Comments on: Changes in the Green Book – Part 1 – Removal of “Second Coming” References An in depth look at the World Mission Society Church of God Fri, 22 Apr 2022 05:46:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Damien Fri, 27 Sep 2019 01:39:49 +0000 thank you for this rattling post, I am glad I discovered this web site on yahoo.

By: Udjo Fri, 08 Feb 2019 06:30:52 +0000 The truth always prevails.
What is from God no man can stop.

By: 公主 Fri, 12 May 2017 22:12:56 +0000 呵呵,搞笑。如果稍微思考一点,就会知道,安商洪先生当时以那个时代的口吻来写这本书,当时的时代虽然以再临基督的身份出现,但依旧奉耶稣之名祷告,就像耶稣来临时也是奉耶和华之名洗礼、奉耶和华之名祷告一样。

By: mountainmom Tue, 27 Dec 2016 17:54:33 +0000 I agree, banks, and I don’t think most people with a loved one in the wmscog tells them they are going to burn in hell. However, that is most definitely what the member has told them. Also that they can’t trust them, and that they don’t know anything.

Trying to talk to them about the Bible is useless. I am no Bible scholar, but even those I know who are could not talk any sense into them. You can’t talk scriptures with people who are trained not to listen to you. In fact, they will shut you out very quickly if you try to talk to them about the Bible or quote scriptures to them. They all think they know better. It’s sad, but the arrogance and persecution come from the teachings of the wmscog. It would all be very simple if we could just use the word of God, as you say, and then that’s enough evidence that you aren’t talking down to them. It most definitely isn’t to them.

So far I’ve seen that nothing works except an intervention or the time comes when even THEY can’t believe the B.S. they are spewing anymore. And interventions don’t always work either. I think after they are in a certain amount of time, you lose that window of opportunity, too.

I also love some people in the wmscog. I don’t say everyone because I don’t know everyone, and I don’t love the leaders. It’s just a sad chapter in my life I wish was over, and it may never be because there is too much money involved in scamming members,and the leaders want to bleed them dry, in my opinion.

By: banks Tue, 20 Dec 2016 16:21:29 +0000 In reply to mark.

I don’t know why everyone is being so condescending toward each other. I don’t believe God wants us to act like this. I don’t believe in wmscog teachings at all. i actually lost my long time girlfriend to this place. But the word of God can not be force on someone who is not willing to accept it. the wmscog doctrine is so strong that they continue to go back to it whenever you question them. the best thing that you can do is just keep feeding them the bible to show them what’s wrong with what they are saying and pray that they eventually see the truth. Don’t say they are going to burn in hell fire because you are not God. you never know what the future holds for any man or woman. Jesus gives everyone a chance to accept him for salvation. the big thing that keeps people in wmscog is that they say that they are persecuted for what they believe in so they think that it makes what they say true. If you use the word of God then that’s enough evidence and then they can not say your talking down to them or persecuting them. God bless everyone. I love everyone in wmscog and i will pray for you all to come back to jesus christ.

By: UntouchableJ Sun, 13 Mar 2016 23:05:46 +0000 In reply to Wisdom.

But the scriptures DON’T actually speak of Christ coming again, as WMS claims. Thats like sayimg, “Many didnt recognize that Martin Luther King came to bring justice his first time.” Does that men he is coming, to be born and fight for Civil rights again?

By: Wisdom Sun, 13 Mar 2016 03:27:52 +0000 In reply to remco9519.

Be careful, your missing the fact that many Jews did not recognize Christ when he came despite all the evidence… so?

By: remco9519 Sun, 21 Dec 2014 20:42:30 +0000 In reply to mark.

You poor guy, don’t die while in WMSCOG for you will land in hell if you do. You’re doing the greatest sin against the commandment of GOD. You even replace him with korean gods ha. You are totally misled because you are too ignorant. Sorry if this hurts you but wake up my good friend before WMSCOG totally ruin your life. Your korean gods don’t even know english. How could they be gods. Wake up man, wake up. Who needs to repent? Not us, it’s you and your group.

By: T.H. Mon, 15 Dec 2014 18:09:45 +0000 In reply to mark.

Oh, another scripture twister trying to make all of us poor naves feel somehow inferior. Welcome to this website! You have a lot to learn.

By: mark Sun, 14 Dec 2014 03:18:51 +0000 You don’t know about the prophecies so just shut up all that slandering the WMSCOG. I’m very feel sorry about you guys, I wish that you can repent.Now I can see were will you end up if you will continue your evil plans.
