WMSCOG "Family Dinners" hypocrisy

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  • #7813

    So, I worked the morning shift on Thanksgiving, and got off of work around 2pm to go home and spend time with my family. We live literally minutes from the, “Zion”(I use this term loosely) we left only months ago. The parking lot was full. I remembered the “Family Dinners”, WMSCOG has. They say that “true family”, eat together and that while “Babylon”/false churches celebrate the holiday, “zion” is true family and stays together. I was immediately awakened to the hypocrisy…why would the “true church/religion” do the exact same acts as a so-called Pagan holiday, and only take away the name. Now, something I was just recently enlightened to….the entire arguemnt against thanksgiving; Also a lie. When we had finished most of our studies against Babylon/Pagan holidays, Thanksgiving was explained last and had the least informed argument. I remember being told, “Man cant make a day to be thankful, and the whole world celebrates it”. I recently found that MOST of the world doesnt celebrate it. I asked a staff member I used to supervise, about it. “Daryl”, as I’ll call him, was born in the U.K. and came to the U.S. as a teen. He even still has a heavy British accent. I asked him early in the week, if he had the day off. He informed me that the U.K. doesnt celebrate it. I also ran into my old friend and Martial Arts instructor who is from S.Korea….same answer from him. Its celebrated by a few (if that) countries in the world. As Daryl told me,” your better off assuming most of the world celebrates Independance Day, than Turkey Day.” This is for those who have lost years of meaningful gathering with loved ones. This is also for any current members, who have come here to debate (but deep down have questions of their own, as well as concerns). Now for Xmas….at our old “Zion”, we had game night on Dec.25th. Basically an Xmas party without gifts, lights or decorations. Im praying this will strengthen ex members and current members. Stay safe.

  • #68889


    UntouchableJ wrote:

    I was immediately awakened to the hypocrisy…why would the "true church/religion" do the exact same acts as a so-called Pagan holiday, and only take away the name.

    because those people didnt see the hypocrisy either.

    because it works on people.

    ty for the message of praying & strengthening exmembers/current members



    Same with all the holidays, Easter and Halloween would be changed into game night and family night.  Halloween they would still have everyone give out candy to the children of Zion, and Easter/Thanksgiving/Christmas eve was the same.

    When I first learned they didn't celebrate the holidays, it would be always be last minute, with a page long text explaining why.  All the answers were always that I needed a bible study to truly understand.  I felt like them asking for us to take the time away from real family members was always some test of faith to see who I would choose.  Us. vs them. 

    Long time members would bring their worldy family members to these events, and it was always so forced and they looked miserable.  I recall speaking to someones cousin outside on a Thanksgiving and they told me they were just there for support because the rest of the family was worried sick about the member.


    Mayor and Mike

    I think the Koreans are being Koreans. They have a group mentality. If they see someone doing something, they have to do it too. "Monkey see, monkey do." So when a korean member "sees" people having dinner on a specific day in October, they have to do it too. Its an Asian thing that I don't understand. Go, try it out yourself, it's hilarious. Go to church and wear a bright fluorescent yellow tie. Next week, other members and the overseer could be wearing one too, (secretly, mysteriously and for no reason). Lol. 

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