Truth, after the establishment of the 7th Day Adventist Church, the prophetical Church of Laodicea, the last church on the list.

    The Church in Philadelphia

    Rev 3:8-13 is a letter written to the Church in Philadelphia. The prophecy mentions that Philadelphia means love and its time frame is from 1834 to 1844, an era referred to as The Great Disappointment. According to Rev 3:12, Christ's New Name was prophesied to be given to the prophetical Church in Philadelphia, some time between 1834 and 1844. Mind you, this letter was written before the letter to the Church in Laodicea meaning the New Name was to be given a 2nd time before the establishment of the 7th Day Adventist Church. (Refer to the last sentence of the previous paragraph.) Ahnsahnghong was not born until 1918. Who was given the New Name during the Great Disappointment? Furthermore, the study about the Age of the Holy Spirit and Christ Ahnsahnghong says the New Name will be given in our time, our generation. What does the Scripture say concerning a generation? Ps 90:10 says a generation is 70 or 80 years. Let us calculate when the New Name should have been given according to Ps 90:10 and the WMSCOG's interpretation of Rev 3:8-13. The earliest the New Name can be given would have to be 1834. One generation from that time would be 1914. That is four years shy of the birth of the proclaimed 2nd Coming Christ. According to the study of the Fig Tree, no one would be able to recognize the Christ until the restoration of Israel's independence in 1948. If no one could recognize the Christ until then, the name could not be given for us to worship in spirit and truth until 1948.

    What is the Truth?

    1 Jn 4:1 says to test the spirits of those who preach to you. Individually, the studies seem very fascinating to someone who is unlearned about Scripture and religious history. When the studies are overlapped, we can easily see how they do not align. Falacies are revealed in bold print. Pr 12:17 says an honest witness tells the truth. The Deacons, Missionaries, and Pastors know this truth: the WMSCOG is a fraudalent church where God cannot be found.

    I hope this has been enlightening in a sense you will free yourself from the grip of these false prophets and continue to seek your true God.



    Wow High five to Simon & Renita, Raul, KC, the Koreans thought they were smarter than any other nation, and look now how the USA, India, & Indonesia are starting to fight back. It's all coming to the light now.  You know they are telling their members this is persecution, This must have been the reason many of you had to join them, God knows what he's doing & who he uses to get the message out. United in the name of true God & his truth, we will OVERCOME Amen!



    KF, Cult leaders make followers feel they are being persecuted. They are basically cowards and have been operating for years in secret till they got their coffers filled. Have still got to taste the real persecution which Chritians face in some parts of the World.

     Blessed are you if you are attacked for the name of Lord Jesus Christ



    Actually I have been threatened with guns and stuff when I was a member as far as America thats probably as far as it gets legally



    Simon wrote:

    ultimately the idea of a new name is flawed for so many reasons. amusingly enough is it contradicts wmscogs own doctrine on revelation 2 and 3 which they claim is a prophecy in chronological order of the seven church ages from the crucifixion to the founding of ahnsahnghongs church

    the seventh day Adventist church established allegedly in 1844 is the church in Laodicea but the church before it the church in Philadelphia is supposed to receive it which means in order for revelation 3:12 to point to the bane ahnsahnghong AND the seven churches doctrine to both be correct people would need to have prayed inthe name ahnsahnghong since sometime before 1844

    Wow, Smurf, here's another litle diddy from Simon! By golly, for a troll he sure does get a lot of kudos from the most respected people in this forum doesn't he?? 

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