If Mother is mortal…

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  • #7722

    And something happens, what's the plan for this group?


    In the event the world carries-on, where does that leave these people? Or is this finally when the charade is over…

  • #68099


    Sorry to disappoint you, this is not where it ends. Sun Myung Moon died and the Moonies are just fine 🙂

    But if you can put them on the record for that, that Zhang is not going to die, well.. that's another story.



    I don't think if Zang dies, it will come out. Learning from the things that happened when Ahn died, they won't tell a soul outside a small group. Her "phonecalls", her appereance in the videos will still be the same now and in 50 years. 



    This is something I have asked various members, leaders and believers.

    They keep the answer pretty vague, if she's physically ill, which is the latest rumour/news it is blamed on the members for making her suffer while we keep sinning.  If her physical body dies, her spirit will live on and I'm sure the general Pastor and his physical family will continue to run the show. Most members are aware of this, therefore hold him very high almost as high as Ahnsahnhong.

    IMO I personally think it will be worse when she physically dies. I think the members will be blamed and made to feel guilty over it. Which means, higher tithing, more fasting, even more time doing church activities, and being more controlled. On the east coast fasting for days is considered like a punishment for not recruiting enough and members fully comply.  Imagine if Mother dies , honestly it scares me.



    Setufree, I never thought of it that way. But the way you put it sounds logic, scary enough. What was the longest fasting in a row, you've heard about? You mentioned fasting for day as a punishment.



    Curius1 the longest witnessed 4 days no water food, the shortest 1 day. Or they do fast for a few days, then the very next week fast again, which IMO cannot be healthy for the body. I understand other cultures such as Muslims do it as well but not like this and they take the right preparations. Here it’s done like a punishment, not mandatory but usually entire church participates out of fear of shunning, hurting Mother, etc


    Many people are expectantly waiting for this day to come, because they think this will be the end of this charade, but in fact i think it would be the beggining, since probably all the higher ups will make member do like  Setufree just said. They will make members become more guilty, and turn then into more activities, more recruiting and more crap… since father and mother will be together in heaven the end of times will be more closer than ever before and they are just waiting on the last few souls to regret, get baptized, and accept mother and father… I  already can imagine a picture in my head without this even happening just yet.



    Here is my undersanding of the way it will all go down…


    Mother will require everyone to report to their respective Zions in preperation for end times. As the rapture begins or world ends, mother will take with her- all those deserving. Thats it… No plan B, no believing in general pastor (I've asked specifically). This is their twisted version of what the bible testifies. Now, that may all change if she dies in her sleep or falls down a flight of steps… I'm sure someone, somewhere is making preperations for the next chapter of this mess. 


    As far as fasting- it jsut ended in my area… Two rounds, one weekend… Then for about 5 days I think. Extreme weight loss, mood swings, sickness, etc… One might've been to celebrate Ahn's passing, but I'm not 100% certain. What I do know is they simulated meals he ate, to break the fast as guess as a way to pay homage.



    We can make god physically unable to carry on? If we sin alot then it's possible that god will die? If the Bible is true. which I believe it is, I will need to have my brain removed before I will believe this mess. I hope current members are offended by my last statement and comment on it a lot! I could p/o/o/p a less foul smelling doctrine.


    Love'n Honey

    Hi! =)



    Love'n Honey wrote:

    Hi! =)

    You back 4 good?


    Love'n Honey

    Probably.. I came back here to read up on some stuff because i got curious. I have a bunch of projects going on so i won’t be able to obsess Like before but.. Yea.. =)



    setufree wrote:

    ….I personally think it will be worse when she physically dies. I think the members will be blamed and made to feel guilty over it. Which means, higher tithing, more fasting, even more time doing church activities, and being more controlled. On the east coast fasting for days is considered like a punishment for not recruiting enough and members fully comply.  Imagine if Mother dies , honestly it scares me.

    I fully agree with this sentiment. Judging by how the were able to recruit after ash died. I'm sure there were others affected by the cult then who would've hoped it would fail but well look at how the deception grew. By carefully omitting certain critical elements of the man's life and teachings he became a god who had restored the perfect bondage, sorry I mean "truth".

    The same will probably happen after mama z kicks the bucket. Isn't it they believe that all they do is somehow biblical in origin. They believe that they are the rock in the Daniel 2 that "will endure forever" so they will drive the members through this so called "truth".


    Laughing Last

    Ain't never been to Heaven but I been to Oklahoma…..


    koba soso

    I have heard talk that she has already died and that they no longer recieve her video sermons in zion and only "messages" from her in the elohist and through the overseers.


    Laughing Last



    koba soso

    what happend on 6/21/14?


    koba soso

    Laughing Last wrote:


    aaaahhhh I see the article… thanks bruh lol


    koba soso

    Laughing Last wrote:


    aaaahhhh I see the article… thanks bruh lol



    koba soso wrote:

    Laughing Last wrote:


    aaaahhhh I see the article… thanks bruh lol

    What am I missing? 



    There is an article that I have been unable to verify that states that Zahng died on 6/21/14. If I was anyone in the WMSCOG I would want to verify that she was still alive and debunk this article. Currently I have been unable to verify either way (alive or dead) and as time goes on I more of the mind that she is dead and on one went to Heaven as the WMSCOG claimed they would. Well, they also claimed that Zahng/Chang/Chung (she's had so many names) would never die. So much for their doctrine and/or prophecy.

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