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  • #7303

    I was in church when my pastor brought to light a passage from Matthew that speaks directly to the idea of being delivered but not filled with Jesus. It may not make any sense to you but for myself I am really glad that my loved one came back to a faith in Jesus Christ after the drama/trama of the WMSCOG.

    Matthew 12:43-45 …an evil spirit  leaves a person…returns and finds its former home empty, swept, and in order…the spirit finds seven other spirits more evil…all enter the person and live there…that person is worse off.

    Please read the entire passage for yourself as I have abreviated it a bit. You may never fall for the WMS retoric ever again but if you do not get the true God into your life something else is going to start influencing you. Many people are overwelmed with fear, doubt, anger, hate, confusion, ect… Satan still has you just as much as when he had you in the WMS. You deserve better! You are a child of God. Don't expect to find a group that can give you all of the answers, find the one true God that has all of your answers! You need a truth to have faith in? Try this: We all work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. It's a gift from God that we do not deserve but He gives it to us anyway. Accept it, be filled by it, and love Him for it. You have been delivered don't let these other things come into you and make you worse off than you were. Bringing you into the light, Joshua.

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