Things to Overcome

  • Creator
  • #6939

    There are many recurring themes that seem to be making people stumble in their efforts to break free from the chains that have kept them in bondage. Please understand, I don’t have all the answers however, there are many resources and people that can help. Ok, lets get started. People keep coming out with the idea that Sunday worship is not in the Bible. I fully agree that the original Sabbath was on the seventh day. In our time we see that day as Saturday. (The day of the worship of Saturn.) How did Sunday become the day of worship for Christians? Jesus set the example. I know I just used a phrase that is common in the WMS but like Paul sometimes you have to go where people are at the time. After Jesus died for us he rose again. When was this? Everyone recognizes that it was a Sunday. If I were to stop there it should be enough but there’s more. When did Jesus meet with his followers? The Word of God tells us it was the very same day. That’s right folks, Sunday. You might want to dismiss this so far. Lets go on. Did Jesus worship the following Saturday? I don’t ever remember anything supporting this idea. When did Jesus meet with his followers again? It was Sunday and this is also when Thomas realized Jesus was alive again. Folks there’s more support for this but I feel that you need to be able to research some of this for yourselves. Keep this in mind. After the resurrection there’s no proof that Jesus kept the Sabbath practice. There’s proof that believers kept Sunday worship which also set them apart from almost all of the other religious groups of the time. Most groups met on Saturdays. The Christians really stood out because of the practice of Sunday worship. It’s one of the reasons they were persecuted in the early days of the church. Many of the things that will help you get past the Sunday issue should be researched outside of the Bible. This is one of the greatest things about our faith. It is testable! We don’t have to use the reason, “the Bible says so” as our only grounds. One thing that just came to mind. It’s heavily taught that Constantine abolished the Sabbath. We need to get past this myth as well. History teaches us that the earliest recording of the Christian church is 70AD and at that time Christians were meeting on Sundays. This is over 250 years before Constantine supposedly abolished the Sabbath. History does not support the teachings of the SDA or the WMS. Yes, the WMS stole the teaching from the SDA group. So much for revealing hidden truth. I think this is enough to get started with. Eventually we will need to address the holidays but lets start breaking the chains with this.

  • #47377


    For the recent postings by members of the WMS please take some time to read this. It contains post from WMS members, ex-members, and people who have been affected by these types of groups. A random posting and rational discussion about teachings is something that you will not find on any of the WMS run websites. The WMS spends a great deal of time and effort filtering out anything that would get you thinking outside of what they want you to think.



    Folks, you really need to get into this. Read it well and research for yourselves.

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