The WMSCOG doesn't want to reach out to people with disabilities. Oops!

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  • #7629

    A long time ago now I posted that me younger brother is disabled and has a learning disability. Because of this the WMSCOG views him as undesireable.

    As you know dear readers, I spend a lot of time reading a variety of material and when I come accross something that I believe is relevant I like to share it with you. I came accross an article about dyslexia. I'm sure that this is one of those undesireable traits as it would make it very hard to read the propoganda of the WMSCOG and studies would be even harder. Let me tell you about a guy named Gary. Gary has dyslexia and his story about his childhood especially in reguard to school looks like a recipe on how to create a criminal. He acted out in school, was overly disciplined, and was viewed as unwilling to learn, disruptful to the class, and disrespectful to authority ie his teachers. One of his teachers even put him under their desk and proceeded to kick him. Gary pushed back and punched this teacher in the face. For this he got expelled. His mother would not let him get left behind so the school system just kept passing him. She hoped that after graduation that maybe he could get a job driving a truck or something. Because of his difficulties reading Gary became a very good listener and is able to memorize just about anything he hears. He went on to college and during this time he learned how to negotiate with his professors for better grades. Often times he would convince then to make a B out of a C and an A out of a B. Once he finished college Gary got a job selling aluminum siding. His mother was very proud of him and all that he had accomplished. One day Gary takes a day off and decides to go to New York City. He had a couple of run-ins with stock brokers and decided to try his luck at getting into this field. At this time this career field was very closed off. You either needed to be related to or know somebody in the industry to get in. Because of the skills Gary gained because of his disability Gary was able to strike up a conversation with a random person and with all of the things that he had learned over time he managed to negotiate himself into an interview. Gary Cohn eventually became the president of Goldman Sachs. Go ahead WMSCOG, keep passing up on people like this. Just one of the glaring failures of this group that is supposedly led by god. Pathetic! 

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