Who Does Eve Represent According To Ahn Sahng Hong? “Visitors From The Angelic World”
The World Mission Society Church of God teaches that Eve is representative of their “mother god” or Zahng Gil Jah despite what their founder Ahn Sahng Hong documented in his books. As discussed in the article titled, “Who Does Ahn Sahng Hong Believe Is The Bride?”, Ahn Sahng Hong’s own writings prove that he believed that the bride represents the church. In Chapter 13 (The First Adam and The Last Adam) of “Visitors From The Angelic World”, Ahn Sahng Hong authors many clues as to whom he believed represents the last Eve. On page 49, Ahn Sahng Hong quotes the apostle Paul as stating:
But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ.
and then quotes John as stating:
The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray…
After quoting the above verses, Ahn Sahng Hong concludes on p. 50:
Eve represents the angels whom Jesus loved.
On p. 51 Ahn Sahng Hong states:
Jesus Christ loved His people as Himself…As Adam loved Eve, so Jesus loves us.
On p. 55 Ahn Sahng Hong writes:
…the saints who are redeemed can be called the last Eve.
In the above quotes Ahn Sahng Hong writes that Eve represents angels, us (people), and saints. According to Ahn Sahng Hong, Eve represents the members of the church and not a “female image of god”, “mother god”, nor “new jerusalem mother”. Despite Ahn Sahng Hong‘s interpretation that Eve represents the church, the WMSCOG teaches that the last Eve is Zahng Gil Jah. It does not make sense that the WMSCOG would teach something contrary to what the person they believed to be “god” wrote in his own books.
Is this one of the books WMSCOG uses? Please tell me it is so I can get my wife to look at it. The reason I ask is because on the cover of the book it has their name.
Yes this is one of the books that the WMSCOG uses. Your wife may have a copy.
I really need the full copy of the book.Where and how can I get it.???
do you have a book called: mother’s wish? by joo cheol
Yes we do.
I hate zion members I am interest to buy this book no one is ready to give this book