The WMSCOG's secret of the Bronze Snake?!?

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  • #7756

    I'm bringing you another example of the misleadings of the WMSCOG.

    They teach their members that the idol worship of the Bronze Snake in the Old Testament is exactly the same as modern day churches and their portrayal of the Cross. The WMS has a video that they play for their members which like every other teaching they have picks and chooses the scriptures that make their point for them.

    The first scripture mentioned is Numbers 21:8 The Lord said to Moses, "Make a snake and put it on a pole; anyone who is bitten can look at it and live." This seems a little strange by itself until you look at the total context of why Moses was tasked to do this. The people had been complaining, the Lord sent serpents (vs. 6) people were bitten and many died. (vs.7) The people realized their sin and repented! God then has the Bronze Snake made showing His love and compassion. Makes more sense when you read everything you're supposed to include with vs.8 doesn't it?

    The next scriptural reference in the video is 2Kings 18:3-7. This documents the destruction of the Bronze Snake after the children of Isreal started using it as Idol Worship. King Hezekiah destroyed the sculpture and the WMSCOG wants everyone to believe that God blessed hin for the rest of his reign because of this act. Here's the rub! In verse 3 it tells us why King Hezekiah was blessed. It's because he did what was right in the sight of the Lord! In verse 4 it tells us that King Hezekiah broke a lot more than just the Bronze Snake. He also removed the high place where the children of Isreal were burning incense, broke the sacred pillars, and cut down the wooden images. The WMS wants everyone to believe that it was the destruction of the Bronze Snake that made God bless Hezekiah. WRONG! The WMSCOG also wants to make direct coorelations between wooden images, bronze snake, and the Cross of Jesus. Talk about a vile streach of misdirection! Lets go on shall we? The video puts a slide in view that reads, "The churches, which set up the Cross, will be destroyed. Dt 27:15" Now, I took the time to read as you should Dt 27:15 and I can tell you for fact that it never mentions the Cross at all! It does talk about setting up images in secret. Every Christian church that I have been to surely has not set up the Cross in secret! There are a bunch of pictures in the WMSCOG as well as teachings that are kept very secret. Why is it that their god the father and god the mother are not posted publically like the Christian Cross is? I could go on and on with just this part.

    I wanted to add a little bit here. I did a big WMS no no and read the next verse (Dt. 27:16). "Cursed is the one who treats his father or his mother with contempt." I have heard way too many first hand accounts of mothers and fathers that have been completely disrespected by their children because of the things they are taught at the WMSCOG.

    Moving on, in the finally of this video the producers flash up Rev. 18:4 with a saying, "Come out of her, my people so that you will not share in her sins. so that you will not recieve and of her plagues." Again, I read the verse and it has been completely misquoted. Rev. 18 talks about the fall of Babylon and nothing about churches with Crosses on them. Now we all know that the WMSCOG teaches that all other churches are supposedly Babylon. This is another overserved piece of _____. There is a whole sermon that can be done on how this cannot be accurate. You can even go through my collected works on this website and find information proving this idea wrong.

    For a time I did studies with the WMSCOG and even then the false teachings were obvious. STOP LETTING THE WMSCOG MISLEAD PEOPLE! They are blaitantly lying to people and as they themselves teach, the father of lies is Satan so if they are willingly participating in this then they are following Satan. May God truly bless you and open your eyes to the truth. It's not hard to see if you're looking for it! 

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