21 years and Ahn's SDA baptism

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  • #6768

    [This comment was moved by the admin from Ahnsahnghong Followed a False Prophet For 16 Years And Comes Up Short On the “Prophecy of King David” to this forum thread on 08/09/11]

    [Originally posted by Adam on August 1, 2011 5:36 PM]

    The 21 years you are thinking refers to how long the church was around before AhnSahngHong died. As a church Passover was celebrated from 1964, before it there was no Church of God. Think about this though, how can He establish a church without any followers? He had to preach before then.

    Also, about the SDA baptism it had to happen this was. This was the only christian church that kept Saturday as Sabbath, the law that was abolished in 321 AD. If you haven’t done the 7 churches study, you could not have known that. The Sabbath truth was restored in 1844 through the adventist movement (prophecy of daniel 8 and 9).

    William miller didn’t predict the 2nd coming of Christ to be 1844, it was the end of the world. However the scripture said the sanctuary had to be cleansed (The return of the truth started then with Sabbath)

    Also, what does the SDA doctrine have anything to with what AhnSahngHong taught? Nothing, Ellen G White didn’t fulfill any prophecy from the bible. If you read the letters from Paul, children (spiritually), as White refers to are easily tempted by Satan. This indicated people young in faith who haven’t set there hearts on following the law of God. Also, you are picking out scriptures out of context to prove something.

    Not to mention, AhnSahngHong debunks a lot of what Ellen G white said because it was her interpretation, and goes on to prove His point through scriptures. For example, the Seal of God is Passover (John6:27,53-56, Luke22:19-20)

  • #42542


    wow! unbelievable how one word twisted can change the whole meaning of the scriptures.  Good job Emil!



     The unknown explain this please.

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