Where do we go

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    Since everything we learned was all a lie what church should I go to?

  • #72084


    jackiebperez wrote:

    Since everything we learned was all a lie what church should I go to?

     I think that is a very personal choice.  A good suggestion is to take time to think about it for a while.  In the meantime, it wouldn't be a bad thing to attend a nondenominational church for a while. 


    Mayor and Mike

    That’s a good question. What church is true to the bible, keeps the Sabbath day and the 7 feasts of God? We might have to go out for coffee, have bible studies and wait until prophecy is fulfilled and the true temple of Lord is established and it’s mountain will be chief among mountains. As we know it will be happen in the last days. And hopefully in our lifetime.



    Good question. Unfortunately all churches that practice sabbath day and keep all the feasts are cults. That may seem like a broad statement but its what I have found from research I’ve done:( I havent found a church that does everything correctly. That is what makes things so hard. Good luck. Im glad you are out bc now you have the freedom to do whatever you would like and make your decisions!


    Ms Freedom

    When my child entered the WMS, I kept telling them that they should do research on their group. I wanted the research to prove the WMS wrong. What I realized later is that I had never done the same for Christianity. I was a believer my whole life and had just accepted the Bible as the Word of God because that is what I was taught. When I started researching the history of Christianity (as well as other religions and cults) it opened my eyes to things I had never known. I encourage you to read, read and read. But you need to do it with an open mind – not closed and looking for justification for why you believe what you do. Education and knowledge is freedom and I wish that to all former members.



    @JackieBPerez. i remember thinking many times as a member, when I would hear a contradiction to scripture or something, thinking, “Sigh*….But if this isn’t real, where do I go?” Honestly, that question alone, made me stay longer. In some cases, I felt I could relate (partially) to a person in an abusive circumstance;

    When your trapped, but in what seems, like a situation thats ideals are wrong but its secure. This is when Cognitive Dissonance comes in. I don’t have the answers, spititually. I wish I did. I knew one thing when I left, I could no longer function “Under an Angry God”. Im a pretty moral guy. Ive never been arrested, raised a hand to my wife, I repsect my mother, and would give to anyone in need. Now,Im not going to equate myself as better, than someone else. But saying Joe is going to hell because he cheatee on his GRE exams to get into grad school to make more money, because he supports his sisters two kids? Nah, can’t do it. More so in the WMS, there was such an emotional strain. I am in the process of finding myself spiritually, trying to get better. Heck, I have some issues that dont qualify as sin (Bad habit of leaving my toothbrush out after use) but Im striving to get better



    Quite honestly, I believe that members are told to ask "Then where should we go?"  I think it is kind of a lead in to bashing anywhere you might suggest.  The suggestions made to really research every alternative and then decide on your own is the best one.  There is no "one true perfect church" in my opinion.   Perfect does not apply to humans on this earth.  Where there are humans (yes, even those in the wmscog)  there are human frailities existing.  The wms has it's share of wackos the same as any organization has.  I can respect people who admit things aren't perfect, because that is honest.  To deny everything and to never acknowledge problems is not something I respect at all. 

    Most of the people in the wms are simply good people who didn't (and still don't) realize what they were joining.  They are victims, in my opinion, for the most part.  But there are some real wackos too, and the church doesn't acknowledge that.  They are so perfect in that perfect place with the perfect leaders.  Sorry.  Just can't buy that and just can't trust people who try to sell deception.



    @Mountain I agree. The question is taught by WMS. The humbling thing to bring the Wms member back to reality, is that leaders ALWAYS teach, “We have deh perfect truth.” So when the WMS member sees the lies, despite leadership saying this, the member has to figure out when to come out.


    Mayor and Mike

    Also the member might have to turn off the new songs. I don’t think we discussed new songs recently but aren’t the lyrics geared to keep members in the church, in the doctrine, and in the cog frame of mind. The song ” Mother you are life” has a lyric that says “Mother you are life…if we leave to you where this on earth can we go? There is no place for us to go…”



    @Mayor Mind control experts will say that musice has tons to do with the brainwashing process. “At this blissful hour…” making the member feel that the appointed time is uber special. Your so right



    I hate opera music, sorry but I just can't stand it… When the deacon asked me what I thought of the church music I told him I just didn't like it. He was expecting me to say I loved it but I just couldn't bring myself to pretend. Some brothers used to listen to the New Song in their cars and in front of each other and what not but I knew they were just pretending. As if you're only going to listen to New Song and nothing else. They say everything else is from satan. Please! Give me a break! I could never conform to listening to one type of music over and over just because I was told to. There is so much great material out there. It's just ridiculous to be so narrow minded. I think WMS just want to kill creativity off because then people won't question their authority. God I hate that New Song garbage. It's all part of making us more like them. So we lose our identity and just follow.



    @Hyde. lol. So it wasn’t just me. And the fact that the words don’t rhyme killed me. It made it feel so much more like brainwashing. I also didnt get the fact that brothers especially thought everything else was satan. We’d get in the car on a road trip, and they would say, “Ahhh…beautiful New Songs”. I wanted to gag. Did anyone else notice that 85-90% of the Newsongs were written around the time Wms split from NCPCOG? Early on, I asked a Deacon, “If they didnt know Ahn was God when he was alive, were they singing all these songs when he was alive?” No answer. That point is another bullet thrown in their arguments. I dont thing Ahn was proffessing to be God. The NCPCOG was singing old fashioned hymnals(as exmembers see from the back of the New Song book). When Wms split, they had members write music.



    Most of the songs were written from 97-99

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