[See image gallery at www.examiningthewmscog.com] Below is the IRS Form 990 that the World Mission Society Church of God in Bloomingdale, IL submitted to the IRS in 2009. Click here to sign up for a free account and download your own copy of the tax return filed by the WMSCOG from GuideStar.org, or view the complete PDF below this article.
Jacob Lee is listed as the director and to members he is known as pastor Jacob Lee. Jae Hoon Lee is listed as the principal officer.
Note Line 28a. The WMSCOG denies that any of the officers have a direct business relationship through ownership in another entity.
It just so happens that the Pastor from the Ridgewood, NJ location, Dong IL Lee (a.k.a. Daniel Lee), owns a company named Big Shine Worldwide, Inc. (a.k.a. Big Shine Automation, IC Win, Philo Tech). See the Big Shine Worldwide, Inc business entity certificate for NJ below, where Dong Il Lee is listed as the President.
Big Shine Worldwide, Inc is a registered business in Illinois as well. See the business entity certificate below.
5-Big-Shine-Worldwide-ILDong IL Lee is also listed here as the President, and Jae Hoon Lee is listed as the Secretary of Big Shine Chicago (“assumed name” on the bottom of the certificate). Also note Sung L Hyun is listed as the registered agent on the business status report, and is also the accountant listed on Page 1 of the 990. It is left to the reader to draw his or her own conclusions about whether or not a business relationship exists.
Note Line 9a. The WMSCOG claims not to have any chapters, branches, or affiliates. Yet, on page 19 of the 990 below, the Texas church which the WMSCOG in Illinois claims to have purchased for $475,000 (line item 6).
In contrast to the the application for tax exempt status that the WMSCOG in Illinois (see Schedule A, page 12) filed in 2000, on the 990, they claim not to pay any of their Pastors. Why would they claim to begin paying full-time pastors a salary in 2001, but not include the any salaries on the 990 they filed 9 years later? Did the pastors get paid or not? If the pastors are not paid, how do the Pastors make a living? How do they pay for their basic expenses? Are they all independently wealthy? Well we can assume that Jae Hoon Lee is getting a paycheck from Big Shine Chicago where he is listed as the company’s secretary.
Note Line 2a. Between 2004 and 2008, the WMSCOG in Illinois claims to have collected over $2 Million dollars in donations (page 16), of which $793,086 (line 2g) was collected in 2008 alone. Where did all of this money go?
Note Line 2b. The WMSCOG in Illinois claimed not to have any chapters, branches, or affiliates on page 6, yet here they claim that they received $26,354 from a “parental church“. Is this “parental church” the General Assembly in South Korea?
Page 10–Note Line 24a. The WMSCOG claims to have spent $328,843 on “missionary” expenses. Former members have reported that they are expected or assigned to pay for the food served to the members at the church, floral arrangements, utilities (brown donation envelopes), numerous internet blogs (internet team/mission), expenses and plane tickets to Korea, etc., then what was this money used for?
Note Section A Part 1. It shows that the organization was growing exponentially, and over the course of 5 years accumulated $2,096,343 in donations, gifts, grants, etc. Again, do the members know how this money was spent? Does the WMSCOG print this information for its members? Is there an annual report available to its members? Members should seriously consider the complete lack of financial transparency before making any donations to an organization that teaches that these donations are required for their members’ salvation.
1-Bloomingdale-IL-990-2008Below is the application for tax exempt status that the World Mission Society Church of God in Ridgewood, NJ submitted to the IRS in 2008. Click here for more information on the application process and how to request your own copy of the application filed by the WMSCOG directly from the IRS. Just as other publicly available financial documents have raised numerous questions, the WMSCOG’s application for tax exempt status in New Jersey did not disappoint.
The application submitted by the World Mission Society Church of God lists the trustees as Joo Cheol Kim, Dong Il Lee (a.k.a. pastor Daniel Lee) and Bong Hee Lee (a.k.a. Betty Lee, Dong Il Lee’s wife).
Line 2a asks if any of the trustees are related to each other by family or business. The WMSCOG checked “no,” but two of the trustees, Dong and Bong Lee, are husband and wife.
Section VIII, line 1 asks if the organization supports or opposes political campaigns in any way. The WMSCOG checked “no.” This section specifically asks about “past, present and planned activities” in the description. It is a violation of the Johnson Amendment for a church to endorse or oppose a political campaign. Public records demonstrate that the World Mission Society Church of God, (under “World Mission Society Inc”) made a donation to a New Jersey gubernatorial campaign in 2004 in the amount of $2600. Were the members aware that their donations to the church would be used to support a political campaign? Highly unlikely.
WMSCOG-political-donationIt just so happens that Big Shine Worldwide, Inc. (owned by NJ pastor Dong Il Lee, a.k.a. Daniel Lee) also made a donation in the amount of $2600 to the same gubernatorial campaign. Is this pure coincidence? Also, unlikely. Presumably, Dong Il Lee as the owner of Big Shine Worldwide, Inc and trustee/lead pastor of the WMSCOG on the east coast, would have been the individual who authorized both checks.
Big-Shine-Political-Campaign-DonationLine 4a asks “do you or will you undertake fundraising?” The WMSCOG checked “no.” Below is proof that the WMSCOG has engaged in solicitation of donations. The WMSCOG even offered their sponsors promotions on their New Song Radio Station 89.1 WFDU in exchange for donations.
Donation-RequestLine 13a asks “Do you or will you make grants, loans, or other distributions to organization(s)?” The WMSCOG answered “no.” Yet on page 9, line 15, the WMSCOG claimed to have disbursed the following amounts in contributions, gifts or grants:
2008 | 2009 | 2010 |
$400,000 | $850,000 | $1,000,000 |
The WMSCOG was required to attach a list detailing these disbursements but failed to do so.
Line 15 asks “Do you have a close connection with any organizations?” The WMSCOG checked “no.” What about their connection to the WeLoveU Foundation, ASEZ, and other front groups? What about their close connection with the General Assembly in South Korea?
Line 1a asks if the WMSCOG has “a written creed, statement of faith, or summary of beliefs?” The WMSCOG answered “no.” Anyone who has been a member or encountered a current member of the WMSCOG knows that they do have a specific set of beliefs. Why did the WMSCOG choose to omit this information? Was it perhaps to avoid having to “attach copies of relevant documents” as required if they had answered “yes?”
Line 2b asks “Do you have a distinct religious history? If “Yes,” describe your religious history.” Again, the WMSCOG answers “no.” Yet, the WMSCOG claims to have been founded by a man they believe was the Second Coming of Christ, to be the only true church, the only path to salvation through their “mother god”, the only protection from disasters and including but not limited to the only church that follows the teachings of the Bible. If the WMSCOG believes that they are so special, why did they answer “no?”
On line 4b, the WMSCOG claims to have an average attendance of 300 people during regularly scheduled services, but claims to only have 100 members on line 7. In the WMSCOG, nonmembers (non-baptized members) are rarely allowed to attend regular services. So how then, do the non-member attendees out number the members by 3 to 1 during services? Current members and former members reading this will know that this would not be possible. The WMSCOG controls who attends services and who does not and members of the community are not welcome to just walk in and have a seat during a regularly scheduled service.
Line 11b asks, “Do you have schools for the preparation of your ordained ministers or religious leaders?” The WMSCOG answered “no.” Yet, the World Mission Society Church of God claims to have a Theological Seminary to “educate pastoral staff.”
Line 12 asks, “Is your minister or religious leader also one of your officers, directors, or trustees?” The WMSCOG answered “no” despite New Jersey’s head pastor Dong Il Lee’s name clearly listed as a trustee on page 2.
Line 14 asks, “Are you part of a group of churches with similar beliefs and structures?” The WMSCOG answered “no.” Yet, the World Mission Society Church of God claimed to have churches in 150 countries in 2011 (see paragraph 12) and churches in 175 countries as of April, 2020. Why the discrepancy?
This one page summary is worth the read, but of particular interest is the WMSCOG’s claim that:
Sundays are usually spent doing activities to glorify the Lord (such as attending near by soup kitchens and helping out, visiting the elderly in nursing homes, cleaning up trash around the community and nearby parks, giving out pamphlets to non-believers around the community, etc.) and to enjoy fellowship amongst the congregation. (30%)
Current and former members reading this will know that Sundays are predominantly for “Preaching Assembly.” Members typically gather in the church on Sunday mornings before going out in groups to recruit new members. Also of interest is that recruiting is not mentioned as an activity that takes place on any other day. Members are encouraged to attempt to recruit (or preach) new members every day, sometimes even in between services on Saturday.
How can this policy be taken seriously when it was copied word for word from this sample conflict of interest policy that is available online? It cannot, and there is nothing more to say about that.
The above application for tax exempt status includes an insurmountable number of inaccuracies and blatantly false statements. The World Mission Society Church of God claims to be lead by the “mother god” and when you claim to have god running your church, there is no room for errors. Therefore, the WMSCOG cannot claim to blame the accountant. Especially when the application was signed by pastor and trustee Dong Il Lee. Why didn’t Zahng Gil Jah attempt to correct any of the applications the WMSCOG submitted to the IRS in California, Illinois or New Jersey? The answer is simple. The WMSCOG is a deceptive cult that thrives in secrecy and Zahng Gil Jah is not god.
1023-Ridgewood-NJIn 2000, the World Mission Society Church of God in Bloomingdale, IL submitted an application for tax exempt status to the IRS. Click here for more information on the application process and how to request your own copy of the application filed by the WMSCOG directly from the IRS. In a recent post, we examined the application the WMSCOG filed for their Los Angeles, California location in 1999. Now let’s take a look at the application for tax exempt status that the WMSCOG filed in Bloomingdale, IL a year later.
Page 2 (Part II) – The WMSCOG provides a description of the activities of the organization. In contrast to the application filed for Los Angeles, California, a worship schedule is included. In section A paragraph III, the application states, “After every Saturday morning service, the feast is prepared by the pastor.” What feast could they be referring to? The Sabbath is mentioned in addition to the feasts in verses like Nehemiah 10:33 and 1 Chronicles 23:31, therefore it remains unclear why the “feast” is prepared after the first service every Saturday.
Note Section B where it states that Bible study is conducted biweekly on Wednesday evenings at 7pm for adults. In my time with the WMSCOG Bible studies were held every day and at all hours, sometimes until as late as 2am. The WMSCOG describes their Bible studies:
“Through the Bible, members recognize Christ who gave us life and forgiveness. Members understand Jesus’ teaching and sacrifice for salvation. So members should build faith on the foundation of the Apostles with Christ Jesus.” [sic]
No mention of Ahn Sahng Hong or Zahng Gil Jah in the stated purpose of the WMSCOG Bible studies? According to the WMSCOG, without believing in Ahn Sahng Hong and Zahng Gil Jah there is no salvation. Why then are neither of them mentioned here?
Page 3 (Question 4 & 5) – Note that WMSCOG general pastor Joo Cheol Kim is listed as the president of the organization (Question 4a). On the application for Los Angeles (Page 11 Schedule A), he was listed as the founding father of the WMSCOG. Yet in Question 5, when asked if the applicant is an outgrowth of another organization or if it has a special relationship with another organization by reason of interlocking directorates or other factors, the WMSCOG answers “No”. Why would the WMSCOG answer “No” to this question when Joo Cheol Kim is listed as the “founding father” of the Los Angeles location and the “president” of the Bloomingdale location? Is not the Bloomingdale location an outgrowth of the larger parent organization?
Page 8 (Part IV) – The WMSCOG documents $327,600 in revenue line 13 ($282,857 in excess over expenses line 24) between 7/1/2000 and 12/31/2000. Do any WMSCOG members know what the excess $282,857 was spent on? Why did they expect to collect less revenue than they collected in the first 6 months, in the next two years? Note line 17 that describes compensation paid to officers, directors, and trustees. The WMSCOG budgeted to pay it’s employees $10,000 and $12,000 in 2001 and 2002 respectively. Yet many members have informed us of claims by the WMSCOG in this location that “no one gets paid”.
[See image gallery at www.examiningthewmscog.com]Attached Schedule – The WMSCOG reiterates, “Compensation to pastor from March 1,2001, no compensation shall be paid before the date” [sic]. Why does the WMSCOG tell members that no one that works for the organization is paid a salary, and then budget to pay employees a salary on their application for tax exempt status?
[See image gallery at www.examiningthewmscog.com]Page 11 (Schedule A) – Question number 1 in Schedule A asks the organization to provide a brief history of the development of the organization and reasons for its formation. The WMSCOG provided the following answer:
“World Mission Society Church of God starts 07-01-2000. Reason to form the church is to spread Gospel which Jesus and apostles had built to neighbors, community, and whole world. Through the services and studies, church proclaims the love of God, and makes people realize what the true love of God is. Church helps people to reach truth and goal of their faith.” [sic]
As in the application the WMSCOG filed for Los Angeles, there is no mention of Ahn Sahng Hong or Zahng Gil Jah. There is no mention of Joo Cheol Kim, the “founding father“, here either. Why would the WMSCOG give a different answer to the same question just a year later? Could it be because they claimed not to have a relationship with any other organization on Page 3 Question 5?
Question number 6 asks the WMSCOG if their services are open to the public. The WMSCOG provided the following answer:
“Church publicizes its worship through local news papers and there is no criteria for admittance.” [sic]
Can anyone provide proof of any such advertisement? No criteria for admittance? Former members have reported to us that the WMSCOG does not accept walk-ins off of the street into their buildings. WMSCOG members are assigned to security detail and can be observed guarding the the doors before and after services. Former members have also reported having seen the WMSCOG threaten to call police to have unwanted visitors escorted off of the property.
Question number 9 asks what other religious services the organization will conduct. The WMSCOG answered:
“Baptism, wedding and funerals would be conducted by the church.” [sic]
As discussed during the analysis of the application for Los Angeles, the WMSCOG does not conduct, believe in, or allow their members to attend funerals. Why then would the WMSCOG list “funerals” as a service for a second time? Is this an attempt not to stand out among other churches filing for tax exempt status?
[See image gallery at www.examiningthewmscog.com]Page 12 (Schedule A) – Question number 16 asks the applicant to show how many hours a week the minster/pastor and officers each devote to church work and the amount of compensation paid. The WMSCOG answered:
“Pastor: 40 hours / week, $1000.00 / month (will start to pay from year 2001)”
It appears that the WMSCOG used to print and distribute church bulletins. Why did they discontinue this practice? Further examination of the publication may reveal some possible answers. Some of the inconsistencies noted are:
[See image gallery at www.examiningthewmscog.com]The WMSCOG attached a copy of their Bylaws to the application submitted to the IRS. Interestingly, there were no bylaws submitted with the application filed for the Los Angeles location a year earlier.
Section 3. Purpose. “The purpose of this Church shall be to preserve, pass on the principles of the early churches based on the faith of the early churches as taught by Jesus Christ to eventually to save the world through worship services, ministry, education, relief, and voluntary services.” [sic]
The WMSCOG does not include teaching its members about Ahn Sahng Hong or Zahng Gil Jah in their stated purpose for the church. Why does the WMSCOG continue to omit such an important part of their doctrine and yet advise the members to do otherwise? In a book titled, Boast About God Joo Cheol Kim writes:
If we know the true value, we should…also proclaim the value of the kingdom of heaven among the nations and reveal the glory of God, who has come as the Spirit [Ahn Sahng Hong] and the Bride [Zahng Gil Jah], to the whole world.
Since Joo Cheol Kim signed off on this application (see page 1), apparently this teaching does not apply to this tax-exempt application. Does Joo Cheol Kim not know the “true value” of his “gods”?
Section 5. Types of Membership and Admission – The WMSCOG claims to have two types of membership; An Active member who “agrees to the purpose of the Church and joins it” and an Honorary member who “made a special contribution to the Church or one with knowledge and experience as recommended by the society”.
What kind of “special contribution” warrants an honorary membership to the WMSCOG? How much does one need to pay for a ticket to heaven? How much does one need to pay not to have to observe the sabbath or any of the other feasts? What kind of “knowledge and experience” would one need to earn an honorary membership? What does Joo Cheol Kim say about this in chapter 2 “Faith With Knowledge and Faith With Deeds” of his book titled Boast About God?
Even though they know the words of God, if they do not put them into practice, they cannot correctly understand God’s will contained in the commands and laws of God, nor can they participate in God’s work of salvation, either. Knowing can be referred to as theory, and doing as practice. Through the principles of this world as well, we can see that nothing can be accomplished unless theory and practice are harmonized.
According to Joo Cheol Kim knowledge is not enough to be saved. This completely contradicts the requirements of the WMSCOG’s “Honorary Membership” described in their 1023 Bylaws. Does the honorary member obtain salvation despite not having to observe the sabbath or any of the other feasts?
Section 6. Membership Dues
What does the WMSCOG consider to be “Membership Dues”? Is this another term for the member’s “tithe”? There appears to be a requirement for monetary contributions in order to remain a member of the WMSCOG. From this, one can only conclude that salvation is not free in the WMSCOG. The WMSCOG also includes a no refund policy as part of their Bylaws.
“Dues or contribution which have been made already shall not be refunded regardless of the reason.” [sic]
Under Section 7 among the criteria that the WMSCOG lists for withdrawal of membership is “the member died”. I have personally heard WMSCOG members claim that “none of the members have or ever will die”. This statement would only be true based on the technicality that once the member is dead, he or she is no longer a member. The other reason for withdrawal that should be pointed out is “the member failed to pay dues longer than a year for no special reason”. Here the WMSCOG admits that they will kick members out of their church for non-payment. It is doubtful that most WMSCOG members are aware of this. [Click here to read a former member’s account where the WMSCOG kicked him out for inability to financially contribute].
Section 8. “In the event that the member has damaged the reputation of this Church or has acted in violation of the purpose of this Church or has violated his duties as a member, he shall be removed from the membership upon approval by the Church.”
Is the member removed even if the statement(s) allegedly made to “damage the reputation” of the church are true? There are no guidelines as to how this situation will be handled in terms of an investigation of the statements made or who within the church will give their “approval” to have the member removed. [Click here to read a former member’s account where the WMSCOG kicked her out for making true statements about her experience and then tried to get her to sign a non-disclosure agreement to stop her from telling her story].
Section 18. “This Church may conduct a profit-making business or if necessary may set up a special account.”
What is a “special account“? What type of money is put here?
[See image gallery at www.examiningthewmscog.com]The bylaws are dated October 25, 1997 but the WMSCOG did not file for tax exempt status until 2000. I wonder if the members were aware that their donations or “membership dues” during those three years did not qualify as tax deductible donations.
The application filed by the WMSCOG in Bloomingdale, IL seems consistent with the application filed in Los Angeles, CA in that it maintains the discrepancy between what the WMSCOG discloses to its members about their finances and what is disclosed to the IRS. There is great confusion over whether or not the pastors or other high ranking members are paid a salary by the WMSCOG. Current members should consider this very carefully. Either they are paid a salary or they are not. It can not be both. Why then would you give 10% or more of your income, just to remain a member of this organization? What are they really giving you in return? Are you paying for your salvation? The WMSCOG admits that they will disfellowship a member for non-payment. Where is that in the Bible? The WMSCOG says that one cannot receive salvation without believing in Ahn Sahng Hong and Zahng Gil Jah, in addition to many other requirements, but when it comes to speaking with the IRS, they only talk about Jesus. And what about honorary memberships? If you are in Bloomingdale, apparently you can pay for your salvation without having to observe the Sabbath and other feasts? As a member, how could you ignore these tremendous discrepancies between what the WMSCOG says to the IRS, and what they say to you?
Joo Cheol Kim urges that members “confidently” (Boast About God, p. 58) proclaim their beliefs about Ahn Sahng Hong and Zahng Gil Jah in an attempt to “save all human beings…telling them how to receive salvation” (Boast About God, p. 38) but fails to attempt to save the IRS. Why would the WMSCOG omit their beliefs in Ahn Sahng Hong and Zahng Gil Jah here? What would the WMSCOG say to a member if the member failed to disclose their belief in Ahn Sahng Hong and Zahng Gil Jah, and instead only spoke about Jesus Christ? I wonder if the member would be rebuked for so?
Next, we will examine the application for tax exempt status that the WMSCOG in Ridgewood, New Jersey submitted to the IRS in 2008.
1023-Bloomingdale-ILIn January 1999, the World Mission Society Church of God submitted their application to the IRS for recognition of tax exemption for their Los Angeles, California location. According to the IRS Tax Guide for Churches and Religious Organizations, churches that meet the requirements of a 501(c)(3) organization are not required to file an application for tax exempt status. Contributors to an organization that has been recognized as tax exempt by the IRS generally benefit from tax deductible contributions.
IRS Form 1023 is the application that a non-profit entity fills out in order to obtain tax exempt status. These applications are kept on file by the IRS and can be requested by any member of the general public. The form that a member of the general public must fill out in order to receive a copy of the entity’s tax exempt application is called Form 4506-A (instructions for filling out Form 4506-A).
The World Mission Society Church of God does not formally disclose any information about where the donations received by their members are allocated. This leads one to ask the question, “Where does the money go?” When I was a member, I was never told how much money was collected, where it was spent, and for what purpose. The lack of financial transparency within the WMSCOG leads me to ask further questions.
A thorough examination of the application that the World Mission Society Church of God submitted to the IRS in 1999 reveals the following:
Page 2 (Part II) – The WMSCOG provides a description of the activities of the organization. The WMSCOG states the following (punctuation, grammar, and capitalization without revision):
“Prayer services to strengthen the faith of the members in the works of the saviour Jesus Christ…Baptismal services will be scheduled on a monthly basis to welcome members to christian way of life and onto to the path to salvation…Wedding ceremonies to join together in holly matrimony men and women who attend the church and become devoted church members…Funeral services, to escort those members of the church who have been called upon by the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to join him on high…These [funeral] services would be arranged as members of the congregation and their families are called to join their Lord and Saviour…Bible readings, to enhance commitment of the spirit to ways of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ…” [sic]
First of all, baptisms are conducted in the WMSCOG at any hour of any day. The scheduling of baptisms must be something that has changed over the years. Wedding ceremonies to join devoted members? Does that mean that the WMSCOG does not marry members to non-members of the church? Funeral services? When I was a member, not only were members not allowed to attend funeral services for their deceased family members, but I was told that no member of the WMSCOG has or will ever die. Yet on the application, the WMSCOG claims to arrange funeral services for members of the congregation and their family members. What about Ahn Sahng Hong? There is absolutely no mention of him here. Why would the WMSCOG chose to leave that piece of information out if they believe Ahnsahnghong to be “god”? The WMSCOG preaches that without “god the mother” one cannot be saved. Why isn’t Zahng Gil Jah mentioned here either?
Page 4 (Part III) – Question number 11 asks if the organization is a membership organization. The WMSCOG checked off “NO” and although they were not required to fill out sections a, b, and c, they claim that members will receive “spiritual uplifting and fulfillment of christian lifestyle” in exchange for payment of membership dues.
Page 11 (Schedule A) – Question number 1 in Schedule A asks the organization to provide a brief history of the development of the organization and reasons for its formation. The WMSCOG provided the following answer:
“The World Mission Society Church of God, was founded by the founding father, Pastor Joo Cheol Kim in or about 1998 as a result of divine revelation from God. Pastor Kim had a message from God commanding him to preach the word of the living God to ‘all the world’. In the vision he was told to keep the faith of the holy apostles of Jesus Christ and to bring the message of God to all mankind.”
On their application for tax exemption, the World Mission Society Church of God tells the IRS that the organization was founded by Joo Cheol Kim “in or about 1998” (apparently they are not really sure). But on their official website, the WMSCOG clearly states that their church was founded by Ahnsahnghong in 1964. Why would the WMSCOG deny the founder of their organization on their application for tax exemption, if they believe Ahn Sahng Hong to be “god”?
Question number 3 asks if the organization requires prospective members to renounce other religious beliefs or their membership in other churches or religious orders to become members. The WMSCOG checked off “NO”. This is an obvious fallacy because WMSCOG members will not visit other Christian churches because they view them as pagan for worshiping on Sunday. When I was a member of the WMSCOG, I was told that if I entered another Christian church, that Satan would have the opportunity to “kill me spiritually”.
Question number 9 asks what other religious services, in addition to worship services, the organization will conduct. The WMSCOG answered:
“This church will perform BAPTISM in the name of Jesus Christ, baptism, and a host of the holy feasts for the Lord.”
In this video, the WMSCOG claims that people should be baptized in the name of the Holy Spirit (Ahn Sahng Hong). Yet they omitted this detail from their application for tax exempt status.
[See image gallery at www.examiningthewmscog.com]Page 12 (Schedule A) – Question 13 asks if the organization will ordain their ministers and if so what requirements need to be met. The WMSCOG checked of “YES” and explained that their ministers:
“Must be baptized in the name of JESUS CHRIST. Must study the bible for 6 months intensely. Must experience Gospel Ministry for 3 years and attended worship for at least 1 year.”
Again, there is no mention of Ahnsahnghong or ZhangGilJah. Why does the WMSCOG chose to omit these details that they view as foundational to their doctrine?
Page 12 (Schedule A) – Question 16 asks how many hours a week the minister/pastor and officers each devote to church, work, and the amount of compensation paid to each of them. The WMSCOG answered:
“There is no compensation at the moment as the church is just being organized. However, the pastor is already spending at least 60 hours a week organizing the church with no other employment.”
[See image gallery at www.examiningthewmscog.com]When I was a member and I completed the “Tithes and Offerings” study, I was told that none of the pastors, missionaries, or deacons were paid by the church. I was told that everyone obtained their income from “jobs” outside of the church. Interestingly, in response to Page 8 Part IV, the WMSCOG attaches their proposed budget for 1999, 2000, & 2001.
Below is a table that summarizes the data included in the WMSCOG proposed budget for 1999, 2000 & 2001.
1999 | 2000 | 2001 |
$10,000 | $17,000 | $27,000 |
There seems to be great disparity between what the WMSCOG reveals to its members about their finances and what the WMSCOG reveals to the IRS. Why would the WMSCOG claim to their members that “no one gets paid” during the “tithes and offerings” study, and yet submit a pastor/employee payroll? Why would the WMSCOG budget for funeral services when they discourage their members from attending them? A review of publicly available documents reveals tremendous inconsistencies. If you are a member, you may want to reconsider donating 10% or more of your income to this organization.
Next, we will examine the application for tax exempt status that the WMSCOG in Bloomingdale, Illinois submitted to the IRS in 2000.
1023-Los-Angeles_-CAThe United States Constitution affords all citizens the freedom to exercise the religion of their choosing. But when does a controversial religious organization such as the World Mission Society Church of God, cross the line from exercising the freedom of religion to committing religious fraud? Do potential members of the WMSCOG have enough information about the WMSCOG when they decide to join? Are potential members truly making an informed decision to join the World Mission Society Church of God? The World Mission Society Church of God’s recruitment efforts seem to raise some red flags.
What do these WMSCOG members gain by purposely withholding information in order to recruit? From the answers I received from WMSCOG members, I would say new recruits!
If a WMSCOG recruiter approached you and asked, “Would you like to join my church? As members we give up most of our free time, spend countless hours in the church and give the church 10% of our money”. Would you join? If someone was informed of the WMSCOG’s requirements and decided to join, that person would be absolutely within his or her right to do so. However, I personally witnessed WMSCOG members, with intent, withhold information in order to recruit new unsuspecting members by disallowing them to make a real informed decision. A religious organization should not, and does not have the authority to decide when a person can handle and can not handle the truth about its requirements for membership. This is deceptive recruiting, and religious fraud, period.
I recently started reading a book entitled “Boast About God” by Joo Cheol Kim, World Mission Society Church Of God general pastor. In Chapter 3, The Mission of Watchmen and Signs of the Present Time, Kim explains that frequently occurring natural disasters are signs that the world will be laid waste soon. Kim asserts that the only place people can flee to avoid disasters is the WMSCOG. Kim states that those who fail to realize that we live in the end times “have fallen into a deep sleep spiritually” (p. 29). Kim urges WMSCOG members:
…as watchmen of the truth, let us follow God’s command to save the world by leading all people to Zion where Elohim our Father and Mother dwell, who protect us from disasters through the Passover of the new covenant and give us the blessings of eternal life, so that we can repay Elohim for Their grace.
WMSCOG members are indoctrinated to believe that by recruiting more members they are repaying God’s grace. Is this supported by Scripture? Firstly, the Bible tells us that “grace and truth came through Jesus Christ“ John 1:17 not through a “father and mother”. See also Acts 15:11 “No! We believe it is through the grace of our Lord Jesus that we are saved, just as they are”.
Joo Cheol Kim stated on p. 29 that grace must be repaid by recruitment of additional members to the organization. But the Bible says the exact opposite.
“and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus“. Romans 3:24
“What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us”. 1Corinthians 2:12
“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord“. Romans 6:23
“…let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life”. Revelation 22:17
The Bible clearly tells us that God’s grace is the free gift of eternal life. By definition, a gift does not ever have to be repaid, otherwise it would not be a gift but debt.