- CreatorTopic
- January 26, 2016 at 11:44 PM#7857Jjw808Participant
Hi I’ve just been baptised and was just wondering are the church services like a traditional church service or is it just bible study?
- January 27, 2016 at 12:54 AM #69823
Ms FreedomParticipantThe church services will seem somewhat familiar but there will be some noticable differences. The men will sit on one side and the women on the other. The women will wear head coverings (like the Catholics used to do). They will sing songs to mother and father, pray a prayer in Korean that you won't understand and sing songs to father and mother that thank them for their sacrifices.
The Bible studies will be long and they will pressure you (you will feel pressure!) into staying and listening to everything they have to say. They will use manipulation tatics by asking you questions about wanting to know the truth, wanting to go to heaven, wanting to have a special place in heaven, etc. Here is what I posted in another post that they will not tell you up front.
We believe a Korean woman is a god and a Korean man that died in 1984 is god the father. He is going to come back and collect all the believers and take us to heaven. In order to go, you have to spend all your time at the church. In order to elevate your status or rank in the church, you will need to recruit new members by pretending to care about them. You will need to live on only what you need and give the rest to the church. If you are white and single, you will be given a Korean wife or husband so they can have Visas in the US and spy on you and report your every move to the Korean leaders. If you are in college, you will be guilted into leaving because we will tell you over and over that the end is near. Why bother getting an education? Your family will be left behind. You will be made to feel guilty about visiting them or attending weddings or funerals. You will be taught that Christmas and Easter are pagan holidays and you will not be able to be with your family to celebrate them anymore. Even Thanksgiving is out because we will teach you that even though we cannot tie it to a pagan belief, we come up with a reason to keep you from celebrating with your family. But don't worry – we have activities at the church for you to attend on those days so you won't have time to think about your family or the fun they are having without you. But hey – once we get you in and believing, none of this will matter because you will be a follower and will be controlled by us. Trust us! You will love it! What's your telephone number?"
And I'll add here: Come and get baptized! It is important that you do it RIGHT AWAY! (Pressure! Pressure).
So in answer to your original question – NO it is not a traditional church. Their Christ is a dead Korean man that they will say fulfilled what Jesus could not (they won't say it but they see him as a failure) and they will try to hang on to you as strongly as they can to the point of harrassment – calling, texting coming to see you, etc. They will use guilt tactics and fear tactics. Joining this group will cause you to sacrifice your freedom. If you aren't seeing any red flags, let me be that for you! DANGER!! WALK AWAY!!
January 27, 2016 at 1:13 AM #69824
UntouchableJParticipantTo reiterate something Ms.Freedom stated. Ahn died in 1985. They originally told us, that he Ascended. By definition to Ascend is to go up, be caught up, PHYSICALLY. Even Paul said he was “Caught up” to the 3rd Heaven (Ascended), later when my wife and I found out he died, and is buried in a cemetary, the story changed. “Oh, his spirit ascended.” They also never answered, “why would Christ need another body if the first one, he kept”. You will have questions. Their answers will just lead to more questions.
January 27, 2016 at 3:08 AM #69825
Jjw808ParticipantThanks… How long does one of the services take? Cause the missionary said that they have three. I just plan on going to 1
January 27, 2016 at 3:51 AM #69826
MountainMomParticipantPeople usually start out only attending one in the first part of their involvement. Then they are eventually influenced to going to all three on Saturdays, which can amount to a commitment of about 12 hours per Sabbath. My son was actually there longer on some days because at the time they were trying to keep him away from people who weren't members. They would make up reasons for him to be either at church or with members untill at least midnight. This was after he had been at church since nine in the morning.
January 27, 2016 at 5:36 AM #69827
Brian TaylorParticipantMountainMom wrote:
People usually start out only attending one in the first part of their involvement. Then they are eventually influenced to going to all three on Saturdays, which can amount to a commitment of about 12 hours per Sabbath. My son was actually there longer on some days because at the time they were trying to keep him away from people who weren't members. They would make up reasons for him to be either at church or with members untill at least midnight. This was after he had been at church since nine in the morning.
Yes, and after a person consistently keeps all three worships of the sabbath, they will then start hearing that it is their duty to spread the gospel, and that anything you love more then father and mother is an idol and…………it just goes down hill from there……..
January 27, 2016 at 6:04 AM #69828
UntouchableJParticipantDont forget, although they say that you only keep the 3 services, they will insist you stay between services. I have heard that in Korea nobody stays between services. Again, you will be staying for 12-14hours. Whats interesting is that Orthodox Jews dont even do that. Interesting.
January 27, 2016 at 6:16 AM #69829
Brian TaylorParticipantUntouchableJ wrote:
Dont forget, although they say that you only keep the 3 services, they will insist you stay between services. I have heard that in Korea nobody stays between services. Again, you will be staying for 12-14hours. Whats interesting is that Orthodox Jews dont even do that. Interesting.
Yeah, a friend of mine who is also a former member found this out the hard way. He was in the same zion I was in for roughly the same number of years. After I left, he began to see the holes in all their 'bull-cookies' but was not ready to leave because of the prophecies and end of the world mumbo-jumbo and such. However, he became determined to have an ordinary life outside of the church. He stopped coming during the week, and on sabbath days he would just leave between services and go home, or go to the mall or do something that regular people do. After two weeks of this the overseer and two deacons brought him into the office and tried to rebuke him. At which point he justleft and never came back. He was a brave guy
January 27, 2016 at 6:27 AM #69830
UntouchableJParticipant@Brian Very brave man indeed!! I have a member who I was close to, but who is still in. He and his wife started going home, but they have just been ostracized because of it. He Showed up for preaching assembly once, and he was told to go home.
January 27, 2016 at 7:47 AM #69831
Jjw808ParticipantOh wow I don’t think I can do the whole day church thing,, How do you go about being I guess “unbaptised” or not being apart of the church? Do I just tell the missionary’s that I’m not interested anymore or would it work best if I just totally avoided them and stop contact.
January 27, 2016 at 7:53 AM #69832
UntouchableJParticipant@Jjw808 Well, I would tell them you found some unsettling info, and will not be a member and not to call or text. Then understand, they will be relentless in trying to get you back to the church, and to study. They will call, they might show up to your job or home. My opinion, would be to not answet, and be prepared to NOT answer for several months.
January 27, 2016 at 8:17 AM #69833
Ms FreedomParticipantThey will want to know why you are leaving. They will tell you that everything you read on line is lies. They will do their best to persuade you to stay. They will try to make you feel guilty about being baptized and making a commitment. DONT LET THEM GET TO YOU!! My suggestion is to just not show up for church. They will come looking for you – block their number, don’t answer the door. If they do track you down, be firm and tell them you don’t want to be a part of them and for them to leave you alone. Remember, the only reason they care about you is because you are a customer. The recruiter wants a star in his/her cap and the leDers want your money, time and free labor. This is important-Don’t go back! Walk away!
January 27, 2016 at 8:36 AM #69834
Brian TaylorParticipantYes, be prepared for ” the early church was slandered too…”
January 27, 2016 at 1:13 PM #69835
Mayor and MikeParticipantTell them you are studying the truth on the examiningthewmscog website. And you’ll talk to them “later.”
January 27, 2016 at 2:00 PM #69836
UntouchableJParticipantAlso be prepared to hear, “Oh we can study about that more”. This is a huge tactic to keep you there and coming back. They always make sure they have an answer for a question, even when their answer makes no sense. They also make this statement for when they are caught in their own deception. Here is a slightly paraphrased example, similar to a situation that happened with my family
Church leader- “I hear the devil is tempting your faith brother/sister, whats going on you were doing so well, keeping services and prayer times”
Member- “I found some discouraging info, that contradicts somethings you said. You told me Ahn ascended into heaven after taking a train to China..he infact is buried in a family plot in Korea!!”
Leader- “Ooohh. The internet *sigh* such a dangerous place (subtle guilt trip). Its like eating from the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil. We study more (defers from the question, back to a COG study to keep you coming back)
Member- “So why did you say something untrue?”
Leader- “Oh brother/sister, you misunderstood (inserts excuse here)«
And it goes on and on.
January 27, 2016 at 2:16 PM #69837
Mayor and MikeParticipantTell them the whole world denies Heavenly Mother as God, should I deny her too?
January 27, 2016 at 6:43 PM #69838
Abhigail DelemaParticipantWatch out they will also show youRev 5:1-6 saying the scroll the bible is sealed and it is only opened in the last days and it is we the wmscog who have the key to the bible (scroll) because no one could look inside it and it is only Ash who thought us no church on this earth can interpret the bible and show you the mate verses in the bible,they will also say the root of david is Ash backing it with verse Rev 22-16 and it says I jesus have sent my angel and he is ASH the second comming christ.One thing is if you go for the worship focus more on the decons and leaders how they keep watch over you and other members seeing who is doing what during worship and watch them forcefully shout Amen,also watch the fake welcome they do standing at the door greeting members God blees you and saying Hellooo Brother& Sistaa in the fake korean accent.Please keep watch over the pastor if he is not giving a sermon you will surely see that guy sleeping to glory.If you hear of any inccedent like adulttrey or gossip etc you can hear a sermon on the comming sabbath day which can make you feel very guilty and shameful.After the service you may forcefully be told to share the fragrance of zion (the main motive is to know whats cooking in every members mind and carry the info to the pastor)Then even if you dont preach well you will be told you are a excellent preacher and you can bear much fruit because you are blessed with the blessing of Father and Mother.Most important will be how do you like this church compared to the church you use to go and when you explain all your word will be recorded by the pastor or leader to judge your thoughts and faith in Fand Mother.Dont you ever talk good about any member or praise any member it means you have made them your idol you should only praise Father and Mother .Special attention should be paid when a new members walks in the pastors eyes are fully on him who teaches him who has brought him,where he is working ,and you will have a bunch of members forcing you to be baptized saying you will recive jesus blood only true baptism because the Pass over which gives us life is over you cannot wait till next year what if the world ends tomorow? do you have jesus body and blood? you will be left with fear gult and shame the way questions will be asked till you agree for baptism.They also have a very good way of putting off members when they want to drive you away Bro Sista your getting late or go take some rest come tomorrow they will acutally drive you till the door till you are away.One thing i have noticed i dont know if anyone else has if a member goes in to the office and is in for long and he she was left alone the pastor pretend to seach things in his bag atleast two people have experienced this in India .
January 27, 2016 at 6:56 PM #69839
JoshuaParticipantJjw808, I am just curious, did they tell you about their book of life and/or give you a life number?
January 28, 2016 at 1:26 AM #69840
Jjw808ParticipantYeah they did tell me about the book of life but not give me a life number?
January 28, 2016 at 1:45 AM #69841
UntouchableJParticipantWell, you have a life number. Originally, the life number was to calculate the 144’000 they believed to be needed to return to heaven. But after ASH died, and the church had ocer 144,000 members they had to change doctrine.
January 28, 2016 at 9:50 PM #69842
JoshuaParticipantJjw808 wrote:
Yeah they did tell me about the book of life but not give me a life number?
Just so you are clear; their version of the "book of life" is a data base in their computer system. This system generated a number for you the instant they loaded your information into it. You are being counted as one of their members for now on. When they clain to have over two million members world wide they are counting you as one of them even though you choose not to be associated with them. Just another lie they tell people in order to seem legitimate.
When their data base fails, and their "book of life" is lost, I wonder what they are going to tell the active members at that time? Gods book of life has been hidden from us? Where does the Bible teach that?
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