WHAT AHNSAHNGHONG WROTE "Jesus' wife is not Mother" forbidden text and why it'

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  • #8072

    This is a last resort…i am forced to use their own founder’s text though i believe he’s the #1 false prophet. They trust Sahng…ok… Then WMS members, believe what Sahng actually wrote. In the forbidden book about the woman’s veil, the new Jerusalem and the bride which Sahng published… (The reason you are not allowed to read it is because it says Gil is not God or Mother-sahng wrote the wife of Jesus was NOT spiritual Sarah (Jerusalem) or Mother. To preface-no, don’t believe something because a false prophet says it (there is no bigger false prophet than ahnsahnghong, and he also didn’t prove this-he simply said it). Sahng wrote in that veil book “spiritual Sarah cannot be both the spiritual mother and wife of Jesus.” He also wrote in the book “spiritual Sarah IS the spiritual Mother of Jesus.” Sahng emphatically said Isaac was Jesus Christ, the seed referred to in Galatians. I’ll admit Isaac was Jesus-I’m pretty sure about it. (Other churches say Isaac was Jesus also). This is to get WMS members out only. (Please don’t believe something because a false prophet said it). But WMS members-Gil will not let you read that veil book because it explicitly says Jesus’ wife is not God or Mother. Sahng directly said “the idea of Jerusalem, spiritual Sarah being both the wife of Jesus and the Mother of Jesus is scandalous/absurd,” but Sahng did say “spiritual Sarah is the spiritual Mother of Jesus Christ (Isaac).” Final resort: Sahng wrote about it in the Law of Moses, law of Christ book too… Describing it as “the woman in revelation 12 who bore the child snatched up to God’s throne will bear the remnant in the last days.” Sahng then said “as Jesus was born of the Holy Spirit, so will the remnant be born of the Holy Spirit.” Sahng interpreted the child snatched up to God’s throne as being Jesus in the same passage… For the rest of the world: don’t believe what a false prophet says-sahng wrote there was no Father-he was athiest-don’t listen to him. For WMS members-if you’re gonna trust one of them, trust Sahng not Gil. (However i have told you over and over that ahnsahnghong was the Antichrist not the true Christ. Ahnsahnghong was not Jesus Christ-ahnsahnghong was the #1 false prophet. However members-go ahead and believe Sahng over Gil. Believe what he wrote! Sahng said Jesus’ wife is not Mother or God. That is true! Even if Jesus had a wife, she is not Mother or God! Pick the lesser of the 2 evils-you can’t believe in Gil without believing in sahng. Then believe what Sahng wrote! Sahng wrote “Jesus’ wife cannot be God or Mother.” You need to understand Sahng was sent to earth to trick Joo and Gil into revealing themselves as false prophets. Yeah sahng took the wedding picture with Zahng Gil Jah. He also made sure to write “Gil is not Mother or God.” Gil won’t let you read this book because if you studied it, then you would know she’s lying. Zahng Gil Jah really WANTS to be God-she WANTS to be worshipped and idolized. I repeat-don’t trust ahnsahnghong, he was the biggest FALSE prophet and liar to walk the planet… However WMS members-see that Zahng Gil Jah is lying and get out of WMS!

  • #73038


    Hi anon. I'm sorry I have a hard time following many of your posts, but I'm glad you're here. I hope being able to get all your thoughts out is therapeutic for you.

    anon7 wrote:

    Was there a system where the new moon day was like a Sabbath but not a Sabbath, then the day after the new moon was the first day, making the 8th day from the new moon Sabbath, then the 15th day Sabbath, etc. I don't know… The calendar from God was lunar based, so did it reset once a year, resetting the 7th day? I don't know at this point. I couldn't say for sure if Saturday is Sabbath or not, or if the day changes according to the new moon. I'm not sure.

    When I was researching calendars (to figure out what was going wrong with the 7th month feast), I came across a church that made their calendar like you describe. They started every month with a new moon on the first day of the week. Since a lunar month is around 29.5 days, there would be an extra day or two after the last Sabbath of the month, making the week at the end of one month/beginning of the next extra long.

    This kind of calendar reckoning is rare, and there is no evidence it was kept this way in Biblical times. It does not follow the requirement of a Sabbath every 7 days because if it's extra long week every month.



    Yeah I’m not sure about it at all either. The Jews had been doing a Saturday Sabbath for a long time, prior to the time of Jesus. When the Jews went to Babylon, who had a solar calendar, did they just stick with a solar system (since Adam and Eve were created on a Friday, and everyone agrees on it, making Saturday a Sabbath). In the New Testament, the disciples rested on Saturday…(the day Jesus was in the tomb all day was Saturday, and no one disagrees it was Saturday). But the original Sabbath, at the time of Moses, the very first one WAS a Lunar Sabbath, because God gave the calendar by saying “look at the moon.” It was visible, making it the waxing crescent moon, this is what the Jews say (and Christians). I think there might be 2 Sabbaths a week, or at least 2 options for Sabbath, if not 7 options to do Sabbath a week, because the concept is what’s more important, the concept of physical rest (not working every day) or letting the world make you its slave, etc.



    The very first Sabbath HAD to be a Lunar Sabbath-because it was based on “7 days after the crescent moon.” But after that-i haven’t had time to look at the kings who honored the 8th, 15th day etc-i just skimmed it, didn’t really read it though. The Jewish calendar resets every year, and every month…(making some months 30 days, and some months 29 days, depending on when the crescent moon is sighted). The fact that the new moon was never a Sabbath day might be the evidence in itself. (Because the new moon could have often fallen on a Saturday). The fact that “some Saturdays could not have been Sabbaths,” may be the evidence itself that Saturday was not the Sabbath of the 10 commandants. A new moon day couldn’t be a new moon day and Sabbath day both… But God authorized Saturday as a rest day in the new testament… The Jews did lots of things not from the old testament back then, so… They’re not a reliable source to say “well they kept Sabbath that Saturday, and it happened to be the first month, 16th day.” The Jews did plenty of things wrong, before and after Babylon…had they been doing Saturday Sabbath since they went to Babylon-it sure looks like it. Did they do Saturday Sabbath prior to going to Babylon? … The kings did honor random 8th and 15th days… They write it as “day 8” day “15,” day “22” day “29.” It is actually “day 7, 14, 21, and 28.” the crescent moon might not even be sighted until nighttime. The Jews had lots of things they had to do on the first day of lots of their months, and they had to do everything during the day, usually around 9am and 3pm… So…the new crescent moon day acts as a filler…more so than a day. It’s written “8 15 22 29” but those are actually the 7th days…



    The jews also have this “2” first days a month system, that’s why feast of trumpets is technically 2 days long, because it falls on the first day of the month. That also seems to be something that developed over time, the “2 head of the month days,” because you can’t find that concept in the old testament. It seems to be a way the Jews compensated with the calendar..it may have been the way they did it since the time of babylon. To say the Jews lived in Babylon, and didn’t adopt anything from them would be a stretch… Babylon was one of the Solar calendar nations. We easily see the Constantine sunday rest system instituted… Did the same thing happen in the old testament, but it was changed to Saturday? God did authotize Saturday as an acceptable rest day in the new testament times-that is the day the disciples rested in obedience to the commandment-everyone knows, because every church universally agrees the very next day was a Sunday. We know that. But what were the Jews doing from the time of moses to the time of babylon? I personally think people can rest any day, as long as they rest once a week…(i also think people have about 13 years to start literally doing all 10 commandants correctly). No i don’t think anyone is going to hell over the Sabbath day… Will God require people to get a 100℅ on the ten commandments test-i think so, literally, but not for at least 10 years or so. I think there will come a point in the future when God says people have to literally obey the 10 commandants, without deleting a single word from it. I’m still trying to figure the 7th day stuff out, and I’m not sure about any of it… seventh day Adventists tell people don’t buy and sell on Sabbath, but tell them they can’t eat like “crab, lobster, etc.” God would much rather people be taught “you can enjoy sea food etc,” than them be taught “keep Sabbath, but you can’t eat these foods you like.” The Bible calls “forbidding certain foods a demonic evil teaching.” It’s way more important just not to add laws than to not subtract the ones there. Jesus didn’t come rebuke the pagan nations-he came and threatened those ADDING tons of commandants to the Bible. That is why wms is the “Antichrist church,” not because they’re torturing people like in the dark ages, but because they’ve added so many commands, the members literally CANNOT remember them all. That’s why wms are like the leaders who crucified Jesus on spiritual steroids lol-the ammount of commands they ADDED to the Bible is almost incalculable it’s so many. That’s why wms is so bad, but typical churches are pretty good-they’re grace, faith based, not law, works based.

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