Point system for heaven

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  • #7724

    Recently I spoke to a member, the member showed me a chart that the various members use that will keep track of a point system. Anyone who brings new people in receives points, even more points if that member keeps a sabbath and the most points if that member becomes a tithing member. A fruit with seed, they call it. So members are nothing but a point system for others to obtain a ticket to heaven. To anyone new questioning this group or who may have recently been baptized , you are nothing to them but points for what they consider their salvation. They have charts with your info on it, and how far they can push you to believe their Church. It’s all about the dollar.

  • #68144

    Ms Freedom

    I have also seen a chart that tracks their study levels. There are 5. Once they have completed one level, they have a row of stars. It honestly looks like a potty training chart. It is so sad that the members reward for staying in the studies until all hours of the night is a sticker star!



    Lol!  MsFreedom, you crack me up!  A potty training chart!  That is exactly what is seems like.  It is funny, but also sad that a bunch of adults can be manipulated and controllled in the same way a child would be.  I've also seen charts that have their recruiting areas lined out and books where they have records of who is preaching and how much individuals are recruiting.



    Exactly Ms Freedom!!  It felt so kindergarten to me with charts and stickers.

    This is an example of the point chart I was shown.

    bring someone to study 5 points

    bearing fruit 15

    fruit keeps service 5

    fruit with seed 10

    bring 10 talents 20

    church activity 5 points

    preaching 3

    short term preaching20

    week long elohim academies 20

    buying a  book 5 points

    buying a cd 3 points

    Points for what exactly, who knows.

    Yes, mountainmom  they take attendance at Church.   Who shows up on what days, keeps service.   First church I have ever known to keep attendance lol.



    How much for going to Korea to see "God" ?  And are points detracted if their "fruit" quits?

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