CBS NEWS South Korea WMSCOG Sued Pastor Jin and Lost

CBS NEWS: Pastor Jin-Sik Jin, Chairman of the Korea Christian Diplomatic Counseling Association, won the victory after two years of court battles with the World Mission Society Church Of God (WMSCOG).

To view a copy of the Suwon District Court (equivalent to federal court in the US), click here.

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1 Comment
  1. Tim says

    My marriage was ruined my this church. My now ex wife has been a member of this church for 2.5 years. Sadly she is forcing our young children to go as well. I firmly and strongly believe if she had never found out about this church from a now ex member we would still be married. I went to the bible study for a few weeks even after bring told I was wrong in everything I believed. I prayed for confirmation that if that was the right place for me I would go. I never got it. I left. I’m very much hoping my ex wife will wake up and leave this damaging cult soon.

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