I want everyone to chime in on this one.

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  • #7800
    Brian Taylor

     Greetings all, its been a while since i've posted on this forum, made any videos or done any counter-cult ativities. However, there has been a question on my mind which I feel is worthy of being torn apart here. For the purose of context: A few days ago I met with a person who's loved one is a former member of the WMSCOG. This was the first time we had met in over a month or so, and in many of our previous meetings we spent the majority of the time rehashing our stories and venting about the absurdities and hypocrisies of the cult, but not this time. This time, it seemed to me that we focused less on the WMSCOG and spent more time just talking about life and convictions which shape many of our proclivities today.

     So, blah blah blah i'm rambling, let me get to the point. I really want to hear, whether you are a former member, a friend or a relative some one who is in the cult, What have you learned from your experience? How has it changed the way you view the world? ( if at all) how has it shaped your character? how has it changed you? I would really love to hear from anyone and everyone on this.

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