This September

  • #73558


    I don't know about the 25th however, September 23rd has some interest.

    This website talks about the link to Revelations and also reveals some of the problems and contradictions with it.



    Thank you, Joshua.  I read the article, and it was clear. I think it's true, focusing on what Christ said about times and dates.  The time agenda the wmscog forces on their members is just another fear tactic to control and manipulate.



    You know that this date will come and go as well. What's really pathetic is that whatever excuse that the WMS makes up most of the members will just swallow. I wish they would look at what's real and leave this group of manipulators. Really I wish they would just close, lock, and chain the doors shut leaving behind a big sign saying we're sorry for misleading you for so long please forgive us.



    Yes. As the time gets nearer they test the members brain’s “faith”. And ask them, “did we ever say the world was going to end?” and they will shout ” no!” It is so sad , how they are so afraid…deep down at some point they must see they are being lied to. This organization finds Christianity to be a joke and they are literally laughing at the members.



    I remember them saying, “No man may know the day or the hour…but we can know the YEAR!”. Smh



    LMBO. I remember that as well. They would also say, ” didn’t noah know when the world would end”. They obviously don’t know the story very well.


    Mayor and Mike

    How many times will these people (people as in members of the c-o-g) make false predictions and believe them. My gosh! I’ll tell you what’s going to happen on September 23. Mayor and Mike is going to return home after a day of being out and about. Then he’s gonna sit in front of his fire place, crack open a bottle of wine, and celebrate the coming of Sunday, his next day off from work.



    LMBO. I know THAT’S right.



    marebear wrote:

    I am a former member, and I heard that through a youtube video they are claiming another world ending date (September 25th of this year].  Has anyone else heard this.


    The cult is gonna say that mama z was testing them again. LOL

    The cult is probably losing a lot of money and so they have to rile up their members to give more "free will offerings" using the threat of the end.



    That is true. . . well apparently the world did not end. I think it is a pattern to get the members hyped up after following the same routines for so long. If a certain date is brought up the members feel hope to see results for what they are doing.



    Maybe it was a spiritual ending of the world again!?! Facepalm! Most of the member will not see the obviousness of how wrong the WMSCOG is. They have been blinded to the truth! God has placed an alarm system inside of each of us. The WMSCOG programs people to ignore the alarm when it goes off. Just a clue for all of you current members out there, the alarm IS going off! Get out form under this pack of liars before it’s too late!



    Yes. I feel that the programming to ignore obvious issues and lies within the cult , comes with the consistent excuses the cult rebuttles any accusation with. For example, if zanhg were to get arrested they would turn to the bible where jesus was and call it prophecy.

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