The Law and the WMSCOG

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  • #6914

    When I was a member of the WMSCOG, I remember being taught that observing the feasts was a requirement for my salvation.  But what I read in my Bible today does not support that claim.  Romans 2:12-16.

    12 All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law. 13 For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous. 14 (Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law. 15 They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts sometimes accusing them and at other times even defending them.)16 This will take place on the day when God judges people’s secrets through Jesus Christ, as my gospel declares.

    What stood out here to me was that according to these verses, the Gentiles who did not practice the law (that means that they did not observe the Sabbath, Passover, and other Jewish feasts) were said to "do by nature things required by the law…even though they do not have the law".  How do the Gentiles observe the law by nature?  How do the Gentiles show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts if they do not spend all Saturday in the church or observe the other feasts at 5am and 730pm the way that the wmscog does?  

    Simple…they don't.  It is impossible to observe the law or feasts the way that the wmscog does, and not even know the law like the Gentiles do in the verses above.  I'm not sure if I'm communicating this clearly enough, so here's the bottom line as I see it.  Observance of the Mosaic law is not required for salvation.  I believe that we are under Jesus' moral law.  Anyone else have any thoughts on this? 

  • #47021

    Sueno Maruyama

    Well, Emily, I would say you are correct if you are Christian, but I think Jewish people would have a different opinion on that ….



    Sueno Maruyama wrote:

    Well, Emily, I would say you are correct if you are Christian, but I think Jewish people would have a different opinion on that ….

    Yes I agree and I am Christian.  But I think we need to remember that the WMS claims to be "Christian"…at least sometimes.  They claim to believe in the NT.  So I don't find it to be productive to argue whether or not Chrisitanity is valid in this forum because it isn't relevant here.  No offense to anyone.  Just saying.   


    Sueno Maruyama

    Emily wrote:

    Sueno Maruyama wrote:

    Well, Emily, I would say you are correct if you are Christian, but I think Jewish people would have a different opinion on that ….

    Yes I agree and I am Christian.  But I think we need to remember that the WMS claims to be "Christian"…at least sometimes.  They claim to believe in the NT.  So I don't find it to be productive to argue whether or not Chrisitanity is valid in this forum because it isn't relevant here.  No offense to anyone.  Just saying.   

     I understand your point about the "Christian" propaganda promulgated by WMSCOG …. however I think you need to understand that many WMSCOG recruits may not come from traditional Christian backgrounds or families.  Our family member did not, however the person who was the main recruiter WAS from a "born again" Christian family background.  So I think the approach to easing people out of this mind control cult should include a broad approach to what is an acceptable religious alternative to WMSCOG.  For some, a traditional Christian church may be a good alternative.  For others, it may not be.  Just saying ….

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