Have you visited the wmscog.org….it's pathetic what they're doing?

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  • #6943

    I visited wmscog.org, and they're mimmicking the design of this website and make a pathetic attempt to rebuttal the claims against them…it's completely onesided, with their zombies flooding the forums proclaimming their love for mother and father. Other than the usual verses they use to justify their beliefs, no indepth Bible verses are seldom quoted. I was expecting them to take on the numerous inconsistencies they are accused of, but instead it's the usual zombification of their flock….I am starting to feel like like there's something truly sinister and dark about this church…May God help us all.

  • #47382


    I don’t believe they’re actually mimicking the look of this website I believe these are both word press powered websites.

    as for the rest of your comments I would definitely agree it’s very pathetic. a lot of strawman arguments too.



    @Hal, exactly what I am saying -ONESIDED. I went on there hoping to get their arguments against what they're being criticized for – thus expected some sort of tit-for-tat debate in the forum section…but no, to my dismay its all their pov. I feel really sad for people who get caught up in their web of deceit…but somewhere I feel like a lot of these people know something's up but are either simply in denial or are gaining from it in one way or the other… 

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