WHAT AHNSAHNGHONG WROTE "Jesus' wife is not Mother" forbidden text and why it'

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    This is a last resort…i am forced to use their own founder’s text though i believe he’s the #1 false prophet. They trust Sahng…ok… Then WMS members, believe what Sahng actually wrote. In the forbidden book about the woman’s veil, the new Jerusalem and the bride which Sahng published… (The reason you are not allowed to read it is because it says Gil is not God or Mother-sahng wrote the wife of Jesus was NOT spiritual Sarah (Jerusalem) or Mother. To preface-no, don’t believe something because a false prophet says it (there is no bigger false prophet than ahnsahnghong, and he also didn’t prove this-he simply said it). Sahng wrote in that veil book “spiritual Sarah cannot be both the spiritual mother and wife of Jesus.” He also wrote in the book “spiritual Sarah IS the spiritual Mother of Jesus.” Sahng emphatically said Isaac was Jesus Christ, the seed referred to in Galatians. I’ll admit Isaac was Jesus-I’m pretty sure about it. (Other churches say Isaac was Jesus also). This is to get WMS members out only. (Please don’t believe something because a false prophet said it). But WMS members-Gil will not let you read that veil book because it explicitly says Jesus’ wife is not God or Mother. Sahng directly said “the idea of Jerusalem, spiritual Sarah being both the wife of Jesus and the Mother of Jesus is scandalous/absurd,” but Sahng did say “spiritual Sarah is the spiritual Mother of Jesus Christ (Isaac).” Final resort: Sahng wrote about it in the Law of Moses, law of Christ book too… Describing it as “the woman in revelation 12 who bore the child snatched up to God’s throne will bear the remnant in the last days.” Sahng then said “as Jesus was born of the Holy Spirit, so will the remnant be born of the Holy Spirit.” Sahng interpreted the child snatched up to God’s throne as being Jesus in the same passage… For the rest of the world: don’t believe what a false prophet says-sahng wrote there was no Father-he was athiest-don’t listen to him. For WMS members-if you’re gonna trust one of them, trust Sahng not Gil. (However i have told you over and over that ahnsahnghong was the Antichrist not the true Christ. Ahnsahnghong was not Jesus Christ-ahnsahnghong was the #1 false prophet. However members-go ahead and believe Sahng over Gil. Believe what he wrote! Sahng said Jesus’ wife is not Mother or God. That is true! Even if Jesus had a wife, she is not Mother or God! Pick the lesser of the 2 evils-you can’t believe in Gil without believing in sahng. Then believe what Sahng wrote! Sahng wrote “Jesus’ wife cannot be God or Mother.” You need to understand Sahng was sent to earth to trick Joo and Gil into revealing themselves as false prophets. Yeah sahng took the wedding picture with Zahng Gil Jah. He also made sure to write “Gil is not Mother or God.” Gil won’t let you read this book because if you studied it, then you would know she’s lying. Zahng Gil Jah really WANTS to be God-she WANTS to be worshipped and idolized. I repeat-don’t trust ahnsahnghong, he was the biggest FALSE prophet and liar to walk the planet… However WMS members-see that Zahng Gil Jah is lying and get out of WMS!

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