Christian VS. WMSCOG Members – DEBATE During Bible Study

A few months back Maggie Dinsmore reached out to me and told me that she was in contact with some WMSCOG members whom she had set up a time to do a bible study with. She decided to record the audio of that bible study and now I’m sharing it here in hopes that others could listen and better understand how WMSCOG members think and argue and what you can expect if you ever try to engage in a conversation with them. Our goal for releasing this recording is simply that you all will be able to listen to how a conversation with WMSCOG members might go in a real-life scenario so that you can be better equipped to have conversations with members that you might encounter in your own lives. The World Mission Society Church Of God (WMSCOG) is a cult group that is quickly growing around the world. This false religion’s primary teaching is that there is a “mother god,” and only through faith in her can a person be saved. This group also teaches salvation by works. Our goal is to lovingly confront this group and to help lead them to the gospel, as well as to reach those who they are deceiving.

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