• Creator
  • #6935

    I have been reading post by people that the WMSCOG has mislead and lied to. You know what the problems are! You've been involved in some of the deception! Either it was done on you and/or you did it to others. I understand that you feel deceived and disheartened. Most people who go through something like this wined up being stronger over the long term. I'm calling for you former members to get up, brush yourselves off, come repent to Jesus Christ, put on the full armor of God, and start fighting for those people who are still trapped in this deception. Your testimony and background make you very well suited to help others get out of Satan's grasp. Here's a kicker, Satan doesn't care if you're deceived within this cult or just willing to chuck God aside altogether. He still wins. Don't turn your back on Jesus! Find the truth for yourselves, take the truth and get others out! Think about some of the people still stuck in this cult. Many of them are nice people who have just had the wool pulled over their eyes. They need our help but more importantly they need someone like you. Someone who's been there and understands what they're going through. Get up, get tough, and lets take the fight to the enemy by witnessing for the truth. Jesus Christ is Lord and all others are designed to steal our faith. Lets get busy folks and may God smile on our efforts.

  • #47343


    I dont know if another "church" or "religion" is something I need. Im more than down to help out other members to see the truth, but only if they want to see it. We cant force anyone to believe or not believe something…  As long as this doesnt turn into a jonestown case, I believe they have the right to worship korean man/woman…   Idk Christians believe in an asian man as well, its just as wierd, its just more accepted…..God has been with me since i was born, ive always noticed God in my life, nothing can take that away from me… before this and after this Ive always and will always have life on my side. I understand your concern for them, but until they want out, theres no way of getting them out…



    Donttrustzang, I totally understand what you’re saying and I’m truly glad that you feel Gods presence in your life. I’m curious, how did you get mixed up in this cult? What was it that made you join?

    Here’s my thoughts on the rest of this: (This is not focused directly on you.) People who have been involved in groups like this have a knowledgebase that folks like myself will never have. I have been seriously affected by this group and have been forced to grow and to seek the truth because of it. For the people who have been in, only those folks know the other people and also the tricks and traps used to manipulate. I feel that everyone deserves to hear the truth. They may not want to make the choice to leave the group but that’s not for us to decide. Only God can save we are to bring the Good News. Often we are called into service at inconvenient times and I don’t know anyone who has ever been ready for it. When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior we are to share him with others. If we wait till we’re ready or when we feel prepared we will never do it. All of us are wounded or broken somehow. God uses this for his glory. Who would have thought that God would turn a murderer into one of the greatest mouthpieces for the Kingdom of God? No one would believe a prostitute would be used by God to save peoples lives but it happened. God takes us as we are and if we’re willing, uses us. I don’t think Gods purpose included making “religions” but, his intention was to bring us into fellowship with each other. I have a friend here that i gave some advice to and I want to give you the same advice. Find a small group, one that is studying something that interest you. If you’re a parent for example; you might like a study group called “Growing Kids Gods Way.” Finding a church right after coming out of a destructive group like the WMS might seem like an impossible task but many churches have small groups. You don’t have to join a church to get involved in a small group. If you run into a situation where a church is requiring membership you probably want to leave immediately. Big red flag if you know what I mean. I hope this helps and also inspires you to be involved.



    the way i got in is similar to almost everyones story, i was just hanging out and a guy i never seen before started showing me things in the bible… me having no background on the bible, believed everything, not to say everything he showed me was lies, but i didnt question it. Things like the sabbath and passover never being pushed by other groups is what got me the most… it made me feel as though they are the "only right church."  Then i noticed it went from the bible being the core, to "mother" being the core.  Went from "if its not in the bible we shouldnt follow" to "well mother said its ok, so its ok"  … this is very scary and dangerous. Once you honestly believe she is your creator, what will you not do for her? I never felt the connection with this korean lady, ppl used to cry and cry when we watched videos, but i never felt it…  idk if that even answered ur question, but thats my answer lol

    as far as a bible study group, if they acknowledge pagan holidays as christian. thats a major red flag for me.  also i dont think the bible is meant to help you out… its not a self help book…  so i probally wont be doing "those" kind of study groups…



    I would encourage you to research the holidays. Many of these holidays that Christians celebrate have nothing to do with paganism. It’s another myth created to make you feel guilty for something that you never did. I’m sorry, maybe I spoke out of place. Have you ever given offerings or done sacrifices to pagan gods? I’ve always worshipped the one true God and my Lord Jesus.



    yea but before this group ive done my research. look up christmas origins, you may be surprised…



    Yes, this is exactly the one I would hope you would research. Have you seen all of the disparities? One group or study paints it as an evil thing, another group paints it as a great thing. As a Christian we celebrate the birthday of Jesus. I’ve heard the arguments about how it’s not Jesus birthday. Most people understand this however, this is the day we use to mark the occasion. This really brings me back to my earlier point. Have you ever given offerings or sacrifices to pagan gods?

    My family and I reach out to people with the love of Jesus Christ during this time of year. It’s the perfect time to reach people where they are. Most people in the US celebrate Christmas and we take the opportunity to remind them about the greatest gift that has ever been given. How do you choose to address the holiday? I hope that you don’t take your time condemning people for celebrating. Where’s your heart because God knows where your heart really is.



    Joshua wrote:

    Yes, this is exactly the one I would hope you would research. Have you seen all of the disparities? One group or study paints it as an evil thing, another group paints it as a great thing. As a Christian we celebrate the birthday of Jesus. I've heard the arguments about how it's not Jesus birthday. Most people understand this however, this is the day we use to mark the occasion. This really brings me back to my earlier point. Have you ever given offerings or sacrifices to pagan gods?

    My family and I reach out to people with the love of Jesus Christ during this time of year. It's the perfect time to reach people where they are. Most people in the US celebrate Christmas and we take the opportunity to remind them about the greatest gift that has ever been given. How do you choose to address the holiday? I hope that you don't take your time condemning people for celebrating. Where's your heart because God knows where your heart really is.

    eeeh its up to you.. to each his own, but the roots of this "christian" holiday isnt christian at all… romans would have sex with other men and beat their wives.. i guess thats "merry" lol  but yea if you want to celbrate christmas, awesome. I will not be participating on a day that is marked dec 25th for only one reason, the winter solstice (the birth of the sun)…  If someone celebrated my birthday on jan 14th thats not celebrating my birthday lol



    also yes, ive worshipped a false korean god lol (not funny at all)



    I do believe that your heart was in the right place even though you were being misled. Perhaps reading about Paul and how he reached people where they were might help ease your mind about Christmas. Couldn’t hurt. I would be curious to know if it helps. Keep in touch.



    Joshua wrote:

    I do believe that your heart was in the right place even though you were being misled. Perhaps reading about Paul and how he reached people where they were might help ease your mind about Christmas. Couldn't hurt. I would be curious to know if it helps. Keep in touch.

    what does paul have to do with christmas? im sorry, i dont understand.



    I must admit christmas, easter, are not in the bible, neither is sunday worship as a sign between you and God.  He chose the Sabbath for us to observe, and his feast, this i believe with or without the church.  But like someone said in the forum, members are going from Jesus being the core in the bible to mother, and that is not in the bible.  They are creating their own bible in a sense, by twisting the words to work for their doctrine. 



    Rain wrote:

    I must admit christmas, easter, are not in the bible, neither is sunday worship as a sign between you and God.  He chose the Sabbath for us to observe, and his feast, this i believe with or without the church.  But like someone said in the forum, members are going from Jesus being the core in the bible to mother, and that is not in the bible.  They are creating their own bible in a sense, by twisting the words to work for their doctrine. 

    this is a very good point. also, since the truth is so "deep". its unlimited the possibilitys of twisting each scripture to prove ur point.



    I’m going to start a new post on this. I feel that it deserves its own focus. Look for it soon.

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