Aren't you glad that you could not be effectively deceptive!?!

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  • #7719

    Over the years I have had many conversations with ex-members of the WMSCOG over the topic of "Bearing Fruit". Many of these ex-members, while they were involved with the group, felt so guilty for not bringing in fruit. Alot of people are not very good at convincing others that their viewpoint is the correct one. You can look over the forum during the last several years and see how many people have tried to convince me that god the mother is somehow real or that Ahnsahnghong was Christ. Obviously I have never been convinced of any of this but then again I fight against deceptive and controlling groups. Using myself as an analogy might not be fair. Where I was going with this is that there are many people who have left or been forced out of the WMSCOG for not bringing in more converts. Once a person leaves they start to realize that things don't really add up over at the WMSCOG. For those who were never able to convince others to come into this group aren't you glad that you were unable to be effectively deceptive? My loved one had a lot of guily because she was able to convince some folks to study with the WMSCOG. We have been successful in showing how the WMSCOG is way off the mark to all but one of the folks that she talked into the group. The other one we have not been able to communicate with or else I think he would be out as well.

    I am very happy to know many people that are now ex-members that were never effectively deceptive.  

  • #68092


    Their doctrine is based on a lie. That's why it can never hold up. And is also the reason why so many people leave. And will continue leaving.


    It's just make me sick in my stomach to see my love one going to different public places day after day trying to convince people of joining this group, she even keeps a log of names and numbers of people she meets and next to their names how many times they have visited and if they joined or not, Fortunately most of the names i see there only go once or twice and don't end up getting baptized and if they do eventually they realized this is a lie and they stop going, but I know this take a big toll on her because it makes her feel miserable and guilty of not being able to bear any fruit. and maybe that's the reason she feel the need to be a zion everyday because somehow she needs to please mother and father.. because they are not really happy with her performance of bringing more talent.



    Doesn't she know that there are over two hundred scriptures that say directly or indirectly that there is only ONE GOD? One of these scriptures is in fact one of the ten commandments. How much of the Bible are they going to ignore in order to make their beliefs seem semi rational? There is well over a hundred scriptures that also inform us that we are saved by the GRACE OF GOD not by our own works. So much for gathering fruit. Of course, the fruit of the spirit has NOTHING to do with getting more people to buy into some crazy doctrine. So, what I am saying is that the members of the WMSCOG have to ignore over three hundred scriptures in order to possibly make their beliefs sort of work. I'm sure that the Bible says that if you take away from this word then you will have a share of hell in the afterlife. Why are these people being so blind? How many of their lessons require them to read only a certain part of scripture and then stop? How many different scriptures do they put together to make something seem real? Why can't they just learn what is written? Isn't the Bible the inspired WORD OF GOD? If they don't believe that then why are they even using the Bible in the first place?


    @Joshua, I've tried many different ways of showing those scriptures to my love one in the bible specially the book of Galatians, to me Galatians it's just a mirror of what's happening right now with this groups and many others, Paul the appostle had a hard time understanding how could so many of the gentiles who accepted Jesus Christ by grace and faith in him, were turned against by the Judiazers to the believe that it was ok for them to know that they will be saved by believing in Christ, but in addition they needed to OBEY THE LAW,  The whole purpose of God sending his one and only son was for no other reason than, giving us the forgiveness for all p*** and future sins, and in order for the law to die with in him in the cross, Why is this so impossible for people @ WMSCOG to process in their brains. It defies the whole purpose of Jesus Christ doing what he did so that we will still be living under the bondage of some group!

    People @ WMSCOG Think that they should live their lives in a perfect sinless manner and that keeping all these Sabbaths and Feast days will make them more Holy and take them into salvation. Like I said this is just a mirror of gatatians because just as it happened less than 2000 years ago history it's repeating itself by people at COG, trying to tell other people that their only salvation it's not just by grace, but Obeying the law, or I guess they made up laws and regulations.

    Even the bible says there is no other way that reaching into God, than by believing in the GRACE OF GOD, What this group is trying to do is making you believe and you could be save by your own works, I don't think it can get anymore clear than this… I really hope my love one like many others can realize that someday.



    There are two things about the WMSCOG that really defy logical thinking when it comes to God/Jesus. 1) Grace. We cannot save ourselves! The Law condems us to Hell by our own inability to keep it. It's ONLY by GRACE that we are saved. 2) The WMSCOG overall has a belief that Zahng is the red hefer and that she is a burt sacrifice for them every Tuesday in order to attone for sins. Talk about invalidating Jesus and His actions on the cross. They literally spit on what Jesus did for them. No one comes to the Father except through Jesus.

    I read something in another thread that basically said that Zahng was sick and it is because her children haven't stopped sinning. So people sinning is putting her in bad health and eventually might kill her? Why didn't they just do this in Heaven when they supposedly tried to kill her? I didn't realize that we had this kind of control over god. Talk about some foolish thinking. Once again I'm going to use this word, "Pathetic".

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